August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Also if they couldn't measure her head then their weight estimate will be even more unreliable. The way they estimate the weight is by a calculation of femur length, abdominal circumference and head circumference so if they couldn't measure it I don't know where they got their guess from x
Thanks rose. Just feeling fed up... was in hosp Sunday and then again on Tuesday for reduced movement. Then Tuesday night I thought I was in labor because of the pain i was having, then it just disappeared. Have to go back on Wednesday to see my consultant and see what happens from there.
My mil said my belly is lower than it was (she hadn't seen me for 2 weeks cos she was on hiliday) so hoping this baby is out soon enough. Today I threw my breakfast up and been to the toilet like 3 times and feels like I need to go again but can't (baby pressing on bowels?) X

Have I missed any births? I saw prrfects baby, has there been anymore? :) x
That could be encouraging PB, your body does tend to do a bit of a clear out before labour. I had a stomach upset in the few hours before I went into labour with my daughter and have been sick during labour with both of them.

I don't think you missed anyone else x
Ohhh I hope so... the Dr said it's probably a bug tho, but I don't feel ill so doubt that.
My first blood reading was over, suppose to be under 7.8 and it was 8.3 :( meh x
:( how long after you eat are you supposed to take it? Over 8 does seem pretty high for a 'normal' person x
I agree with Rose, I have no idea how they got an estimated size without the head circumference. The formula for est weight needs hc, ac and femur length...

I'm not sure what they would do about your blood sugars at this point either if they are high. Being active after a meal will bring it down naturally, but they will explain all this to you if they want you to modify your diet. She's almost here though so don't worry too much about it now.

I hope she hurries up for you! How many times have you been in for reduced movements? I thought they started looking at inducing you etc if you have more than 3? Might be making this up though ha.

He only measured the belly and legs once which normally they do a few times... and apparently her legs are over normal now, last week they were smaller! So idk wtf is going on.
It was my 8th trip in for reduced movement on Tuesday, most things say your supposed to talk about getting induced after the 3rd but for some reason my consultant wants baby to stay in. I don't understand why they can't just induce me at 38 weeks because it'll be easier than going to lots of appointments, maybe having to take medication for GD and constantly going in with movement concerns and sitting at home worrying!
Blood was bad again this morning... the one before breakfast was fine at 4.4 but after breakfast was 9.4 :shock: I only had wheatabix an apple and a glass of OJ! Definitely makes me think there's something up now... I told then ages ago I would like another test but they said no because the first one was OK. Ugh. X

Hope everyone is doing OK. Anyone think baby is coming soon? X
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Aww PB that's rubbish, it does sound like you probably have developed GD later on then, they should have listened when you said you wanted another - at what point did you have your GTT?

In terms of induction what they've told me is that before the 39th week they have to give a steroid injection to the baby to try and mature the lungs before birth so that they'll be able to breathe properly. So they are probably trying to avoid inducing you before 39 weeks. I suppose after 8 visits as well they are just assuming you have a quiet baby too if heart rate is always fine when you are in. I've been in 3 times and they've scanned me as that's their policy (which is what showed up the breech issue) but they haven't suggested induction, only I have x
Had my gtt at 28 weeks. :/
Oh right.. I've never herd of that steroid thing only before 37 weeks. It really hurts to pee now like the period pain afterwards is bad, and keep getting bad back cramps. Please come baby :( ahah

I was going to ask how did they not kno he was breech? Cos they feel your belly and stuff at every appointment? Lucky you didn't go into early labor! :shock: x
It's quite common for people to have another GTT if the baby is measuring too big, esp if its the tummy that's big. Or if they find sugar in your wee (this only shows up sometimes with diabetes though).

If they think you do have GD and she is measuring that big then they probably will induce you at 38 weeks, or at the latest by 40 so you don't go over. Theo wasn't even measuring big and they wanted him out by his due date. Try not to worry too much until your next appointment where they will look at your numbers and come up with a plan. I would have thought at this point medication is unlikely, an induction date more likely x

Eek today is my due date, so weird that I've been looking forward to today for 9 months and yet he's already been here for 9 days! It feels like he's been here forever! x
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Just seen my midwife and she has confirmed he is still head down at the moment! PB my 33 week scan after reduced movement showed he was head down so he flipped some time between then and the scan I had Sunday.

I honestly think every area has a slightly different idea of what to do with the GTT because I had mine at 28 weeks too and have two risk factors (previous baby over 4.5kg and dad with diabetes) but once I was fine they have never mentioned it again despite the fact this baby and my last had very large tummies and were measuring large on everything. With all the trouble you've had PB I'm sure they'll be thinking about induction though. Although the pains you are
Feeing could be promising! X
Thanks ladies, feeling a bit better about it. I just want her out so ikno she's ok... if they so no on Wednesday think I may have a bit of a break down in there lol.

