Hi everyone! Sorry I've been awol for ageeees! Heres a quick update...
I had a baby boy on Monday morning 1.02am (38+4) weighing 7lbs! I went in on Friday evening with reduced movements, his HR etc was fine and he was moving I just couldn't feel him for some reason...because it was my 3rd episode of reduced movements and I was over 37 weeks they decided to induce me.
I got the pessary on Saturday morning which didn't work, so they broke my waters and put me on the drip on Sunday morning around 11.30am and he was born 1.02am Monday morning. Induction was all new to me because I went naturally with my little girl, I also had an epidural this time and I didn't the first time...I am the epidurals new biggest fan lol...take all the drugs ladies!!
When he was born he had a really good breastfeed and then about 2.30am he started making grunting nosies and his temp was down so they took him to neonatal...turns out he caught pneumonia from group B Strep infection. They knew I had it and I was given 3 doses of antibiotics during labour but unfortunately that didn't stop him catching it. He was put on oxygen in an incubator and on antibiotics and now he's like a new baby, he gets to come home this afternoon

can't wait to get back to normality!! It's been hectic running back and forward to the hospital spending the whole day there feeding and then pumping when I was home at night, I got to stay over with him last night for night feeds and all is going well
Congratulations on all the babies that have been born already and good luck to the mummies still patiently waiting xox