August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh I thought it might be that - I had to have injections after my first baby and I think they were called Clexane so assumed it must be something similar. My OH had to give them to me daily in the stomach for a week! It's funny how they suggest different stuff in different areas, like I ca hardly move but they haven't mentioned any concern of DVT even though I'm more at risk due to high BMI.

Yeah I haven't had a sweep before and my friend has told me hers were horrible x
Ahh wow lovely!!!!

Charli that's amazing!!!!
Wow 1st time and it all happened so quickly amazing he's gorgeous you look so well off no sleep I hope you heal quickly and you enjoy him!!!!

So jealous it's hard to watch knowing the wait is still on feel for those Mumma's who are end of August although it means nothing we can all go any time now!!!!

Hoping for rainbow wow he's a stunner omg and yes seeing these babies makes me long for ours so must be same for everyone!
That material instinct kicks in!!

I've been having horrible pains all last night and it's come back again now don't know what to do as it's all on left side????

Is it wind????

What is this awful pain?? Taking pain killers..

So stuck as what to do!!! Xx
Hey guys :) been home now for about 2 hours, hospital today was a complete faff I can't even be bothered to moan or explain haha.

He's such a good baby, so sleepy and quiet! Think we are gonna have to think hard about bf because he just doesn't get it. Got one of those ready made formula bottles at the hospital and he loved it, and it was so much less stressful for us!

I hope the rest of the time goes quickly for all of you. You never know they may be early as well :)


Awww he is so teeny!
That's a shame with the breast feeding but maybe once you are home you'll feel more relaxed and your mum could help you get the hang of it? It's really not an easy thing to get going, especially the first time round, and it's always tough in the first few days to see them lose weight as you wait for your milk to come in but it's worth sticking with if you can - if only for the money saving aspect of not having to buy formula! Hope you enjoy every second of your new adventure!!! Xx
I completely forgot to post but I turned team blue slightly early and very quickly, waters went unexpectedly with a big pop at home and no real pains but after 42 minutes in hospital he was here!
Oh congrats! Has he got a name and when was he born?

That was very quick!! I'll try and update the front page tomorrow if I get time haha x

Yeah will definitely give it another go once milk comes in. I did try again just now but he's just confused by the whole thing haha. So he's had formula since we got home, which has been interesting! Amazon didn't deliver my stuff in time (naughty early baby!) so having to sterilise the old fashioned way... but we'll get there :) he's such a cutie I don't mind at the moment! X

Congratulations mummy2be!!!

Can't wait to see pictures...

I went in last night turns out I'm in slow labour!
At hospital contractions every 7mins but no waters broken or dilation yet so back home and calmed down with pains really thought he was coming!!!!

Mis Charli so glad your on your way home with a healthy bundle!
Keep us updated !!
Eek these august babies are in a rush! Hope things speed up a bit for you... contractions are horrible! X

Congratulations to those whose babies have arrived. Mine also made an early appearance on Tuesday night.

A little boy, called Jonah. He's doing well. :)
Oh my goodness! Can't believe all these early babies! What little monkeys taking everyone by surprise. I'm also slightly jealous, if mine were to come now I'd be freaking out about not being totally ready but also so pleased that I'd get rid of the pain I'm in. Can't believe the speed of these labours either!!!

Prrrfect that's exciting though - you can't be far off. When did they say to come back? X
Oh my god! Everyone's gonna have had thier babies by the middle of August! Aha
Congratulations ladies. Very happy to hear! :)

Charli very cute... he's so tiny. I keep getting excitment heart palpitations :lol: I can't wait ahhh lol. X
Wow'ers these babies are coming so quickly. I'm totally jealous x

Honestly feel like I'm falling apart lol. Apart from all my aches and pains which are making me basically immobile I've got heartburn today too. My little boy woke up miserable with teething and my little girl threw up her breakfast all over herself (no apparent reason for it) so it's been a great day so far! X
Back in triage for my bp. Midwife surprised us by waking us up this morning (admittedly it was half 9!) and it was raised on the first go and top normal cut off on the second. Think I massively panicked so they are just monitoring me for now. So don't want to be readmitted :( x

Aww that's rubbish misscharli - both being disturbed when everyone is asleep and the high BP! Have you had any clotting or anything? I had a little infection after my first where I got some big clots come away and I think that can raise BP a bit x
No nothing, it's getting quite a lot lighter today as well which is good. Feeling okay in myself.

Done 2 more readings over 10 mins and they were both normal and dropping. So waiting for the drs opinion now on if they want me to stay in and do 3 more over a few hours.

If someone took my BP after waking me up without any warning it would be raised to :shock: lol. Hopefully it was just that and you can get home and get some rest! Do you feel ok in yourself?

Rose, hope your daughter isn't poorly and was just a one off. It's already the 3rd I think it's going pretty fast, you'll have baby out soon :D

I have midwife coming tomorrow, fun. So I'm cleaning the house top to bottom and for some reason my body chooses today to sweat loadsss not had this before, but I only hooverd the living room and my face looked like a pulled it out a bucket of water :/ other than that I feel fantastic today! Maybe because I only got up to pee once last night ?! Heh. Although baby isn't moving much today. Will have to see how she goes. X
I've got a lazy one today too PB! He has been so crazy active for days that it's weird he has gone a bit quiet. I will keep an eye on it and if stil quiet later I might have to call maternity ward as its one of those 'he's moving a tiny bit but nothing like he was' days x

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