***August 2018 Mummies***

All good, how are you TTC? Can’t believe little man will be 3 weeks on Tuesday! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes!! Awww Eleven I was induced with my first it’s not as bad as what people say! How you feeling about it? Xx
I really wanted to avoid an induction, as everyone keeps saying the contractions are more painful, but in sure in the end I will just be glad to get her out. Still keeping everything crossed I might go into labour in the next 24 hours though!

Good luck hunni x
Thank you!
All good, how are you TTC? Can’t believe little man will be 3 weeks on Tuesday! It’s crazy how quickly the time goes!! Awww Eleven I was induced with my first it’s not as bad as what people say! How you feeling about it? Xx
I really wanted to avoid an induction, as everyone keeps saying the contractions are more painful, but in sure in the end I will just be glad to get her out. Still keeping everything crossed I might go into labour in the next 24 hours though!

Good luck hunni x
Thank you!

Hows baby going on in there? Have you had her yet?, lovely :)
My daughter was born 31st August (what I still think was her correct due date), weighing 9 lbs 9 oz! Had to be delivered by forceps as I just couldn't push her out, and following some complications I lost 1.5 litres of blood, so still in hospital.

She's fine though, a bit battered, but very alert and curious about her surroundings. Can't believe she's 2 days old in a few hours!
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Congratulations. She was a big girl! Bless her!! Can’t believe my little man will be a month old on Tuesday! Crazy how quickly it goes by! How are you feeling? Xx
My daughter was born 31st August (what I still think was her correct due date), weighing 9 lbs 9 oz! Had to be delivered by forceps as I just couldn't push her out, and following some complications I lost 1.5 litres of blood, so still in hospital.

She's fine though, a bit battered, but very alert and curious about her surroundings. Can't believe she's 2 days old in a few hours!

Congratulations Elven! Hope you’re recovering ok and able to go home with your little bundle soon xx
Congratulations Elven x

We have our 6 week check up tomorrow.
So do we have all our August babies now? Is anyone still waiting for a stubborn one that doesn't want to come out? ;) x
One besotted mama <3
Our birth experience was less than desirable, maternity care in My area is bloody awful!

But he is here and he’s perfect! I’m also making enough milk to feed the whole family :rotfl:

Congrats to everyone who has their little ones and good luck to those still waiting!

Not been on in ages so I'm so late but congrats Jaimie! xx

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