Hey ladies, hope you’re all doing ok? I started my hypnobirthing last week so just thought I’d share some of what I learnt in the first session in case it’s helpful. Sorry if I’m repeating stuff that some of you may already know.
The main thing we learnt this week was about the hormones needed for labour, which are oxytocin and endorphins. You can help your body produce more of these by creating a good environment for yourself when in labour to make yourself feel safe and loved, so basically things like low lighting (shutting curtains/dimming lights), playing relaxing music (apparently hospitals have docking stations now) and receiving lots of massages from your birthing partner. Apparently it’s best to try and shut down the analytical part of the brain during labour so they suggested telling your other half/birthing partner not to ask you any questions during this time (not even ‘can I do anything for you’

they should just offer things like drink, snacks, massages etc for example passing you a drink, you’ll either take it or you won’t!
You also produce adrenaline in labour and often I’ve heard people talking about the adrenaline kicking in but actually it stops the production of the oxytocin hormone and can effectively slow down or even stop your labour. So you need to avoid too much. One thing to help with this is taking deep breaths, inhaling for a count of 3 and exhaling for a count of 5. The aim is to get the air down into your stomach and not just your lungs as this also helps the muscles in the uterus during labour. There’s a digital download that accompanies our course that you can get from amazon music for £7.99 by searching for ‘hypnobirth midwives uk’ that you can use to practice relaxation techniques and breathing.
I’ve still got 3 x 3 hour sessions left so I’m sure there’s loads more to learn but so far so good. I’ll share anything else that’s useful as I go xx