***August 2018 Mummies***

Roniece, that does suck that your hospital charges for classes! I’m really fortunate that my area offers a free hypnobirthing course, I think it’s one of the only areas in the country from what I’ve seen that does it for free. If there’s anything helpful that I can share from the course on here then I definitely will.

Sarah TWD sorry that you need the injections, hopefully you’ll get used to them and they’ll help you and baby.

Sounds like we’re all getting there with baby preparations! Although I still feel like there’s loads to do! Xx
I know it’s a liberty ! £100 per couple for a class ! Crazy ! Lol I’m going to wing it too, just go with the flow and trust in the midwives :-)

Thanks Nivetha , any help would be amazing :-)

Struggling to sleep ! I’ve literally got like 8 pillows and i still wake up every half an hour with pain full ribs , roll on 4th August! Haha xxx
Ugh! Preggo problems! I'm not going to make it until 9 to watch Love Island! I'll have to be a day behind everyone!
Thanks Nivetha, the injections haven't been as bad as I expected. My partner has been doing them for me as I'm not great with needles.

Roniece, I think my hospital was charging £135 for the classes :shock: they were free when I had my son 7 years ago. To be honest though, I didn't really get much from them. When labour started for me my body just went into auto pilot and I just got on with it. I'm not even bothering with a birth plan this time as it wasn't even looked at last time.

Sleeping is a nightmare isn't it! I'm constantly tossing and turning. I get comfy on one side and my hip start hurting, turn over and 10 minutes later the other hip starts hurting. With that and me being too warm even with the window open and a fan on,sleep just isn't happening for me :sad:
Ooh forgot to say, Mothercare do some expecting parents evenings if you have one nearby. Not sure What they're like but I'm sure they're free but you need to book a place.
Hey ladies, hope you’re all doing ok? I started my hypnobirthing last week so just thought I’d share some of what I learnt in the first session in case it’s helpful. Sorry if I’m repeating stuff that some of you may already know.

The main thing we learnt this week was about the hormones needed for labour, which are oxytocin and endorphins. You can help your body produce more of these by creating a good environment for yourself when in labour to make yourself feel safe and loved, so basically things like low lighting (shutting curtains/dimming lights), playing relaxing music (apparently hospitals have docking stations now) and receiving lots of massages from your birthing partner. Apparently it’s best to try and shut down the analytical part of the brain during labour so they suggested telling your other half/birthing partner not to ask you any questions during this time (not even ‘can I do anything for you’) they should just offer things like drink, snacks, massages etc for example passing you a drink, you’ll either take it or you won’t!

You also produce adrenaline in labour and often I’ve heard people talking about the adrenaline kicking in but actually it stops the production of the oxytocin hormone and can effectively slow down or even stop your labour. So you need to avoid too much. One thing to help with this is taking deep breaths, inhaling for a count of 3 and exhaling for a count of 5. The aim is to get the air down into your stomach and not just your lungs as this also helps the muscles in the uterus during labour. There’s a digital download that accompanies our course that you can get from amazon music for £7.99 by searching for ‘hypnobirth midwives uk’ that you can use to practice relaxation techniques and breathing.

I’ve still got 3 x 3 hour sessions left so I’m sure there’s loads more to learn but so far so good. I’ll share anything else that’s useful as I go xx
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Thanks so much Niv! That’s so helpful ! Xxxx
Thanks for this. I have been listening to a Hypnobirthing cd in the evenings. I keep falling asleep before I get to the end! Hope that means it’s doing it’s job!
Thanks Niv!! Hope everyone is well!! I’m soool tired my little baby bean is teething so in agony and waking up during the night! Looks like she is trying to get us in practice for when the baby arrives!! It’s soo horrible as you just want to take all the pain away instantly but you can’t. She’s also running a temperature! Poor little thing on top of working full time I’m bloody knackered!! Xx
I have been a bit MIA but time seems to be going so quickly. I am very happy though that I don't have Gestational Diabetes despite both me and the DR's thinking it was inevitable. Enjoying eating what I like though have still managed to keep to only a 2.5kg weight gain and I am now 30 weeks which makes me very happy. I actually ended up weighing less after having my son that I was before.

I am backwards and forwards about birthing options at the minute. Got a 'reserve section' booked in at term + 12 as we agreed that an induction wasn't a good idea but a part of me keeps thinking it might be better to go for a planned section anyway as I still have quite a high chance of needing an emergency section and it was horrible last time. I am just apprehensive about the recovery with a 3 year old to also look after as my husband will only be taking a few days off work. .

Ooh forgot to say, Mothercare do some expecting parents evenings if you have one nearby. Not sure What they're like but I'm sure they're free but you need to book a place.

Mothercare events are actually quite good as you get a 10% off voucher and they have stuff on sale just for the evening.
When do we start taking raspberry leaf tea/capsules? I thought it was 32 weeks but saw somewhere saying not to take it until 36 weeks
How is everyone doing? In terms of raspberry leaf tea I’m not taking before 37 weeks and might wait until I finish up work at 38 weeks. Last time I didn’t start taking until I was 40 weeks and baby born 40+6 so you never know lol!
When is everyone working up until? I’m hoping I get to 38 weeks so 5 to go!! X
I’m working up until 20 July and baby is due 1 August so just about a week or so before! Can’t believe it’s coming round so quickly! Xx
Hey ladies !!! Lovely heat wave coming just to make us more uncomfortable! Haha
I’m taking nature’s aid raspberry leaf capsules twice a day and have been since 32 weeks , says don’t take before 30 weeks on packet, and read amazing reviews on amazon about them and that’s when most women tended to start but it could be totally different with the tea? I know it doesn’t induce labour but instead tones the uterus ect so not too worried :-)

I have one more week left at work thank god! I originally gave leaving date as the 13th july as I would’ve been 37 weeks but my SPD has been horrendous so I’ve brought it forward ! I can’t do the sitting at desk all day any more and I drive 60 miles a day to get here. I’m done haha xx
In my hypnobirthing book it says you can start having raspberry leaf tea from 32 weeks and that it’s w good idea to start early as it has an accumulative effect. It does stress that you should tell your midwife you’re taking it though and also that you shouldn’t use it if you’re anemic/on iron tablets, if baby is in Breech position (like my little monkey right now!), if you’re having w caesarean or if you’ve had bleeding during the pregnancy.

I’m definitely counting down until the start of maternity leave! I’m taking lots of annual leave beforehand so finish in 3 weeks time, yay!

Hope the rest of you are keeping well xx
Also not sure if you guys have heard of the free babybox from the babybox university. I think it’s only available in certain areas but you can check on the website. It’s basically a box that the baby can sleep in! It comes with a mattress and sheet etc plus I think a few other extras. I thought it would be handy as a sleeping place for in the living room, plus it’s free! All I had to do was watch some ‘how to care for your baby videos’ and then answer a quiz. The links below if you’re interested xx

I finish work on the 25th July I'll be 38+5 weeks unless the baby comes early. I won a little trophy at work for managing two trips in one week with lots of walking! Haha! Trips are so tiring but I wouldn't say I've been any more tired being 8 months preggers. I am starting to get period like achey cramps now though and I've come home with swollen feet a few times now. The fun is starting!
This August thread is really quiet!! How is everyone? Any early arrivals???
Very quiet ... I’m 37 + 4 now - I think that counts as full term? But no signs yet...

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