*** August mummies 2019 ***

I am so so scared of having a miscarriage. I had these cheap tests and I will been testing and my lines look faint. I'm thinking I'm going to have a miscarriage. I don't know if my fears are rational or if this is because of what happened and if I will be like this the whole pregnancy. But I have a digital test arriving today so I can see for sure. If it says not pregnant I don't know what to do I suppose I would need to go to the doctor to see what's going on.
Lynsey - have you got a FRER?
Digi’s aren’t that sensitive and ladies tend to only use them once they get a good line on a FRER.
Is it possible you could hold out on the digi chances are it could tell you not pregnant when you actually are. X
I've uploaded a picture of my tests.
Done 2 Tesco ones today and they were positive but the frer not getting darker.
Not sure what to make of it. Xx

Hey Lynsey honey, how many DPO are you? You got a super early BFP, right?
I would wait atleast another 48 hours until you test again so you give the hcg a chance to double.
Fx for you x
Actually don't know when I ovulated. Also don't even believe my cycle would have been normal this month. I started testing really early but the first decent line was on 3rd December and today I don't think the line has got any darker. Can't really do anything but wait I suppose .Xx

I believe I’m due on the 5th :-) exciting times ladies
Hey ladies! Congrats on your BFPs!! :bfp:
There wasn't an August thread yet so might as well start it!

Let me know your due date and I will add it to the calendar!

4. xphoenix :cheer: Nikkibiscuit :cheer:
6. Hearyoume :cheer:
11. Nicipoo91 :cheer: MrsWoody :cheer:
13. Kitana :cheer:
14. Lynsey :cheer:

Happy and healthy 9 months to us all!:dust::dance:
Hi, fellow August mums. This is my first, feeling excited/worried/nervous! I'm due on the 3rd August. Looking forward to hearing how everyone is getting on!
How is everyone doing with symptoms?

I feel like my boobs are getting more engorged....nipples constantly changing colour...have had raised white spots too. Feel most comfortable oddly when I'm supported in a bra....usually I love that bra off feeling when you get in from work.

Still having cramps inside my right hip ...been there since 4dpo. Occasionally switched to left side but 99% of the time is one sided. Not painful really just there.

Less than 2 weeks now until early scan....Just keeping everything crossed our little bean is sticking right x
Actually don't know when I ovulated. Also don't even believe my cycle would have been normal this month. I started testing really early but the first decent line was on 3rd December and today I don't think the line has got any darker. Can't really do anything but wait I suppose .Xx
Lynsey, can you get blood tests to track your HCG? These early days are so nerve-wracking and after a loss the anxiety is unbearable. I really hope this is it.

Congratulations to all the august moms!
Ladies...I think I have missed the boat this cycle but will be jumping on Dan when he gets back tomorrow and I so want to join you ladies. If successful I would be due Spetember 3rd, but elective C section so I'd be in this group. I really want to be in this group.

Send me all your baby dust ladies. Kieran would love a little brother or sister.
Hi Everyone, haven’t been on here in a while.

I had a chemical in October and then my mum fell seriously ill a couple of days later, she’s still in hospital.

But here I am 5 weeks pregnant today. Tests are getting progressively darker and I’ll have it confirmed on Monday by my GP.

I’m due August 9th :D
My symptoms appeared about a week before my test I had IVF, and was told to test on a certain day, I ended up testing a day early and It just felt like “well yes of course you are” I’m just hoping it sticks now. I have the horrendously name “viability scan” in my 7th week on the 20th December.

Im getting light nausea, fatigue and EXTREMELY ACHY BOOBS

Fingers crossed for you GG :-)
Not pregnant on a digital today and my frer line is getting lighter.
Feeling like it's over now. Got carried away and jumped in to early I think.
Congratulations to everyone. So happy for you all.
Hi Everyone, haven’t been on here in a while.

I had a chemical in October and then my mum fell seriously ill a couple of days later, she’s still in hospital.

But here I am 5 weeks pregnant today. Tests are getting progressively darker and I’ll have it confirmed on Monday by my GP.

I’m due August 9th :D

Vespa I thought you had been quiet on here. Sorry about your chemical hun. I had one last cycle too!! Hoping for my December bfp.
Did you ov earlier after your chemical?

Sorry to hear about your mum! I hope she is going to get better very soon.

Baby dust for your sticky bean hun xxx
Not pregnant on a digital today and my frer line is getting lighter.
Feeling like it's over now. Got carried away and jumped in to early I think.
Congratulations to everyone. So happy for you all.
Lynsey sounds like a chemical hun. I am sorry xx
Vespa, that's amazing, huge congrats! Sorry to hear about your Mum, hope she is okay.

Lynsey, so sorry, one of the downsides of getting early BFP sometimes :hug: . Use OPKs for your next cycle so you know roughly when you have ovulated.

I should be 1DPO tomorrow, if I get a BFP this cycle I will be due 29/30 August, really hope I get to join this thread! x
I’m sorry Lynsey, I know exactly how you feel. It’s not much comfort I know but at least we know that sperm met egg so it’s possible!

Keep going, it’ll happen for you very soon.
Vespa I thought you had been quiet on here. Sorry about your chemical hun. I had one last cycle too!! Hoping for my December bfp.
Did you ov earlier after your chemical?

Sorry to hear about your mum! I hope she is going to get better very soon.

Baby dust for your sticky bean hun xxx

Sorry Char, completely missed this earlier! Thank you :hugs:

Mum got bacterial meningitis and nearly died so it’ll be a long road back but she’s doing pretty well all thing considered and she’s a fighter.

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