August 2006 Babies

Hi girls,

Hope you are all doing well - just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow Hayley. Bet you can't wait!! We have our scan on the 13th Feb - seems ages away but I know it will fly by!!

Do any of you have your scan dates yet??

Love your 'bod' Anna Marie, its just incredible to think its so well formed so quickly!!
Hey everyone!!!

Docs went ok yesterday.. referred me to MW who rang me to arrange an appointment for monday :? Have to re-arrange it tho, got dentist instead :(

I have my 12w scan on the 9th of feb i shall be 12w 4d then and i can;t wait :D (Even tho OH won't be here with me)..... :cry:

Goodluck for tomorrow hayley ... i bet your really excited !! i can't wait to hit the 2nd trimester!!!!

Anne marie .... how you doin hun?? your sounding blooming marv!!!!! And alot more relaxed!!!

Hello to everyone iv'e missed out... gosh theres so many that i can't remember you all!!! hope your all doing really well and feel ok... Goodluck for all your scans!!!!

Well take care all...
Rest and relax!!!
Love Imi+Bean

Hello this is my 1st time in the forum and was looking august due dates, i am due 30th august with my 3rd child my bump is quite big people keep saying im having twins lol. I also worry when i go the loo i will be more at ease when i go for my scan on valentines day, i have gone off mcdonalds and other foods and not been sick just felt sick and i have actually got boobs now ha ha.

Hope u all well
Hi Girls,

Nice to have you with us Julie! There are a couple of us that I know of on here waiting to find out if its one or two babies they have in there!! Tankett is one, and I'm another!!

How is everyone? Although I have seen most of you posting elsewhere, Imi doesn't seem to have been around for a bit - are you ok!?!

Anyone got any news? I'm just waiting for my scan, and its dragging!!

Sam, how did you get on at your midwife appointment?

Hope you are all well,

Em xxxxxx
Hiya Em, my midwife app. was crap! That's why i didn't post anything!
She just booked my booking in app, where the midwife will visit my home. This is on Sat 11th Feb. Then she booked me in for a scan on the 17th Feb! I'm so excited about this, although I have already had a sneaky scan as I had a scare last Thurs!

How did yours go? Have you got your scan date yet?

Here is my scan, bean is between the two +'s!!!

WOW!! Thats amazing to be able to see!! You must be so relieved that all is ok too.

My midwife app was much that same. I filled in the form to get free presciptions, & she made an app to come to my house on the 15th feb. The hospital wrote to me the day after with a scan date fro the 13th feb. I'm so pleased that I get to have my scan before I see her, as I think it will of hit home by then - I'm still walking round in a bit of a dream about it!!

So pleased you & your bean are ok, I'm just off to order some maternity gear from Next as none of my trousers fit me already - although I think thats more to do with the amount I'm eating!!
Hello thanks for the welcome, emma i have been in maternity trousers now for a couple of weeks now lol.sam the scan pic is lovely i cant wait to go for my scan which is on valentines day.

I wonder if they say 1 baby or 2 babies i will be like :o my husband and mum will be on the floor with shock if they say we having twins.

hope u all well

Hello thanks for the welcome, emma i have been in maternity trousers now for a couple of weeks now lol.sam the scan pic is lovely i cant wait to go for my scan which is on valentines day.

I wonder if they say 1 baby or 2 babies i will be like :o my husband and mum will be on the floor with shock if they say we having twins.

hope u all well
Hey Everyone.

How are you all?

Sam I hope today was not too bad.. hugs x

Feeling less nauseas this week.. which is good but still sooooooo tired all the time.. and feeling rather frumpy and ugly.... ho hum.

Anyone had any more scans this week? On Monday I had another scan and little Bod now looks more real.. well the face does anyway.
Scan next Wednesday is the NT scan so a bit worried about that.

Just wanted to check in with you all and say hi..

take care of bumps
Hello Girls!!!

Glad to hear your all doing well!!!!!!!!

Well all systems go 4 me here in warrington ....

Since my scare i have had a scan at 8w4d as you can see by my ticker, im growing a lovely bump and have been in maternity clothes for a few weeks now!!

