August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh Rose that isn't good, I'm with you a C section would totally be my last resort too. I hope the ECV works and he ends up the right way around! The scans are just complete guess work imo, but hopefully in this case it is right and he does end up smaller.

All good at the 5 day appointment, he only lost 20g! Which seems good to me? I don't have much to compare it to haha. They also didn't want to check my BP again, so the next appointment is the 10 day one on Friday woohoo. The daily ones were really getting to me. I've been at the hospital 6 of the last 7 days... and the 7th day I had an appointment at the children's centre! It's my birthday tomorrow and we are gonna attempt a day out (hopefully if we get a good night) so really didn't want to have another appt! Yay.
Nope my midwife had no idea, the one I saw at maternity assessment on Friday night hadn't been sure either and evidently was wrong because now they've shown me where his head is its obvious that's his head! I'm going in on Tuesday for the ECV and I think from there we will discuss what's best if it doesn't work. I want to be well informed but reading all the online stuff is pretty scary for all the options. As misscharli says I don't hold much faith in their weight calculations and am sure he is going to be much bigger than they think, if he is that might prevent them turning him, NHS stuff online seemed to suggest it could make it harder although the positive was that if you aren't a first time mum it is more likely to work. Feeing pretty apprehensive about the whole thing and worrying about the results of any attempts. Apparently the ECV could make me more likely to go into labour within a week but also if he stays breech apparently breech babies like to come around 38 weeks too.

Misscharli you are doing so well if you are planning a trip out! And barely any weight loss is great news! X
Oh no Rose I hope they manyto turn him on Tuesday and everything goes alright!

Misscharli that's fab news and just think a week ago you were planning on celebrating your birthday then getting to meet Theo the next day but now you get to spend it all three of you's together! How lovely :)

H4R I hope the bf gets easier for you both.

I ended up in hospital yesterday as on Friday night I had a stabbing pain and then it went but he hadn't moved all during the night and he normally wakes at 2am and 5am. So when he hadn't moved by half 9 yesterday morning I phoned the day unit and had me come in for an assessment. He then decided to perform like a monkey kicking the monitors on my belly. They also offered to give me a sweep which I said yes to and she said I was 1cm dilated already! I then lost my plug last night so I guess it's a waiting game. I don't really know what to expect now.
Well the main thing is that he's fully cooked now, so if it did spark things off on Tuesday at least he would be perfectly fine (and possibly still a good weight or you think he's big!). It's good that it works better for 2nd plus babies, and very strange it wasn't picked up before. Good job you had a scan today! At least you can plan for it now, otherwise who knows when it would have been picked up!

He has been really good, especially when we are out and about. We've been out every day (we have to get out for these appointments anyway), we've been to Tesco and Lidl and even the town centre on Friday :) I can't just sit around at home and while OH is off work we might as well get out if we can is our view :) hopefully he will let us tomorrow!

Ooh Rach that sounds like progress! I hope things get moving for you. It seems to be so individual that there's no way to say how it'll be. Mine was so quick, I don't think my way was the usual way!


Charlie Gray
Born Friday 4th August at 12:51

The most perfect little human I ever seen!


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Awww my goodness Prrrfect, he is perfect!!! So so beautiful!!! Congratulations sweetheart, enjoy your cuddles with your little man, welcome to the world little Charlie xx
Oh and I don't think anything is happening it feels like I'm going to be pregnant forever!
Congratulations prrfect he is a gorgeous little guy! All these babies are so exciting! I'm with you Rach, even though I have this new added complication I can't imagine an end in sight! X
Congratulations Prrfect.
He is a rather beautiful newborn.
I hope you are recovering well.

Sounds encouraging Rachel.
Im the same. Feels like I will be pregnant forever.
I'm resigned to going overdue now.
I still keep getting overexcited at every twinge.

Thank you everyone he has little jaundice so I'm putting him in the sunshine when I can he was feeding fantastic then he's gone really bad and just screaming at my boobs since lastnight I have a women coming now to help me as I'm so worried about him :(

Breastfeeding is so hard!!!!

Goodluck girlies waiting I'm hoping to hear your news soon!!! Xxxx


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Thank you everyone he has little jaundice so I'm putting him in the sunshine when I can he was feeding fantastic then he's gone really bad and just screaming at my boobs since lastnight I have a women coming now to help me as I'm so worried about him :(

Breastfeeding is so hard!!!!

Goodluck girlies waiting I'm hoping to hear your news soon!!! Xxxx

He's georgeous. Feeding through jaundice is tough as jaundice makes them more sleepy when my son had it I hand expressed into a syringe and gave him that before latching and that gave him the energy to feed.

I'm enjoying seeing all these august arrivals as it means September is getting closer and cute babies are
Making me so ready to have our little
Monkey xx
Ahhh thank you!
Yes now I know it's energy to feed omg I wish I could have spoken to you lastnight as you would have told me what was happening!!!

So alls good he's had a formula to boost his energy and now we are back on course!
Never been so happy as to know he's eaten something at last and he already looks less yellow thanks elfs mummy wishing you the very best of luck for your birth xx
Well we've finally moved my daughter into her big girl bedroom and my son Into the nursery room. Last night we endured half an hour of controlled crying for him before he fell asleep and an hour and a half of 'I need to get a nappy change' type shenanigans from her before they went to sleep. Tonight she has gone down instantly and my son did about 10 minutes there with me sat in his room and no tears and has just started crying now but at least isn't standing up in his cot and I think will hopefully give in soon. Got to get them going to bed easily before baby arrives! But controlled crying is my least favourite thing ever. You feel so guilty x
That sounds really tough Rose, but good luck.

Glad things are going a bit better prrfect :) Breastfeeding is so difficult so well done for keeping going x

I'm sure the rest of the August babies will be here before you know it!!

Had a lovely day, had a first day out as a family and went to a coastal zoo thingy (basically a penguin zoo!) and then my mum babysat while we went for a posh meal in a steakhouse! I had rare steak and a cocktail and it was lovely :) We were only gone for like 90 mins I think my mum was disappointed! Haa.

Registering our little man in the morning, so he will be an official person! Yay! x

A couple of pics from today, look at him in the giant deckchair!


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