August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Hopefully not long Elspeth :( Theo was head down the right way all through my pregnancy and as soon as I went in to labour he decided he wanted to be back to back (and the midwife said he was the right way around less than 24hrs before!)! So I honestly think it can change so quickly and there isn't a whole lot we can do in terms of their position... babies will be born when and how they like!

Have you been offered a sweep?
I have 3 days left. He hasn't moved this afternoon and I phoned the hospital so have just arrived but it feels like my OH is pissed because he thinks everything is just going to be alright. He was like well he moved this morning. So I'm annoyed with him for being moody.

Elspeth I hope that they come soon
Aww Rach that's rubbish but I know exactly what you mean, twice I've been with my OH and the kids and I've felt like he is annoyed at me because he has to control them while we're in there. He isn't really though as he knows how important it is to get checked but just gets so frustrated that it's the worst thing to have to do with them. i think men just find it really difficult be age they feel helpless and also have no idea what it feels like to have someone moving in there all the time and how worrying it is when they aren't. Hopefully everything will be fine but that's the whole point of going! X
I've been on the monitor and everything is all alright so that's good and exactly I think you summed it up well. I'm now just waiting to be seen by a doctor and then should be able to go home.
Glad to hear it - hope you are home safe and reassured now! Mine has been a bit quieter this evening but still some pretty big movements so I'm not too worried about him. No more mucus stuff at all since the tiny bit earlier so I don't really think it is anything. However just came really close to peeing myself as I suddenly realised I was really needing a Wee and wasn't going to make it to the upstairs toilet. Hoping that means a head is firmly in my pelvis because I've never come that close to wetting myself before!!! X
Hello, just to update we had a little girl, Chloe Eloise Brady last Thurs (10th Aug). Labour was a bit random. Contractions started at 2am, by 5 am they were irregular but averaging out at every 4 mins. Waited all day to try and get them down to 3 mins but they were still irregular and averaging 5 mins. Lost my plug at 2 pm and also had quite a lot of blood (tmi!) so at 5 ish I called the labour ward and they brought me in for monitoring. They said I'd be sent home again. Turns out I was having very long contractions (3 mins!) so they broke my waters, examined me and found I was fully dialated. Very suddenly about 30mins later the baby arrived! Im still wondering what would have happened if my waters had broken at home!

I hope you August mummy's don't have much longer to wait and love seeing all the piccies of the new arrivals ��
Glad baby is ok Rach... my hubby gets annoyed to! I think they think we're just over reacting but would rather piss him off to know baby is ok lol.

Congratulations green. :)

I've had agonising pain in my back! Like I was in tears last night. Hubby got me a water bottle and I feel asleep woke up and still really painful. Was up god knows how many times peeing and everytime I sat back on the bed the pain in my VJJ was so bad I couldn't catch my breath... does it sound like she's coming soon? Can't deal with this for another 2 weeks! X
Wow coach queenie that's quite an ordeal you've all had :( glad baby is ok now and you can take him home. How did they know you had the strep b? I've read about it before but I thought it was notoriously difficult to actually pick up in the mother and that's why they don't test as standard. Is there any chance he was ill while still inside and that's why he was quiet? These August babies sure are impatient! Sounds like you've done really well to be feeding him in amongst all the chaos as well.

I've got to kee my legs crossed until Monday now as my OH is away working all weekend and then baby is allowed to arrive any time after that! X

When I was in for my 2nd set of reduced movements the monitor was picking up regular contractions, so they examined me and did a swab that tests the chances of going into labour in the next 2 came back with a 2% chance lol. Anyway while they were down there they did another swab and it came back as positive for Strep B...I think the reason they don't test for it isn because it comes and goes, you could test positive for it at eg 36 weeks and it might be gone by the time baby comes and vice versa! I still think it's ridiculous that they don't test because even if it was to be missed there would still be a good number of people that they could pick it up on and it's so so dangerous for little babies, I suppose it probably comes down to money in the end really! I think you can buy your own testing kit online. They didn't really say he could have been poorly inside, I think it's much harder for them to catch it when the waters are intact, but not impossible! If the baby is in the birth canal for too long it increases the risk. Now I just have to keep an eye for late onset infections...pneumonia, sepsis and meningitis! Scary stuff!! :shock:

