Thank you Rose and Elspeth, really really appreciate and am grateful for the advice from experienced BFing mummies xx
I am using the calma teats too as I have them from my first from when I expressed for him in hospital and later at home using the Medela pump/system.
I've only topped up so far AFTER a breastfeed only (never skipped a breast feed to give formula instead if you know what I mean, hoping that this way I won't interfere with my supply) so baby always breastfeeds on demand or, if too sleepy, I wake him up 3 hourly, and then after the breast feed I give him some extra ml of formula as top up. This is the "plan" I was put into so that he gains his lost weight, with the intention to hopefully cut the top ups altogether eventually and get back to EBF. I haven't expressed this time round as I have somehow associated it with quite sad memories from when my first was in intensive care after major surgery and a small survival probability

I'm just worried I might find myself obsessed again with how many ml I produce etc...
Not having a good feeling about this mixed feeding though, I agree with you. Wish I could have stood up to the midwives, but i didn't have the breastfeeding experience to give me that confidence

Just want to do the best for him and if on Tuesday things don't look good, I guess I might choose to switch to formula. Not sure whether I've still subotaged my supply following the midwives' "plan" or I just happen to have inadequate supply..