***August 2018 Mummies***

My waters broke at 12:30am on the 19th July I thought I’d woken up wetting the bed! I’d had no previous signs of labour and been at work that day. Started getting contractions 30mins later and at 3am went to hospital were I was 3cm dilated. Started pushing at 8:30 and Harriet Elizabeth was born at 10.02am weighing 5lb 9. She’s a little doll! Breast feeding seems to be going well so far - touch wood! Xx
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My waters broke at 12:30am on the 19th July I thought I’d woken up wetting the bed! I’d had no previous signs of labour and been at work that day. Started getting contractions 30mins later and at 3am went to hospital were I was 3cm dilated. Started pushing at 8:30 and Harriet Elizabeth was born at 10.02am weighing 5lb 9. She’s a little doll! Breast feeding seems to be going well so far - touch wood! Xx

Ahh massive congratulations Xsarahh, that’s amazing news! Glad that everything is going well!

Hope everyone else is doing ok? We are a quiet bunch but there must be some more babies due to appear soon. I’m so ready to have this baby anytime now! Xx
I’m officially on maternity leave from today! Just over a week lef!! How is everyone? Congratulations Sarah! Still a decent weigh really my LG was 6lb 9.5 and that was full term! Glad your good! Xx
Congratulations Sarah !

This thread has been awfully quiet ! Haha I found myself stalking the July thread hahaha

We’re all so close now !

2 more weeks until I’m due ! No signs of labour at all ! But feel extremely uncomfortable

Has anyone else had extreme swelling in the feet/ankles? Mine are like elephants ! But I’ve checked my bP and all seems normal ? These last nockins are not fun !:-(
I’ve had swollen feet but never had it with my first and my blood pressure is low. As long as your bp is not high and you have swollen feet that’s good as it’s linked with pre eclampsia otherwise!! Xx
I think it’s the heat that is doing it personally Ron! Xx
I have the elephant feet too! And I’m also extremely uncomfortable, I definitely don’t think the heat helps!

Mexico you did really well to work until today! I finished last week and I’m about a week and a half behind you due date wise.

I really hope these babies will start arriving soon xx
Wow Sarah that’s amazing how early were you? I’m 37+1 today finish work on Monday!! It’s so exciting we’re all so close x
Congratulations hun!

I'm 37+1 and having a lot of pelvic pain at the moment. Lots of popping coming from my pelvis too. His movements are so painful as well, they have had me almost in tears recently. OH had to help me up to bed last night as the pains were so bad. I'm sure it's baby pushing his head further into my pelvis.

Got MW on Tuesday and final growth scan on Thursday. I'm really hoping they say he's fully engaged and ready to go, I'm so fed up now.
Thanks everyone!

My feet were horrific! But blood pressure and eveything was fine. They’re still swollen now. Ttc I was 37+6 I had my 38 week appointment the previous day and head wasn’t engaged. I went to bed worrying about that and 2 hours later went into labour! Xx
WOW Sarah amazing! I went over with my first but I’m really hoping I go early this time! Feel massive lol x
I’m with you on that TTC!!! I had to be induced with my first and really don’t want to go over/be induced with this one! I can barely walk and looking after a toddler is hard as I can’t really do anything with her because baby is so low and walking is painful! I’m 39 weeks Wednesday! I’ve got a scan tomorrow and midwife on Monday with a planned homebirth fingers crossed!! Xx
This August thread is really quiet!! How is everyone? Any early arrivals???
Still dying in this heat, but got another 5 weeks to go! I keep telling myself she's better off in there than out in the heat, so that's getting me through it all.

My waters broke at 12:30am on the 19th July I thought I’d woken up wetting the bed! I’d had no previous signs of labour and been at work that day. Started getting contractions 30mins later and at 3am went to hospital were I was 3cm dilated. Started pushing at 8:30 and Harriet Elizabeth was born at 10.02am weighing 5lb 9. She’s a little doll! Breast feeding seems to be going well so far - touch wood! Xx
Congratulations! :)
Is anyone else having extremely painful movements right now? I honestly don't know how much more I can take of this! They are so painful and I'm getting awful pressure in my pelvis when he's moving, as well as lots of sharp, shooting pains in my groin :cry:
Yes sarahtwd painful movements and part of my belly goes solid. Sharp pains in pelvis too! Sucks doesn’t it. I’m so hoping I go early being my 2nd..finish up work tomorrow and can’t wait!!
Yes sarahtwd painful movements and part of my belly goes solid. Sharp pains in pelvis too! Sucks doesn’t it. I’m so hoping I go early being my 2nd..finish up work tomorrow and can’t wait!!

This is my second too, don't remember it being this painful with my first. I am more than happy to go any time now.
Is it maybe Braxton Hicks? I didn’t have them with my first but I’m assuming that’s what they are this time and lack of room as Baby ? Bigger. My tummy goes really hard every now and again and it’s like a horrible pressure that gives me a sharp pain if that makes sense.
Did you go over with your first? I was 6 days over..really don’t want to be that late this time as I’m definitely starting to struggle now.
Is it maybe Braxton Hicks? I didn’t have them with my first but I’m assuming that’s what they are this time and lack of room as Baby ? Bigger. My tummy goes really hard every now and again and it’s like a horrible pressure that gives me a sharp pain if that makes sense.
Did you go over with your first? I was 6 days over..really don’t want to be that late this time as I’m definitely starting to struggle now.

I'm not sure as they tend to happen when he's moving, I can definitely feel his head pushing down into my pelvis. My tummy goes really hard at times too, one side or the other.
My son was a week late, I really don't want to go over this time. I'm definitely ready now. All I've done for the last 2 days is sleep through the day. I really hope it's my body's way of preparing for imminent labour :lol: fingers crossed anyway.
I’m the same this is my second and when they move it feels like something is going to fall out down there and it feels like w sudden urge to wee! I have been getting the same as you TTC the Braxton Hicks where your tummy tightens and then releases!! I’m definitely done!! I’m 39 weeks on Wednesday and tbh I thought I wouldn’t last this long!! It also gives another bloody hot week! It’s so difficult being like this with a toddler too as I can’t go out and do things as walking is so painful as baby is so low down in my pelvis and it’s too bloody hot! God know what I am going to do with her in the house all day it’s going to be horrendous!! Xx

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