August 2006 Babies

I'm due August the 5th though the midwife said I was possibly plus two weeks (is that normal or was she just hedging her bets!) can I be in your club?!?!?!

Hell ladies, hope you are all well, can someone please tell me where I can get one of those cute timelines, I'm new to all this and feeling left out without one!!!!

Thanks Kat x
Welcome Kat

Im due 2nd Aug but my babe is likely to make an appearance before than due to problems.

I will post my ticker on here and just go to their website to create your own.


I'm due August the 3rd and I'm having a little girl. She's really active at the moment and is determined to let me now she's there. I'm beginning to feel like an extra in 'Alien' I hope this awkwardness isnt a sign of things to come!
Only found this forum last week.

My EDD is 2nd August. Though the scan date puts it at 2 days early, as this is within a week my official EDD hasn't changed.

Starting to get really nervous now as it is suddenly very close!
Welcome Nicky_Jones.

Im also a Nicki and my EDD is 2nd Aug. Im having a caesar on 27th July but this is depending on whether she arrives before!!!!

Hello sorry i not been in for a while, how u all doing ?
I am due 26th august but went to see consultant yesterday and he said he gonna see me again on 16th august and will do a sweep, does anyone know if this hurts or is uncomfortable at please.
baby moving lots and lots and getting lots of kicks in my ribs.

speak soon
just to let u all know i had a baby boy on 25th august at 8.14pm called harvey, i was told he would weigh prob about 8lb but he actually weighed 9lb 11oz and i was in labour for 14 hrs 14 mins.

has anyone else had their babies yet.

julie xxx
Hello not been in for a while , congrats imi on ur baby girl maddie.
harvey is now 10wks old and weighs 14lb 7oz he a hungry baby .
so how are u all doing, does noone come back in here anymore and leave messages.
congrats to all the new mums
speak later bye for now xxxxxxxxx

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