*** August mummies 2019 ***

Glad I’m not alone, it’s so easy to feel lonely at times isn’t it! It was my first pregnancy and I don’t think I’ll ever feel as excited as I did that time, just want baby here now.. 9 months seems such a long time! I’ll keep everything crossed for you xxx
Everything crossed for you too! Mine was my 4th pregnancy and 2nd miscarraige but first missed one, I was 15+5 when I miscarried but baby had passed away around 14 weeks, I lost my dad when I was 14 weeks pregnant so I think it may have been something to do with that, even though the experts will tell you it’s not possible! I’m finding it hard to get excited but also hard not to, it’s a weird feeling lol xxx
I'm so sorry for your loss Coffee.... Still hope the doctor will give you good news. Sending you loads of hugs... :hug:
Hi all!

Just had my bfp for the second time this year, after having a missed miscarrige in October. The anxiety this time round is unreal! The fact I currently have tonsillitis isn’t helping as I’m so paranoid that anything will harm the baby, have a GP appointment booked first thing in the morning so hopefully they will sort it!

I’m due 11th August, really hoping we get there! X

Welcome Rainbow2019!!!
I was pretty parannoid with medication during my first pregnancy and still am now! I have caught a virus from my DD and feel like my throat is on fire! But will only dare to take paracetamol when I can't handle it anymore (and after childbirth, I'm pretty sure any woman can handle ANYTHING!) :lol::rofl:
Char and Emma, hope you girls can join us soon! There is loads of space on the board! Let's fill the whole month with BFPs!:dust:

Unfortunately if i do get my bfp this cycle i wont make it to the August mummy thread. I will be a September mummy! Obvs i will be dipping in to see how your all getting on anyway regardless of my outcome!! xx
I'm so sorry for your loss Coffee.... Still hope the doctor will give you good news. Sending you loads of hugs... :hug:

Thank you. It looks like my period has started. Getting ready to call the dr in an hour when they open.
Everything crossed for you too! Mine was my 4th pregnancy and 2nd miscarraige but first missed one, I was 15+5 when I miscarried but baby had passed away around 14 weeks, I lost my dad when I was 14 weeks pregnant so I think it may have been something to do with that, even though the experts will tell you it’s not possible! I’m finding it hard to get excited but also hard not to, it’s a weird feeling lol xxx

So sorry to hear of your two angel babies, and your Dad’s passing. I always wonder if anything happened which caused me to miscarry, but I suppose we’ll never know! I’m the exact same with getting excited, it’s a nightmare!
Welcome Rainbow2019!!!
I was pretty parannoid with medication during my first pregnancy and still am now! I have caught a virus from my DD and feel like my throat is on fire! But will only dare to take paracetamol when I can't handle it anymore (and after childbirth, I'm pretty sure any woman can handle ANYTHING!) :lol::rofl:

The doctor has just said it’s viral anyway (isn’t it always viral!) so paracetamol only atm! Hoping it gets better soon, feeling ill coupled with the tiredness of pregnancy and having a puppy is all a bit much.. clearly I like a challenge lol! Xx
So sorry to hear of your two angel babies, and your Dad’s passing. I always wonder if anything happened which caused me to miscarry, but I suppose we’ll never know! I’m the exact same with getting excited, it’s a nightmare!
Thankyou hun! I have my whole body crossed for both of us xxx
How’s everyone getting on with morning sickness and symptoms etc etc?

I think I’ve been nauseous for the last 3 months or so thanks to ivf :sick: but it’s really kicked up a notch or two the last few weeks. And now I’m at the ‘dramatic fast walk to the office bathroom’ stage a few times a day.

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I’m 5+4 today and no nausea.

Tender boobs and pressure in my lower abdomen but apart from that nothing!

Trying not to get worried, I miscarried at 6+5 in March and hadn’t had any nausea then either but it’s still early and not everyone gets it so I’m trying not to think about it.
I’ve never had morning sickness in any of my pregnancies but I do get all day nausea lol! It’s started kicking in properly since I went for that meal on Saturday night, heartburn the last 3 days has been disgusting, my boobs absolutely kill me and I feel like I could sleep for a week or so lol!
Yes the fatigue is starting to get to me too! Im 5 weeks today. I don't have any other symptoms aside from loss of appetite. I wonder how long that is going to last :lol:
I wouldn't worry about not having any symptoms Vespa, it doesn't mean anything. Some women just handle the hormones differently than others.x
I hope the nausea passes soon Dinky!x
Hi ladies,

I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I got my BFP on Sunday which is the third this year following a miscarriage at 6+2 in June and a chemical pregnancy last month.

Reassuring the sperm is meeting the egg but can’t help but feel terrified at every twinge and pain the last 2 days!

If this one sticks I’ll be due 18th August :pray:
Hi ladies! Joining this thread as I should be 4+2 weeks today. Bit anxious as I will be 40 when baby due; first baby, second pregnancy. Had a mmc in April at 7 weeks and got lucky again only now. It is early days, but hope this one sticks.

Have not had confirmation other than the home test, but referred myself to hospital yesterday for first checks. Not sure when those can be arranged at this time of year, so thinking about a private viability scan before xmas. Is a viability check even possible before 6 weeks (I'd be max 5+5)?
I am going to my parents place for the holidays and they will guess what is going on if I don't have wine at the xmas table & at new year - too long a stretch to explain by antibiotics ;) . Just don't want to get them excited before any sort of indication that something is actually there. Considering my age, the odds are not great.

My due date should be 18 August.
Hi ladies,

I hope you don’t mind me joining you. I got my BFP on Sunday which is the third this year following a miscarriage at 6+2 in June and a chemical pregnancy last month.

Reassuring the sperm is meeting the egg but can’t help but feel terrified at every twinge and pain the last 2 days!

If this one sticks I’ll be due 18th August :pray:

Hi RosieC - we seem to have joined this thread minutes apart and DD buddies as well :) Fingers crossed!
Hi RosieC - we seem to have joined this thread minutes apart and DD buddies as well :) Fingers crossed!
Hi Starrynight! What are the chances.
It looks like we’ve had a similar journey too. Here’s hoping for lots of luck for us both.
I don’t know much about viability scans, are they strictly private? I’m really anxious about the next couple of months waiting...
Hi to all the new additions.

Looks like the thread is filling up nicely.

I am 6+2 today and now only 8 sleeps until my early private scan. Really hope I get to see a heartbeat. I think I need that reassurance.

Symptoms still mild....cramping been light and intermittent....but now getting less frequent. Haven't had many the last 3 days. No nausea really just a touch with certain food smells. Feeling lucky in a way but equally some symptoms helps me relax a bit cos then I know things are still going on x
Hi to all the new additions.

Looks like the thread is filling up nicely.

I am 6+2 today and now only 8 sleeps until my early private scan. Really hope I get to see a heartbeat. I think I need that reassurance.

Symptoms still mild....cramping been light and intermittent....but now getting less frequent. Haven't had many the last 3 days. No nausea really just a touch with certain food smells. Feeling lucky in a way but equally some symptoms helps me relax a bit cos then I know things are still going on x

Hey Nikki! So glad you’ve referred to your cramping, I’ve had it on & off today with unbearable bloating non of which I’ve had before so I’ve got no idea what’s normal given how they ended so soon.
I’m also finding certain smells unbearable. Fried eggs!!! :sick:
Hi Starrynight! What are the chances.
It looks like we’ve had a similar journey too. Here’s hoping for lots of luck for us both.
I don’t know much about viability scans, are they strictly private? I’m really anxious about the next couple of months waiting...

I presume they are private - somehow I have the idea that NHS won't offer any scans before week 7?

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