*** August mummies 2019 ***

Hey Nikki! So glad you’ve referred to your cramping, I’ve had it on & off today with unbearable bloating non of which I’ve had before so I’ve got no idea what’s normal given how they ended so soon.
I’m also finding certain smells unbearable. Fried eggs!!! :sick:

Hi Rosie....yeah I believe it's perfectly normal to have cramping in the first trimester.

I have had cramping since 4dpo. Mainly one sided and just light twinges. Some days had them most of the day. Others just on and off. But def been less last few days.

I feel your worry....I poas tonight just cos I wanted to see those lines. We booked early reassurance scan just because we have been TTC for so long and this is the first time we have ever had any kind of positive. No way could I have lasted until 12 weeks. Xx
I keep getting mild cramps, and have been trying not to worry about it. I seem to have become filled with worries overnight :| though everything I’ve read says not to.

Like I said I went through IVF, and had a lot of symptoms from the medication etc, my ovaries have only just started to shrink back down to a normal size now. So I don’t really know when those symptoms started to lessen and pregnancy ones take over. THe week before I took my test though I was getting nausea and had to walk out of a couple of places because of the smell.

My husband, probably awake because of me tossing and turning, discovered that the sweets Refreshers and Love Hearts help with heart burn, and while it doesn’t completely disappear it does lessen it a bit.
Yes the fatigue is starting to get to me too! Im 5 weeks today. I don't have any other symptoms aside from loss of appetite. I wonder how long that is going to last :lol:
I wouldn't worry about not having any symptoms Vespa, it doesn't mean anything. Some women just handle the hormones differently than others.x
I hope the nausea passes soon Dinky!x
Thanks but if it’s anything like it was with my second DS it’ll stay until about 28 weeks lol, god help me x
Hi ladies,

I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I got my BFP on Sunday which is the third this year following a miscarriage at 6+2 in June and a chemical pregnancy last month.

Reassuring the sperm is meeting the egg but can’t help but feel terrified at every twinge and pain the last 2 days!

If this one sticks I’ll be due 18th August :pray:
Everything crossed for you lovely! X
Hi Starrynight! What are the chances.
It looks like we’ve had a similar journey too. Here’s hoping for lots of luck for us both.
I don’t know much about viability scans, are they strictly private? I’m really anxious about the next couple of months waiting...

Got my BFP on Sunday too!!! Following to natural cycles my DD should be 22 of August !
Similar story for us here... had a MMC In August at 11 weeks...

I feel really happy and really cautious at the same time... but terrified to have to go through that again... this was our first time TTC last summer so hoping for a sticky bean this time !

Good to see we’re not alone in this on here though !
Best of luck for you too !! :)
Really seems that there are many of us on the same boat what comes to being happy and cautious at the same time after recent losses. Best of luck to us all!

I haven't got any cramps, just occasional nips in the lower belly area. Otherwise just very burpy and starting to be a bit tired. Very similar to what I had last time. Nausea started on week 6 then - looking forward to that...

At 4 DPO I did have an unusual sudden lower back pain that lasted less than 24 hrs and was not due to any injury. I ust could not walk straight all of a sudden. It was so odd that I linked it to possible pregnancy. Did anyone have anything similar?
Hi loves
How is everyone feeling?
I don’t feel like I’ve had many symptoms yet. Not really been sick but had on and feeling of being sick and some moments where I’ve had to gag etc.
Boobs still bit more tender - learnt running down the stairs to pee with no top on is uncomfortable as hell ha.

Feeling slightly more tired despite good sleep etc.
Have my first midwife appointment Jan 2nd.
Still doesn’t feel real so the excitement hasn’t kicked in yet.

Just nausea and cramps and tiredness for me. Baby is due on the 19th August so V early days and haven't told family or friends yet. But yay! Baby will be our 2nd, as we already have a 18 month old toddler called Evie :) Congrats to you all xx
Had scan she couldn’t date as so early she said she thinks 6 weeks yolk can be seen and what she said she thinks is fetal pole but can’t measure going back on 27th December for another scan she said all looks good not that it puts my mind at ease at all going to spend the time worrying at least till I see heartbeat
On my side I feel like... it’s so hard to explain!
I feel like I have no symptoms and at the same time I don’t want to do anything! Food tastes like it’s normal flavour although I don’t fancy it extraordinarily... I am just 4 weeks so this seems so early for any symptoms!
I have dizzy spells that last a few seconds (but feel like eternity) followed by hot flush feel!
And then right now I am shivering !