I had the midwife app on wed and i have been reffered to the consultant due to the fact i have been classed as a high risk pregnancy :? Trying not to worry about it to much, im just counting myself lucky that im having an extra eye on me!

I too have filled out the form for my free perscriptions... saves me a few pennies!!! And i have been really naughty and ordered and paid for my pram :oops:

My next scan on the 9th of feb, and i have the consultant soon after followed by the midwife and the dentist!!!

Loving the shopping at mothercare... i must recomend the mothercare card it's fab for your nursery plan!!

Glad all you ladies are fit and well, thank you for worring about me but i have just been feeling a bit under the weather and sleeping loads and resting!!!

Catch up with you all really soon, your scan pics are lovely!!!

Hope all appointments go well for you all in this following week...

Love Imi+Bean
xxx :D :D :D
I have my first scan tomorrow (12 wks) but have read that another scan can be done privately which is more detailed and gives a more accurate result? I know that this one is basically to check for Downs and they do a blood test and an ultrasound but are there any more scans that you can get? I have looked on the net and wonder if they were just referring to the second scan at 20 weeks?
Hello Ladies!!.......

I just thought i'd let you all know about a scan you can pay for privetly... it's called babybond and the scan is dimentional ... you can get 4d, 3d, or 2d.

They are dating scans and are detailed... you can pay for all diferent types of scan though... there are different types depending on what you would like... but are quite pricey but it hasn't put me off!!!

The link is .... it explains different things about the scans, where the nearest centre is to you, the price and shows you a photo gallery of others scan photo's.

Hope this helps you moo, this is the cheapest and most recommended site i have found/been told of.

When you have a scan you pay for a package of scan photo's and a few packages even offer you a DvD of your bean!!! (Well it's a baby then they on do the scan after 18w i think?!)

Anyway like i said hope this helps.... takecare

Love Imi + Bean
Laura ...

Can you please change my due date ... im now the 20th of Aug not the 22nd, Thank you !!

Hi Laura

I had my scan and what a tense and exciting time rolled into one!! All is o.k so far, so i feel slightly blessed at the mo!! :D

My little bump was bouncing about, like no ones business!!!

Just to let you know my date has changed to the 15th August now!!

I would be interested to know how much weight you guys have put on, a
i have put on about 5-6llbs son far :?: ( now 12 wks and 2 days!!)

Anyway look forward to your scan stories, xx
Sam hun...

How did you post your scan pic??? Thanks chick..

Hey you!!

I missed this aswell sorry!!!! :lol: :roll:

You open up a photobucket acount, then add photos from your files on the computer. Then paste the link that begins with IMG (i think it's that one anyway!)
I'm really confused at the moment, must be pregnancy brain setting in!

Hope this helps! xx
Hello girls i not been in much i been so busy lately and i can say the sickness feeling has now gone and have now got a craving for chicken & mushroom pot noodles, have any of u got any cravings at all.

My scan date is 1 wk on tuesday oh i cant wait and have ben told that their is twins in the family on both sides now so we will know soon. I have now decided not to find out the sex of the baby.

How are u all doing ?

speak soon

julie x :D
Hi Juey

good luck with your first scan.. its amazing to see your little bean on the screan... and twins.... wow twice the fun! good luck... let us know as soon as you find out! it'll be your second scan where they'll ask you if you want to know the sex or not.. at the 12 week one they can't tell. Also they might change your due date.. it seems like most people get told a different date to what they originally worked out.... I was told 6th August by my doc but by my dates i was 4th.. after my scan i was told my due date is 31st July....

Good luck

Hey Julie, was it your scan today? How did it go?

How are you other August Mummies doing?

I've got my 12 week scan on Fri at 9am......I'm so excited!!!

Sam xx
Hello all .....
Excuse me if this doesn't make sence im still off my head on entonox and morphine...

Been in hosptial for over a week and got out 2day ... baby is fine and i had my 12w4d scan .... im actually 14weeks on wed instead :)
EDD 17th Aug now...

I had severe pain in my left abdomen and they kept me in till now ...

Im ok so is bean ... it scared the sh8t outta me tho but all is ok ....

Next scan 30th march ...

Take care love alaways


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