I have my own cafe and there is a couple that come in nd the lady smells like sick and I swear I could smell her about 30 mins before she came in and then all afternoon!!Fingers crossed for you nicipoo.
My pregnancy super smell has been lurking for a few weeks but is really kicking this week.
I can smell the awkward teenage guy from across the office. And it isn’t good. Rationally I’m sure no one else has noticed, and he doesn’t smell that bad. But it makes me feel sick.Poor kid, I had to help him this morning and I was trying not to gag. I know it’s me and not him, and I’m being secretly bitchy. But man. Can I secret Santa him some deodorant?
I’m a horrible person.
It's super pregnancy powers lol.
I'm booked in for a scan on Monday at 9.30, so fingers crossed til then xx