*** August mummies 2019 ***

Fingers crossed for you nicipoo.

My pregnancy super smell has been lurking for a few weeks but is really kicking this week.

I can smell the awkward teenage guy from across the office. And it isn’t good. Rationally I’m sure no one else has noticed, and he doesn’t smell that bad. But it makes me feel sick.:sick: Poor kid, I had to help him this morning and I was trying not to gag. I know it’s me and not him, and I’m being secretly bitchy. But man. Can I secret Santa him some deodorant? :x

I’m a horrible person.
I have my own cafe and there is a couple that come in nd the lady smells like sick and I swear I could smell her about 30 mins before she came in and then all afternoon!!
It's super pregnancy powers lol.

I'm booked in for a scan on Monday at 9.30, so fingers crossed til then xx
Hahaha Katiepie, your post made me laugh! No you're not a horrible person!
I had to sit through a whole movie with my SIL who had the worst armpit smell I had ever smelled. Every time she moved, it would waft up from under her arms, creating stink winds in my direction! Usually when someone smells in the cinema, I make the OH and I move but I couldn't get out this one! I would pretend to drink or eat a snack while turning my head and try not to gag. Eventually I rubbed some scented rubbing alcohol on my hands and fingers so I could breathe that in! Sadly, the effect would only last a short while since the rubbing alcohol would vaporize! When I came home, after an agonizing car ride ("it's quite chilly, I'm keeping my coat on" suggestion didn't work) I swore to the OH that I would never ever see a movie with his sister again.

The worst is that your smell stay super even after birth and my daughter would always smells of sweat every time my SIL would hold her. Yuuuuuck! I don't understand how people "forget" to wash themselves for 2 or 3 days straight! The OH would get angry with me saying that she never has time to wash herself since she has 2 kids.:lol:
Lamest excuse ever!

Anyways welcome new mummies! Will update the thread asap!:lol:
Hahaha Katiepie, your post made me laugh! No you're not a horrible person!
I had to sit through a whole movie with my SIL who had the worst armpit smell I had ever smelled. Every time she moved, it would waft up from under her arms, creating stink winds in my direction! Usually when someone smells in the cinema, I make the OH and I move but I couldn't get out this one! I would pretend to drink or eat a snack while turning my head and try not to gag. Eventually I rubbed some scented rubbing alcohol on my hands and fingers so I could breathe that in! Sadly, the effect would only last a short while since the rubbing alcohol would vaporize! When I came home, after an agonizing car ride ("it's quite chilly, I'm keeping my coat on" suggestion didn't work) I swore to the OH that I would never ever see a movie with his sister again.

The worst is that your smell stay super even after birth and my daughter would always smells of sweat every time my SIL would hold her. Yuuuuuck! I don't understand how people "forget" to wash themselves for 2 or 3 days straight! The OH would get angry with me saying that she never has time to wash herself since she has 2 kids.:lol:
Lamest excuse ever!

Anyways welcome new mummies! Will update the thread asap!:lol:

Wow!! Even if she doesn’t have time to wash atleast spray with deodorant!!
Maybe you should get her a nice smelly set from boots lol xx
All well here ladies.

I was having nausea on an evening last week but ok so far this week. Just headaches and tiredness. Had that with precious pregnancies so I’m not overly worried. I did however have to take an alka seltzer last night as I had no paracetamol in. Flapping a little but a one off. :)

Nicipoo I hope you are ok?
Made the mistake of having cereal today made my nausea sooo much worse I’m hoping I will be the same as I was with my little girl feel sick but not actually sick as hate being sick
I’ve got a nasty dose of bacterial tonsillitis so I’m feeling particularly sorry for myself at the min! Bailed my work Christmas party although it was a handy excuse to avoid the drink too!
I had a sharp pain last night on the right side of my womb when I went to get up off the sofa and I’ve had stitch like stretchy pains in my womb all day now today, I have a fibroid which was found earlier on this year when I was pregnant so I think a mixture of growing fibroid (it grew last time so I’m guessing it is this time too) and growing baby is gonna give me some lovely pains lol
I’ve got a nasty dose of bacterial tonsillitis so I’m feeling particularly sorry for myself at the min! Bailed my work Christmas party although it was a handy excuse to avoid the drink too!
Hope you’re feeling better soon x
Wow!! Even if she doesn’t have time to wash atleast spray with deodorant!!
Maybe you should get her a nice smelly set from boots lol xx

I totally would but they have this "secret santa" thing (3 couples - very secret:lol:) and you just tell them what you want, pay for it, they wrap it and give it to you. I think it would be awkward if I were to give her an extra present consisting of only deodorant and shower gel!:rofl: It wouldn't be a subtle hint anymore!:lol:
I totally would but they have this "secret santa" thing (3 couples - very secret:lol:) and you just tell them what you want, pay for it, they wrap it and give it to you. I think it would be awkward if I were to give her an extra present consisting of only deodorant and shower gel!:rofl: It wouldn't be a subtle hint anymore!:lol:
Doesn’t that defeat the object of ‘secret’ :rotfl: xx
Fatigue is knocking me out....told hubby I look like I live in a cardboard box this morning....bags the size of tetley factory under my eyes.

Been to get my lashes and brows done tonight which hopefully after a nights sleep will improve the look lol. Also means no faffing about with make up for work...winner! Xmas treat to myself.

6 sleeps until early scan....really can't come soon enough x
Off to a and e bleeding really heavily hunk this is it ;( can’t keep going through this will be 4 miscarriages if I do :(
Passed a big clot gotta wait till morning and call epu so don’t know anymore but I’m convinced it’s all over
Got to wait a week to be able to see epu :( no more bleeding just the big clot I did pass is worrying me only brown sometimes when I wipe now nothing on pad I have no idea what this means I’m still thinking miscarriage
A week?? Have you tested again? So sorry you have to go through this...
A week?? Have you tested again? So sorry you have to go through this...
Yeah still the same lines try won’t drop yet though would they managed to call another hospital epu and got one for Monday

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