August 2017 babies! The final thread!

It feels so weird to not still be pregnant with all of you, like we're in a separate before and after thing haha. I really hope all is well with you both.

Try not to stress about the mw and being tidy pb. Unless your house is a complete shit tip (which I'm sure it's not!) she really won't care x

All is normal atm and my wee sample was clear yay. Still waiting for dr opinion but thinking they will let me go hopefully x

Excellent Charli - what a faff though, not really how you want to be spending your bonding time! X
Congratulations Charlie he's gorgeous. Congratulations also the everyone else! I can't believe how many are coming early! I'm feeling very jealous at the moment just wanting him to be here now on the plus only 13 days till my due date :) pleased your BP is all alright and you can go back home!
Amazing new ms Charli :)
So happy for you!
No no your still an August mumma and that's what we are all about!
Keep bringing us the photos and updates xx

Luna congratulations please send photo?
Live to see them!

Rose you are having it so hard bless you!!!
I honestly did think of you when I was having my pains because I know you have had it a lot worse than me!
Before the labour has even began!!!
Im hoping and wishing you have a great delivery and alls well because you most definitely deserve it!
Your very strong! Xx

It's hard to answer everyone on here so sorry if I miss people out!

I've come home and have had some more contractions but they are not getting worse and no waters broken..

I think baby is more active a night and tonight I maybe back in again..
either way he will be here tomorrow!!!!

So excited!!

Good luck everyone xx
Aww thanks prrfect - it's nice when ladies on here can sympathise as I don't think anyone around me really can when they aren't pregnant, and obviously my OH just can't imagine how bad it is even though he can see me struggling some of the time he can't really understand. So excited for you that you'll meet your baby soon! Hopefully something happens overnight to speed the process up! Set yourself up in front of the tv with a gym ball to bounce on if you have one and watch a boxset or Netflix series! X
Eek, good luck Prrfect! :)

Had such a busy day and about 9 million visitors! Theo is such a good baby though and only cries when he's having his bum changed! He's ridiculously cute and perfect, and I'm feeling really good about things today after being let home. He is teeny though, and we ran out of clean little clothes that we were given secondhand just in case! So each visitor brought us some and now we have tonnes haha.

I do feel so tired and weak though, even after a reasonable amount of sleep added together last night. Ventured out to Toys R Us and Tesco after leaving the hospital and that felt like a bit of a mission!

Have to have my BP checked again tomorrow by the mw, as long as she doesn't surprise us all again I'm feeling a lot more relaxed. Hospital today showed I was fine, so as long as I don't panic I don't see why I should have any issues! Hope we're gonna have a day in tomorrow with no visitors otherwise, just the 3 of us! Been a whirlwind of a week and I just need some us time I think.

Hope you are all doing well, I will try and keep up when I can! x
Prrfect I hope all goes ok today! :D exciting.

Charli glad things are better. Have a nice chilled out day with your LO.

I'm.waiting for the midwife atm. Getting kinda anxious! Like I've completely forgotten how to talk to a person wtf :/ x
How are your movements today PB? I still feel like mine aren't quite the same as they have been but there is still quite a lot going on in there so I'm not going to call the hospital just yet, will see how he is he rest of the morning. I'm exhausted today as my son kept me up half the night and then woke up at 5.30 x
She hasn't really moved much again this morning. She kept digging into my hip last night which was painful! I'm not concenerd enough to go to the hosp just yet though. Plus the midwife should doppler me today.
Will you go in later if he hasn't picked up?
Ohh I bet your tired! I was up at half 6 worrying about the midwife... and I need a nap! Honestly so tired I feel sick, she said between 9 &12 :/

Does anyone else feel like they've got a pulled muscle in thier VJJ? Like it feels like I've done the splits, the bit inside your thighs... maybe I over did it yday? Or is it just part of pregnancy? X
Now I'm really fed up. My partner works with a woman due the same day as me and her waters broke last Friday! How come everyone else is going early and I'm stuck in agony with this giant baby lol?! Feeling sorry for myself this week! X
Yeah I'm exhausted, and my little boy is clinging to me like glue today! It's making me feel sick too actually.

The pulled vjj feeling is fairly normal I think. I've been getting the pain where it feels like your pubic bone is breaking in two but that's pressure from the baby's head I think x
Midwife has been and gone and she wants me to see a nurse about my anxiety.. (never told her about it) she said she's noticed it at most appointments but today I seem really bad and I should see someone before I deliver... tbh I might be good? I have got really bad like even leaving the house now I have some stupid shit in my head like the house is gonna burn down or something.
I forgot to ask about that SPD thing to :/

She also bought up inducing me again! Oh i hope so!! X
That sounds quite a positive meeting then. They asked me a while back about anxiety as I had a spell of feeling like all I was doing was worrying about all the ways my children could get hurt or snatched if I went out but it only lasted about a week. But when I told them they said if it got to the point where I was worrying about leaving the house I needed to say something. I think it's really so they can be aware in case you develop post natal depression because obviously if you have anxiety already I think you are a bit more likely to but I'm sure you'll be fine and everyone gets the baby blues in the first few days because you get this rush of hormones changing x
Thanks rose!
Wow they work fast. Juts had a call to refer me to the mental health service. But like she wanted me to see them before baby is here and there first appointment was 17th :/ like if I'm being induced baby might be here?
I'm so worried about getting PND now :( anyone else worried about getting it? X
I was worried with my first because my mum got it with me and my OHs sister got it really bad but I was fine with both my first and second. Unfortunately my brother's wife got it really bad with her second (she was suicidal and said every room she went in she was running through scenarios of how she could kill herself in that particular room) she is a year post partum now and is still on very strong anti depressants so it can be a very scary thing but as long as you speak up and get help it can be controlled.

It's easier said than done but I wouldn't get too worried about it because it's not like you have any control over whether your body reacts in that way or not and the majority of people are fine. I always get really down about 3 days after birth and just cry all day which is the baby blues. It's a combination of hormones and feeling you have this massive new thing to cope with and you feel overwhelmed but it passes quickly x
My cousin has it :/ but she's refused to get help and now social services are involved... and she's not allowed to be alone with them because she hits them :( ..... I don't wanna be like this :(
No one blood related to me has ever had it which is a plus I suppose. My hubby said he would make me go get help if he notices something up with me.
How long does baby blues last? X
I'm a little bit worried about it too, day 3 and I'm feeling good so far. I couldn't get to sleep last night which the midwife asked if was because I was worrying. I don't think it is, Theo is being good as gold I just am rubbish at sleeping! I did get some in the end, I was just too hot as well. She just said to keep an eye on it.

Still having my bp monitored daily. Bloody white coat syndrome lol, there's no community clinics at weekend so have to go to the hospital again!! Bored of being up there now haha. I guess at least I wasn't induced, I would have gone stir crazy.

Also I'm disappearing! 8 days between these 2 pics. Feels very weird tbh!



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