August 2017 babies! The final thread!

He's such a beauty! Congratulations lovely x so quick too although I bet it didn't feel it at the time xx

Sounds like a plan misscharli. Definitely get plenty of people to check the latch because the worst thing for you at the start is to get a 'nipple feeder' where they only really have the little 'pointy' bit of your nipple in your mouth as they will suck that til you bleed. They need a good big mouthful of all the nipple. I had an amazing lady from the local breastfeeding network come out and sit with me through 40 minute feeds with my daughter to check it all out and she explained that when they are doing it right you can watch their chins moving and you'll see this pattern of big glugs at first (after your milk comes in) where they are getting all the foremilk and then when they get to the hind milk they work harder and you get lots of little sucks so it almost looks like they are vibrating their chins. In these first few days though they are just getting colostrum and so they will just furiously suck away for what feels like the whole day. Really hope it's successful for you! Xx
Luckily my mum specialised as a postnatal midwife so once I get home she's more than happy to make sure he's getting it. One nip is a bit sore so think he was doing that for a bit, but hopefully it'll be okay.

Bit worried about when oh has to leave, bf is stressful and I'm so tired. Managed 20 mins just now until they rudely woke me up to do my bp haha.

Aww I know how you feel Charli, I hated it when OH had to leave (with both babies) because suddenly you are all alone with this tiny person and you can't even go pee without worrying what to do with them! And sometimes your OH is the only one who can calm you down when you are getting all flustered from struggling to feed. Hope your first night goes ok for you x
MissCharli he is beautiful and awww! Your photo with him! Love it :cloud9:

Currently awake with my own boobie monster attached to me, so just know that you're not alone, hope you are ok, I know it's tough being on your own this first night but soon will be morning and your oh will be back with you before you know it xx You've done so well and you should be soooo proud of yourself! xx

Love your bump photo Tasha!! xx

It is so weird looking at and feeling my post preg tummy, still look like I'm a few months pregnant - but with no baby inside, so weird. I look at him and find it so hard to believe he was actually in there a week ago!
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Thanks guys :) yeah it's so weird not being pregnant and being empty now! Feel likes is just jelly ha.

First night wasn't too bad, he is really struggling with bf and had to express colostrum with help of hca! But afterwards he let me sleep on and off from 130-6 with not too much fussing. He passed all 3 blood sugar checks straight away so just waiting for them to pass me for my bp before I go home! OH can come back at 8 so not long to go now yay :)

Hope everythings going ok Charli.

I've been googling and it seems I have this SPD thing :( I have all.symptoms apart from 1. Should I tell the midwife or not cos I'm so close to the end now.
I'm in absolute agony when I wake up in bed, fades away during the day but last night went for a wee again and omg the pain was unbearable every single time. Now I can't even roll in bed without the pain. And throughout the day I have really bad pain when baby moves. Ugh. I'm done, baby needs to come. I was hoping it was good pain like baby getting lower and ready but its not even that! :( x
I have SPD too PB and had it with both over pregnancies. Saw a physio and the advice they give is that you need to try to keep your legs together whenever you do anything, so rolling over in bed and getting in and out the car are two big ones. You must sit on the car seat facing out then swing both legs into the car at the same time. Sleep on left side with a pillow between legs to keep hips level too x
Might be worth mentioning it, paracetamol doesn't touch the pain now for me so if you need meds make sure you see gp or consultant. I was also given the same advice as rose. They said think like a princess and move like one. It's hard to keep them together with fat thighs lol. So ready for this baby.

Thanks for the advise ladies. Our car is really low, and I have long legs that get stuck trying to get them if I get in like that :lol: hubby will have to help xD... my hips ache so much because of sleeping on them!I always wake on my back... I'm.gonna try propping myself up and sleeping like that.
Ahh tash I have fat thighs to! Like exercise trying to put my legs together heh! X
PB I found that if I had a big body pillow in front of me and between my legs and then just another pillow at my back then I couldn't roll onto my back.

My complaint today is extremely bad lower backache and a really blocked nose that's come from nowhere. I'm so fed up and bored at home, the kids have cabin fever but I just can't take them out when I'm in so much pain x
I have a pregnancy pillow but I always wake up and it's on the floor I might try putting a pillow behind me though.

Can't anyone come and take them out to the park or something and give you a break aswell as entertain them? You think cold or just pregnancy congestion? I had blocked nose for a few days and now hubby is poorly with a cold .. hoping it skipped me and juts blocked me up ahahaha. We can't be ill baby can come at any time! Imagine having to give birth while you have a cold... oh god no! X
We don't live near anyone that they'd go out with - we moved about 40 minutes away from all of OH's family plus they all work. Hoping someone might want them for a bit at the weekend so they don't go absolutely crazy. I think it's just pregnancy congestion that's stepped up a bit. Read some stuff online that says a stuffy nose can happen ten days before going into labour so you never know!

My midwife just called and it turns out that she had tried to get me an earlier consultant appointment but the clinic the week before my due date was midwife only and no doctors so wouldn't have done me any good. So when I see a consultant two days before my due date they should agree to give me a sweep there and then which will at least be 9 days earlier than my
Midwife is allowed to x
Hopefully someone will so they can get rid of some energy aha.

Ooo I hope it mens that! Mines been clogged for 3 days can even drink without have a break aha.

Oh at least she tried then, 9 days is better than nothing! Hopefully it will work first time :) x
Just back from hospital, I'm not being induced until 21st when I'll be 39+2!!! They said he's 6lb7oz and can stay in longer as not a big Gestational Diabetes baby. I'm gutted I was so sure it would be next week. Back tomorrow for clenex injections as my spd is making me less mobile they don't want to risk it x

Awh tash! It'll go really fast though! :) plus they might change thier minds again yet... x
Hopefully tomorrow goes ok.
What's a clenex injection? And do you mean they don't want to induce earlier because of your SPD as that doesn't sound like it makes sense?

I've realised that I've been sitting thinking 'oh god it's so long to go til my due date and seeing this consultant two days before' but then I realised that this appointment I've been given on the 24th is 3 weeks tomorrow and now I know I'll get a sweep then if baby is engaged (midwife confirmed that earlier) then I'm actually thinking 'oh god three weeks is so soon I need to get organised!' So I'm sure you'll be ok tashap, and as PB said they've still got time to change their minds again too x
Sorry blood thinners - as the spd is making me less mobile they don't want to risk blood clots. They were going to induce me around 37ish because of gestational diabetes but as he isn't big they will wait. I'm just being impatient x I've not been offered a sweep mind you doesn't sound pleasant x


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