August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Eeeeeeek MissCharli!!! I am sooooo excited for you!!! This is how it started for me with my first. It turned out in my case I was slowly leaking waters, so never felt my waters "breaking" as such, just leaking slowly making me wet. I put a pad on and realised waters accumulated in it over several hours.

When I was 100% sure it was indeed my waters, I was a bit naughty and didn't tell them the truth of when exactly I had felt the waters had started to leak. I gave them a time that was a tad later in the day as from the time your waters break, they start a "timer" in order to induce you if you go over it e.g. if you don't go into labour naturally within that many hours, they induce you (I don't remember how 8/10 hours? Not sure) as I wanted to avoid getting induced ;) (ohh the irony... even induction scared me first time round and now had c section!)

Awww sweetheart, lots of hugs and good luck. I'll be checking for your updates. How utterly and wonderfully exciting. Our first TRUE August baby :lol: :cloud9:
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Eeeek misscharli that's exciting! I don't have any experience of slowly going waters as mine went naturally with my first as a massive pop and then just a tsunami of water lol but I know not many people actually go like that. Exciting baby has decided to come early itself! Gives me hope mine might too!

Happy August everyone! We should all get our babies this month unless there are any naughty ones that favour September! X
Awh beautiful pics h4r. Hope you can continue to breastfeed! Sounds like you have your hands full atm. X

Omg charli! I'm so excited for you! Guess you didn't need that sweep after all anyway! Aha. Keep us updated (if possible) yay another baby on the way!!!

I didn't sleep last night, sciatica was so bad. And then I got up for the loo about half 2 got bk into bed and I had some of the worst pain in my vag/pelvis I've ever had. Now I keep getting on and off pains in vag. Maybe baby engaging oh I do hope so heh.

Happy August :dance::dance::dance: :) x
Does anyone else feel like their bump is really sore? This is the second day where I feel like my entire bump hurts, hard to explain but almost like the whole thing is bruised. It's rock hard too. My children keep climbing on me and it's so sore it makes me want to cry if they just touch me. My midwife just ignored me complaining about it. I suppose I'm just so stretched that's the reason but honestly how am I supposed to spend 4 weeks this uncomfortable?! X
Rose doesn't sound nice. Your in the wars with this pregnancy lol. My bump is just numb from half way downwards. She keeps hurting me when she pushes out though. Hopefully we go into labor sooner aha. X
Wonder how Charli is doing! Ha I'm so excited for an update.

How is everyone?
I'm.trying to clean the house for the midwife on Friday! But I over did it yday and today I'm shattered. Feels like I'm going 1 step forward and 2 steps back tho. My washing line collapsed yday, the pole came.outta the ground... it was concreted in! Not good when trying to finish washing baby clothes heh. X
Thinking of Misscharli- hope your doing well. Xx

I've just checked into the spa holiday and BHicks have gone crazy, well I think/hope they are BH!! This baby can't come till after I check out tomorrow.

PB_ I've given up trying to do anything in the house now and just give lists of tasks to people heheheh

Rose - poor you with your sore bump, have you got any decent painkillers? I think we are allowed cocodimal of gp agrees x

Just to let you all know that Theo Whitman Bickley was born at 1424 :) bloody knackered but he's beautiful. Pics later when I've had a shower! X

Omg! Exciting our first August baby born in August! Huge congratulations lovely, can't wait to see a picture and hear all about it x

Oh my. Huge congratulations MissCharli.
So pleased you beat the induction. Plus sounds like a relatively short first labour.
Gorgeous name.
It's making me so bloody excited!!!!

Wonderful to hear from you H4R.
He's beautiful.
Totally keep persevering with the bfing. Expressing and feeding is hard work but I promise it gets easier. You will need to top up less and less and your nipples get less and less sore.
So worth it if that's what you want to do. Let us know how his weight gain goes.

Enjoy the Spa Tasha. Relax and indulge yourself. I think it's fairly unlikely baby will come today. Fingers crossed.

Awwww congratulations MissCharli!!! So so happy for you!!! Welcome to the world Theo!!! So prompt!!! Our first August (AUGUST) baby!!! :cloud9: xx
Oh wow misscharli that's amazing! 10 days early too! Can't believe how quick that was for you! So excited to hear the details and see pictures later xx
Ahhhhh congratulations!!!!! What a fast labour to. Awhh looking forward to pics :) so happy for you xx
Well I'm jealous ... I want my baby now ahah! I'm so excited. Just get out of me!! Heh. X
Eeek congratulations Charli I can't believe how quick he has arrived! How exciting and fab that you didn't need to be induced :D
I'm the same PB, I'm trying to will him out now and wondering if every new pain is a sign he wants to come out. Fairly sure he is as stubborn as me though and will stay put! X
Thanks guys :) little bit shell shocked still I think and beyond tired. Only got 1.5hrs sleep.

Called triage again at 615 ish cos they were pretty close together, about 5 mins ish. I don't think they believed me tbh but said I could go up. Stuck me on the trace for about an hour and then examined me, I was 8-9 cm by 805!! Moved me to a room after that and gave me gas and air which helped so much. Also had some morphine which was good stuff! No epidural in the end.

He's managed to latch now but found it a bit tricky at the beginning.

He's 6lb 15 so a pretty good size :) up on the ward now cos his sugars need to be monitored. Think I'll end up in overnight which isn't great, but so much better than being induced. Here he is:


Taken less than 10 mins later!


And a then a few hours later :)

Aww he is so cute and 6lb 15 is such a teeny little thing, can't believe they thought he might be big. I'm all for staying in hospital - I've done two nights each time, it helps to establish feeding with people around to help and it's so much harder when you go home and haven't got nurses coming to tell you when to take painkillers etc but obviously you must do what makes you feel more comfortable!

You did so well!!! Xxx
Awhhh adorable! Congratulations. Can't believe how quickly you did it though aha. X
Thanks guys :) he's perfect :) oh is still here at the moment. First blood sugar was way above the minimum and that's with him struggling to feed. Definitely getting a lot of help with that, cos he gets so angry bless him!

Gonna try and kip while he's quiet!


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