Congrats CoachQueenie, what a tough time you've had but so amazing he is now a new baby and he must have now made it home! How incredibly well you've done with feeding him, you should be so proud of yourself, super mamma xx
Sending love to all of you girls, PB, Rose, Elspeth, Rach and everyone else, I keep reading your updates and rooting for all of you and for all our babies to keep arriving safe and sound. Sending love to you too Prrrfect and MissCharli, I hope the visitors leave you alone now as time flies and you three need to cherish and enjoy the time you have together before OH goes back to work. Mine goes back on Monday and I am not looking forward to it
We are ok, almost caught up now, only 20gr left to reach his birth weight! Getting weighed again on Monday. But cannot be discharged yet as, despite his bloods having thankfully come back as normal, he still has a little bit of jaundice; his eye whites still have a tinge of yellow in the corners. So we are now a "prolonged jaundice" case that needs to be checked again on day28.
Hoping that on Monday he reaches/goes above his birth weight so that I can start dropping the top ups and work with him on my supply fingers crossed i'd love to be able to EBF. Feels like we haven't even been given a chance as was made to top up from day2, before even milk had come in. So I just know this must have seriously messed with my supply xx