I didn't think they had the room to flip back and forth on thier own after like 35 weeks?! Glad he's still down :)

Ha Charli I'm so jealous aha. Wanna meet mine! Time is going so slowly since we got to August. X
I think you might just need to be a bit more forceful with them PB if they don't offer it (which I know is easier said than done - my mum ended up being the forceful one when they weren't gonna discharge me!). But it does seem strange that after all the visits and issues that they aren't offering an induction yet. Fingers crossed PB x
What a confusing time PB.
It does sound like perhaps they have missed you having Gestational diabetes. Any more high readings today?
You are doing all the right things, please be reassured your baby girl will arrive safe and sound.
I'm hitting my due date tomorrow.
I'm sure I will go overdue.
Definitely ready to meet baby now and have been busy walking, eating spicy food, even persuaded DH to do the deed (he wasn't keen).
Getting more uncomfortable braxton hicks for a few days, in the evening they are frequent and I start thinking this could be it.... But it never is.
Come on baby.
Just checking in ladies. Pb I agree with miss charli, be forceful. I had to be the fact I was in twice weekly minimum for reduced movement for the 4 weeks before I was induced, I had to be strong with the consultant. I hadn't wanted induced but the doctor I had seen when I was 36+4 was horrible and I mentioned it to the consultant that she had made me feel terrible about going in and that I hadn't been asking for induction but I didn't feel I wS being taken seriously about the movement reduction and that I was extremely worried. They then set the induction. How is everyone else doing?! We are all getting there but hubby is back to work next week so I'm slightly stressing as I've had a few moments where I've wondered how I'm supposed to cope... not with Avery but with Athena!! My sister is coming to take her for the day tomorrow to give us some time. She isn't difficult it's just lack of sleep and a bouncy toddler is stressing me out haha.

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Elspeth hopefully LO will make an appearance soon!

I can't be forceful, unless I'm angry aha. I'll tell hubby to though he definitely will :) x
Mt blood sugars seem all over the place .. They're fine in the morning before food and in the afternoon but after breakfast and dinner they're crazy high... :/ so I'm unsure what way it's looking atm.

Hope you can have an easy day with just baby and no toddler, be a nice break I imagine. I'm always absolutely knackered after going my mom's and my sisters won't leave me alone and shes 5! Aha. X
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been awol for ageeees! Heres a quick update...

I had a baby boy on Monday morning 1.02am (38+4) weighing 7lbs! I went in on Friday evening with reduced movements, his HR etc was fine and he was moving I just couldn't feel him for some reason...because it was my 3rd episode of reduced movements and I was over 37 weeks they decided to induce me.

I got the pessary on Saturday morning which didn't work, so they broke my waters and put me on the drip on Sunday morning around 11.30am and he was born 1.02am Monday morning. Induction was all new to me because I went naturally with my little girl, I also had an epidural this time and I didn't the first time...I am the epidurals new biggest fan lol...take all the drugs ladies!!

When he was born he had a really good breastfeed and then about 2.30am he started making grunting nosies and his temp was down so they took him to neonatal...turns out he caught pneumonia from group B Strep infection. They knew I had it and I was given 3 doses of antibiotics during labour but unfortunately that didn't stop him catching it. He was put on oxygen in an incubator and on antibiotics and now he's like a new baby, he gets to come home this afternoon :) can't wait to get back to normality!! It's been hectic running back and forward to the hospital spending the whole day there feeding and then pumping when I was home at night, I got to stay over with him last night for night feeds and all is going well :D

Congratulations on all the babies that have been born already and good luck to the mummies still patiently waiting xox
Wow coach queenie that's quite an ordeal you've all had :( glad baby is ok now and you can take him home. How did they know you had the strep b? I've read about it before but I thought it was notoriously difficult to actually pick up in the mother and that's why they don't test as standard. Is there any chance he was ill while still inside and that's why he was quiet? These August babies sure are impatient! Sounds like you've done really well to be feeding him in amongst all the chaos as well.

I've got to kee my legs crossed until Monday now as my OH is away working all weekend and then baby is allowed to arrive any time after that! X
Congrats Coach Queenie, sounds like you've had a tough time but I'm really glad to hear he's doing okay now :) He totally has the best birthday!

Ha Rose I had to keep my legs crossed until Monday (7th) cos OH had literally no cover at work until then, so obviously Theo decided to come early :P I think these babies know when is the most inconvenient! haha x

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