August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Looking good Charli! I was amazed after my second baby because I weighed myself two days after the birth and was 17lbs lighter (obviously 10lb was him) and within 3 weeks all the weight had gone. Unfortunately I was still 2 and a half stone overweight from my daughter which I've never lost so I'm still huge lol x
Haha I know it's weird. I feel smaller than I was before I got pregnant? Like my shoulders etc. I dunno if I am! I'll try remember to weigh myself in the morning, be interested to see what I am!

Yeah your boobs will really hurt if they aren't being emptied. I've never had the experience of not using the milk at the start but I can't imagine it's comfortable (I assume he still isn't getting the hang of feeding?) fortunately when I've stopped its because my milk was drying up from being pregnant but it still hurt not to use what was in there and I had to express a bit off a couple of times. I think hot or cold compresses will help x
No, and he seems so happy with the formula milk. He gets really angry and frustrated when I try and bf, it stresses both of us out :( So I think sadly it's just not gonna work out for us, the midwife today was lovely and just said that if I'm happy he's happy so to go with it if I want. I do feel disappointed though.

So I guess I'm just gonna have to wait for it to dry up, wearing a bra helps and I might try cold compresses as well. I think it only takes about a week for it to go, and hopefully it won't be this sore for all of that time.

Thanks PB! I went down really quickly, when I was at the discharge meeting some of the girls looked like they still had their babies and I clearly just had a wobbly tum. It's weird how quickly it disappeared! It feels weird too, like jelly. I guess it will take a while for the muscles to go back to normal.

Ha the cats really aren't sure about Theo at all, one is so curious and the other is just trying to ignore him and sulking :P I'm sure they will get used to him eventually?

Don't feel disappointed! Some babies just dont take to it :( As long as he's eating is the main thing :)

Awhh your cat is huge aha! Can't wait to see my cats reaction she's so scared of new things,she'll probably hide under the cooker for a few days. They'll get used to him eventually x
Haha no she's a tiny cat really! She just looks big cos of the angle I think. Yeah it's hard to say. Mine aren't happy either cos they aren't allowed in our bedroom and sometimes the living room. They definitely have noticed not being the centre of attention any more! But at least they have each other.

Okay I thought I was in pain earlier, I lied. Literally holding Theo hurts :(

Well this just happened!


She didn't stay long but that is the closest she's been!

Wonder how prrfect has got on today?

I've just had my own trip to the hospital. When OH got home I started to really worry about movements as I realised I hadn't felt any for ages and couldn't get him to move. So off we went, two tires toddlers in tow and are only just back. I had a few movements there but not many but absolutely crazy braxton hicks or they could have been irregular contractions - they couldn't tell me. So they said I was fine to go home but to come back or call if I thought anything at all didn't seem right and to come in on Sunday at 12 for a scan. Honestly I've never been so glad to hear the heart beat when they put the trace on, I was properly scared this time. Now I'm scared I could be in early labour (I'm probably being dramatic) and my OH is away from 3pm tomorrow til lunchtime Sunday a 4/5 hour drive away! He has asked if he should cancel but I feel like I'll be gutted if he cancelled and nothing is wrong with me! X
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Eek rose that's not good, I hope all is okay with him in there. That's really difficult, I'm not sure what to advise. I think if it was me I'd want him to stay just in case.

Ahh yeah, I hope everything went well with prrfect! Have we heard from kiwi at all?

Spoke to my best friend and she said she will drop everything over the weekend if I need her and will even stay here tomorrow night if I suddenly felt uncomfortable about being alone x
Good, I'm glad you've got someone :) Fingers crossed you wont need her! x
Well everything seems to have calmed down now. Got some lower back ache which is more so than usual but the crazy BH or whatever they were seen to have stopped. Going to bed and vowing to get myself organised this weekend so I don't fly into a panic if I really do go into early labour! And having typed that I've just got another BH lol x
Aaaw congratulations miss Charli!!! I was just checking back in to see if we had any babies!!! Xx

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Avery has finally put on weight and is a totty 6lbs 11oz but that is a gain of 1lb in a 5 days!! I wAs wondering why I was constantly feeding him and feeling like I was being useless. My toddler has caused more drama with a spell of scarlet fever and I have a chest infection so we are currently in quarantine haha still managing to breast feed though which is really good! Hope everyone else is doing good!!! Xx

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Oh gosh Jill it always happens all at the same time! Glad to hear he's doing well though :) thank you, Theo gets weighed for the first time tomorrow. But sure how well he will have done! The formula seems to be suiting him.

Hope you're still alright Rose, hang in there!

Had a really bad night last night and got a bit teary cos I was in so much pain! Ended up with OH taking a trip to Asda at 4am for a bloody cabbage and ibuprofen!! It worked though and I feel a lot better today. Just had my daily bp check and it was just normal, so I live to fight another day at home!

Hope everyone else is doing well x

Dare I ask what the cabbage was for?! I'm losing track, were you sectioned Charli? Or is this breastfeeding pain?

I'm doing ok today, very achey, some good baby movements although possibly still a little less than normal. I scared my poor OH this morning because I woke up crying my eyes out, I was sort of still asleep when he reached over to shake me awake, i was having a nightmare that the baby was stillborn and was hysterical. It was one of those awful dreams that feels so real you can't shake the feeling all day that it gave you and I keep tearing up again. It was obviously because I had got so scared last night on the way to the hospital x
Hello ladies, so sorry for the late update, my baby girl was born on the 30/07/17 at 16.40 after a quick induction and all is well after all the scares throughout the pregnancy.

I am trying to catch up and see there are a few congratulations in order, so lovely to see all the babies being born and hope all you new mammys and mammys to be very shortly are doing well. Lots of love xxx

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