I hope baby has stayed put until your hubby gets back!! xx
Congrats CoachQueenie, what a tough time you've had but so amazing he is now a new baby and he must have now made it home! How incredibly well you've done with feeding him, you should be so proud of yourself, super mamma xx

Sending love to all of you girls, PB, Rose, Elspeth, Rach and everyone else, I keep reading your updates and rooting for all of you and for all our babies to keep arriving safe and sound. Sending love to you too Prrrfect and MissCharli, I hope the visitors leave you alone now as time flies and you three need to cherish and enjoy the time you have together before OH goes back to work. Mine goes back on Monday and I am not looking forward to it :(

We are ok, almost caught up now, only 20gr left to reach his birth weight! Getting weighed again on Monday. But cannot be discharged yet as, despite his bloods having thankfully come back as normal, he still has a little bit of jaundice; his eye whites still have a tinge of yellow in the corners. So we are now a "prolonged jaundice" case that needs to be checked again on day28.

Hoping that on Monday he reaches/goes above his birth weight so that I can start dropping the top ups and work with him on my supply fingers crossed i'd love to be able to EBF. Feels like we haven't even been given a chance as was made to top up from day2, before even milk had come in. So I just know this must have seriously messed with my supply xx

Aww did they make you top up because of the jaundice? My wee man has jaundice but just below the threshold for needing to be under the lights, the whites if his eyes are yellow too, midwife is coming back today to check on him to make sure it's not got worse (which I don't think it has) i really hope you can get to EBF from Monday, you could start to pump a bit to try and get your supply up before the top ups are dropped? I'm in a lot of pain for the first few sucks of a feed, I don't think it's his latch because it doesn't hurt for the whole feed, i think my nips just need to toughen up :clock: lol
:( phoned diabetes clinic and gave results they want me to carry on till Wednesday because they're a bit over there place, but she said with readings like that usually have GD. I'm done, fed up of no sleep and feeling miserable! Blahh
Aww PB that's not good, but the pain you've had does sound promising. I don't think you should really be finding pain that difficult to handle if it isn't early labour signs x
Rose I read on Google that she could be pressing on my spine as she's getting lower... so doesn't mean labor yet. :(
I would have thought that was fairly rare to suddenly get it overnight. The pain I've had is caused by a nerve in my spine being pressed but it's gradually got worse and worse rather than just coming on suddenly. I'll be hoping for you that it is just an early labour sign xx
Green congratulations. I cant believe how many babies have been born so far!

So I was allowed home and the doctors decided they want me to go back in for a scan so im there tomorrow for a scan. TBH im surprised they are doing a scan i thought they wouldnt be able to see much seen as I will be 39 + 6!

PB fingers crossed that it is the sign of early labour. Just try keep moving around etc using gravity to your advantage thats what my midwife said haha! If it is GD that might mean you will be induced. Your very true Im sure he still thinks I was overreacting and just worrying but I would rather do that than sit and worry. I ddint even bother saying about how the placenta could detatch or anything he just thinks everything is alright. Plus its not him who has him kicking all day.

Rose I hope you are all alright and your pain is manageable fingers crossed that its not much longer for you both!

Im now to the stage that I will be pregnant forever lol and it feels like I have been for a lifetime and everytime someone asks for an update I feel like roaring at them telling them does it effing look like it! I would have told them if there was! lol
We won't be pregnant forever ladies aha. Nearly there.... nearly :oooo:

I went to the loo and wiped there was like browny stuff in the tissue not alot but means something is happening!! But like the pain has pretty much left now so idk what is going on... like over 24 hours of pain then basically nothing?
Going hosp later due to movement again anyway so will ask. X
Urmmm so I went to loo again and it's turned pink and when I looked in the toilet there was this reddy/pink clot looking thing, plug? X
Definitely sounds like it could be your plug PB �� If you have a lot of bleeding speak to your hospital if it's just a little bit that's fine as it happens when your plug goes that's what my midwife said.
Sounds like your plug or bloody show PB! Definitely sounds like you're on your way! Yay!

Just back from midwife and nothing new for me, head has stayed down but not engaged at all and she said he wasn't lying in the greatest position. Fairly sure I'll be at the consultant next Thursday with no change which would mean No sweep and just the chance to convince them to induce x
Ooh sounds promising PB! :D

Ah that's not good Rose, but at least he is still head down which is the main thing!

I can't believe we will all have had our babies soon. It's been such a long journey. We will have to move threads :o

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