Had all same symptoms with last pregnancy in June (unfortunately MMC later) which I wasn’t looking forward to !

Anybody with similar feel?
Had scan she couldn’t date as so early she said she thinks 6 weeks yolk can be seen and what she said she thinks is fetal pole but can’t measure going back on 27th December for another scan she said all looks good not that it puts my mind at ease at all going to spend the time worrying at least till I see heartbeat

Thats all good news tigerlily....I know it's easier said than done but try to relax into it a little now if you can. Sending hugs x
On my side I feel like... it’s so hard to explain!
I feel like I have no symptoms and at the same time I don’t want to do anything! Food tastes like it’s normal flavour although I don’t fancy it extraordinarily... I am just 4 weeks so this seems so early for any symptoms!
I have dizzy spells that last a few seconds (but feel like eternity) followed by hot flush feel!
And then right now I am shivering !

Had all same symptoms with last pregnancy in June (unfortunately MMC later) which I wasn’t looking forward to !

Anybody with similar feel?

I have had a bit of nausea....like motion sickness and get that feeling if I bend down and straighten up a bit quick.

I have had some weird temperatures....like goosebumps and not being able to get warm. Then getting warm and getting cold again soon after for no reason.

So I don't think you are alone. Hormones will be kicking in even at 4 weeks so it's not impossible to be feeling some symptoms already x
Cramps are here strong this afternoon! Keep going to the bathroom to check I’m not bleeding. Last time I didn’t cramp at all before spotting began so hoping this is just “settling in” and nothing to be concerned about.
I might POAS in the morning just for some reassurance.
Hi ladies!!
Hello to all the new mummies!!

I started bleeding abit last night. Seeing how I go today as iv had cramps for the past 3/4 days. So hoping all isnt lost after my MC in October.
When I bled with my DS I went for an early scan. But I dunno what to do this time round, so just sitting tight and hoping for the best.

I hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Fingers crossed for you nicipoo.

My pregnancy super smell has been lurking for a few weeks but is really kicking this week.

I can smell the awkward teenage guy from across the office. And it isn’t good. Rationally I’m sure no one else has noticed, and he doesn’t smell that bad. But it makes me feel sick.:sick: Poor kid, I had to help him this morning and I was trying not to gag. I know it’s me and not him, and I’m being secretly bitchy. But man. Can I secret Santa him some deodorant? :x

I’m a horrible person.
Fingers crossed for you nicipoo.

My pregnancy super smell has been lurking for a few weeks but is really kicking this week.

I can smell the awkward teenage guy from across the office. And it isn’t good. Rationally I’m sure no one else has noticed, and he doesn’t smell that bad. But it makes me feel sick.:sick: Poor kid, I had to help him this morning and I was trying not to gag. I know it’s me and not him, and I’m being secretly bitchy. But man. Can I secret Santa him some deodorant? :x

I’m a horrible person.

Thread hopping here... but this made me laugh! You're not a horrible person at all! Pregnancy super smell makes me gag at everything... tough when I share an office with 6 guys, so I know how it is!
Hi ladies!!
Hello to all the new mummies!!

I started bleeding abit last night. Seeing how I go today as iv had cramps for the past 3/4 days. So hoping all isnt lost after my MC in October.
When I bled with my DS I went for an early scan. But I dunno what to do this time round, so just sitting tight and hoping for the best.

I hope everyone else is doing ok xx
Everything crossed for you xxxx
Fingers crossed for you nicipoo.

My pregnancy super smell has been lurking for a few weeks but is really kicking this week.

I can smell the awkward teenage guy from across the office. And it isn’t good. Rationally I’m sure no one else has noticed, and he doesn’t smell that bad. But it makes me feel sick.:sick: Poor kid, I had to help him this morning and I was trying not to gag. I know it’s me and not him, and I’m being secretly bitchy. But man. Can I secret Santa him some deodorant? :x

I’m a horrible person.
Lmao my pregnancy super smell is in too and I work in a petrol station, we get some right smelly people in there, I have to try and breathe through my mouth x

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