*** August mummies 2019 ***

So today was one of those appts were you wonder why you even were there. I hate it when docs speak at 100mph and despite taking in what she said I just felt like I still didn't really know why I was there today.

So she is booking me in for cervix checks at 16 20 24 weeks. (I'm 15+2 and thought that's why I was there today....hence me feeling a bit lost) she said no no today was to 'make a plan' altho she basically just asked me if I felt ok and made the rest of the plan from my notes....which is why I couldn't understand why they hadn't just booked those checks in.

But never mind...im pleased to be getting the checks. She said if during any of them to cervix appears to be thinking or dilating they will put a surgical stitch in to hold it closed.

So I feel a bit blah this afternoon....I thought to say would reassure me and instead I'm just more anxious again.

Back on Valentine's day for my cervix check! Xx
So today was one of those appts were you wonder why you even were there. I hate it when docs speak at 100mph and despite taking in what she said I just felt like I still didn't really know why I was there today.

So she is booking me in for cervix checks at 16 20 24 weeks. (I'm 15+2 and thought that's why I was there today....hence me feeling a bit lost) she said no no today was to 'make a plan' altho she basically just asked me if I felt ok and made the rest of the plan from my notes....which is why I couldn't understand why they hadn't just booked those checks in.

But never mind...im pleased to be getting the checks. She said if during any of them to cervix appears to be thinking or dilating they will put a surgical stitch in to hold it closed.

So I feel a bit blah this afternoon....I thought to say would reassure me and instead I'm just more anxious again.

Back on Valentine's day for my cervix check! Xx

Sort of what I expected. At least we get to see lots of baby. Every cloud I suppose. Did she mention anything about a pessary? I'm not sure if it's a trial but I've heard it hardens the cervix or something? X
Hi Guys, just a quick update. I had my 12 week scan yesterday and after a few falls and illnesses, was relieved to see Baby wriggling around (and being a bit stubborn and uncooperative ;) ) My due date was the 19th of August but I have been measured at 12+6 days, and Baby is now due the 15th of August - my wedding anniversary is the 13th :) So pleased! Here's a pic for all you, any guesses as to gender yet? I know it's too early really but just for fun. I already have a 18 month old daughter and cannot picture anything other than a girl but that might just be my lack of imagination :P Hope you all are well! x

12 week scan vupright.jpg
Sort of what I expected. At least we get to see lots of baby. Every cloud I suppose. Did she mention anything about a pessary? I'm not sure if it's a trial but I've heard it hardens the cervix or something? X

No mention of pessary. And yeah every cloud def true. Altho my doc seemed to be talking more about examination than scans but that could just be me getting wrong end of the stick x

My notes say needs TV in pregnancy. I got these in the post signed for. No ones really spoken to me about it so I'm a bit in the dark. Be glad to have my appointment, just got to wait till 1st April of April x
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My notes say needs TV in pregnancy. I got these in the post signed for. No ones really spoken to me about it so I'm a bit in the dark. Be glad to have my appointment, just got to wait till 1st April of April x

Guess that means tranvaginal scans? Docs said today that they could.do checks through my tummy or internally....which I found odd. Don't see how they can check cervix other than through the vagina!?! Lol
Guess that means tranvaginal scans? Docs said today that they could.do checks through my tummy or internally....which I found odd. Don't see how they can check cervix other than through the vagina!?! Lol
Unless he means checks via ultrasound or TV? Hmmm you'll find out soon enough lol x

Just want to say if anyone is still struggling with morning sickness, my gp recommended anti nausea bands, (like for travel sickness). Ordered some and they arrived a few days ago and really do seem to be helping. only time I’ve really had a bad spell was when I took them off while cooking, (and then was too sick to eat anything I’d made )

What was interesting is that instead of getting nauseous every few hours, I started getting HUNGRY instead. So definitly got my appetite back ha.

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