August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh no that really does suck I thought they may have continued to get worse! Atleast it's all in the right direction.

My sweeps weren't too bad and I think I may just be common practice with my midwives one sweep every week from 38 weeks in hope to start labour.

Fingers crossed and lots of positive vibes! Xx
Oh no Elspeth! I thought you might have a baby by now! I've just been vigorously bouncing on my gym ball to music with my toddlers. My 2.5 year old stopped me and said 'mummy be really careful! Don't get the baby out!' So it must have looked impressive lol x
Hahah I love that Rose! My friends little girl yesterday said to me I hope he come soon as I haven't seen him yet I then said neither have I lol!
Unfortunately it didn't get the baby out lol. Although I did have some pretty horrendous pains last night which felt like he was trying to make an exit out my bum but that was nothing either x
Thanks for the BF info rose! My milk came in that night well stated to answer by morning was there! It's alot better now, i did give her formula just to have a break which helped alot but was crying my eyes out cos didn't wanna, but we are back to breast now. She only had half of one of those pre made formula bottles.

We got home last night finally! Had to have 2 blood transfusions because my levels were actually lower after the first bag! Feeling loads better. Have to take iron for 6 weeks though.

Hope your babies come soon lladies! I was bouncing on my ball loads the day before rose so hopefully it does the same for you!!

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We bought some bounty pics, not got them yet but this just a preview thing :) Isn't she beautiful! X
Aww she is super beautiful PeanutButter, enjoy her sweetheart :kiss:

Awww girlies!!! These babies are keeping us on our toes for sure!!! I might not be posting lately due to velcro baby - but have been reading regularly and rooting for all of you!!!
Come on August babies, we need you all here!!! :pompom: xx
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Awww she is so cute PB. Well done in battling through with the breast feeding, sounds like you are doing great!

I was fairly period crampy again this morning but seems to have passed. I have bad backache now but that's just from lifting my toddler all morning and helping OH assemble some giant wardrobes - didn't need to do much but basically anything hurts me now x
So I did go in to proper labour last night. Hurrah.
Went to the birth centre around 10.30 and had a water birth with no other pain relief.
Gave birth to a baby boy at 2.26. Weighing in at 8lb12. It was hard work pushing him out.
I'm home already and all is going well.
Can't believe I have a baby. Just overflowing with love for him.

I hope it's not long now for you Rose and Rachel.

Aww what a lovely pic PB! Glad you're home now as well :)

Ouch Rose take it easy! X

Awww such wonderful news Elspeth!!! I'm over the moon for you my lovely, that you've had the waterbirth you (and I, lol) wished for, that you have your babyboy in your arms :kiss:, that you are both well, already at home and in love!!! I knew you'd have a boy! From the scull/forehead shape in your avatar pic ;) xx
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Haha I know! It's always been skewed but lots of these yellow babies turned blue!
Congrats elspeth I can't believe there are so few left waiting now! Hope you are alright Rose!

I'm still waiting. I've had really bad cramps but they keep dying down. :(
Congratulations Elspeth!! Sounds like you had a great labour and I'm so glad you had no complications so you got the style of delivery you wanted! Cannot believe how many boys there were this month :)

I'm in a lot of back pain this evening but mainly sciatic pain, just burst into tears over the strain of bath time. I feel like I'm breaking in two half the time and as much as my OH is trying to understand he just doesn't. He has a sore head this evening and just doesn't see how much pain I'm in and fails to realise that whereas he has just happily knocked back some painkillers knowing that will stop his there is nothing I can do to stop mine. The other thing I'm getting really frustrated about is how little we have to talk about, he just wants to chill out and watch tv in the evenings or spend time reading stuff on the internet whereas I'm stuck in all day with no one to have an adult conversation with and am just desperate to talk about anything!

Don't really feel very crampy or anything tonight so I'm pretty sure nothing is on the horizon still. I'm quite sure I'll be sitting in that consultant appointment on Thursday crying my eyes out in an attempt to get them to induce me! X
Ah I think men just find it really difficult to relate sometimes, it's not something they'll ever go through so I don't really think they are capable of understanding on some levels. But the end is in sight, I know it might not feel like it right now though!

I feel really teary today about my OH going back to work on Monday. I don't know why really, I know I'll be able to cope with Theo fine on my own. I guess it's just we've had nearly 3 weeks as a family now and I'm gonna miss it. We've done everything together with Theo and it's been so nice. I'm worried that being on my own 9 hrs a day for 5 days in a row is gonna be a massive shock to the system (again!) and I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with myself tbh :/
Thank you girlies.
I really really wanted a more natural birth this time around and I'm so pleased it all worked out.
It was so totally different from last time when I had an epidural.
Baby had a hand up by his head so pushing him out took well over an hour and it was really really painful and such hard work. By the time he was born I felt destroyed.
Really proud I did it though.

I can't believe it's another boy. August was a good month for the Y chromosome!!
There seems to be loads of boys this month! Sounds difficult but totally worth it Elspeth.
Aaaaw congrats Elspeth! S lovely you got a more natural birth! I too feel happier I had a more natural birth but so wanted a water birth too. How is everyone else getting on?

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