August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oo your the same size rose! Hopefully they're the same and this one isn't bigger.
Quick question if your baby is big would you go into labor sooner? People keep saying I'm not gonna make it 4 weeks cossa my big bump like I didn't even know that was a thing.

Charli - I thought they had to see you within half an hour for high BP. So hopefully your not waiting much longer. X
No I don't think that's a thing PB, unless they induce etc!

On the trace now. But he's being a pest and moving too much and it keeps losing contact haha. Bp has dropped but still a tiny bit higher than it should be so they are gonna do it twice more and take bloods. Wee is fine so that's something!

Nope PB you're no more likely to go early with a bigger baby. People have said that to me too in this and other pregnancies but no science behind it, they mostly just can't believe you can get so big!

So I saw the midwife and I think I've finally broken her down lol. Basically she said I'm absolutely fine in all her readings etc and she weighed me and said I've put on a total of 27lbs this time which is totally normal (put on 28lb with my son). But she said she'll refer me back to the ante natal clinic to see a consultant at 38/39 weeks so that I can at least get the chance to discuss an early sweep/induction at 40 weeks rather than allowing me to go over if I'm in too much pain by then. So nothing certain but at least an opportunity to discuss it rather than if I was left to her then I wouldn't even get a sweep til 41 weeks x
Oh glad it's gone down Charli. And good news about the pee! :)

Rose glad to hear they're taking you abit more seriously and your seeing someone to discuss! Hopefully they'll induce you because of the pain.

Heh now I feel like I'm going to be the last one to have baby! As much as I wanted to be induced I wanna go into natural labour so I can spend more time at home instead of being uncomfortable in the hosp. Was hoping it was true aha. Still hoping she wants to come early by herself :P x
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Don't worry PB I'm sure it will be me. Bloody midwife just phoned and has booked me this clinic appointment for two days before my due date so literally not going to make a bit of difference. Not like they would take me in for an induction or anything that day as they'd be booked so basically I think she knew exactly what she was doing and just said all this to get me out her office. Grumpy pregnant lady now x
Ahh bless you peanutbutter- we will all have to make a packed to come here till the end and everyone's had their babies!!!

I heard of a group that all met up after all the babies where born how amazing is that!!!!

Oh my nooooooo my boobs are massive anyway so am I going to struggle il have to get some sort of blow up oval pillow to pop my boobies in to!
Because it's no life not sleeping on your tum!!
My sides hurt..
I think it's got to be bad on your hips constantly swapping sides :-(

Ahhh Charli what's happened now!
Your so brave you know! Being shy as you are and going all in with your sweeps and induction..
Best of luck and try to stay chilled x

I've got a 2 of £10 dinner special for tonight - main- side- pudding and drink (non- alcoholic of course!)
Asda special- so easy..

I've had more movement today so I'm pleased but can also feel his head engaging and that's probably why some of us get that pain down there!
Omg it feels tight and a horrible feeling fair play!
Like the babies going to come out!!

Best of luck with the induction chat Rose I think it's wrong you have had to fight so hard for that!!
I'm really hoping to see some baby pics from kiwi soon!!!

What's happened to hoping for a rainbow? Any news? X
Rose I hate when they do that. How annoying I'd be pissed to! Promises... then nothing :( sorry hun. Your due 3 days before me, will have to wait and see who's comes first :P

Prfect, lmao. I have an oval pregnancy pillow doesn't help my boobs and mine are tiny b cups!
I can't wait other get bigger boobs will feel weird aha!
Glad LO is moving more again. Enjoy your dinner :p x
Finally finished the trace! Little monkey was so fidgety that we were on it for an hour cos the machine hadn't met the criteria! In the end they just took me off cos clearly he was a happy baby haha.

Bp now normal so on my way home, they took bloods but don't expect there to be anything in it so will call me back if there is. £6 spent on parking for not a lot! Ha.
Misscharli- I am so glad your home and baby was bouncing away, did they do a sweep?

PB beautiful bump and puppy!

Prrrfect - yummy enjoy your meal tonight. Be great to stay on touch with everyone once out babies are here. Don't know what I'd have done without you guys to talk to about stuff. Glad he's had a good wiggle today. X

Rose83 - that's disappointing but hopefully they will still get things moving sooner, you never know you might go into labour naturally before then.

Spa overnight stay for me and hubby tomorrow, I can't wait to get in the water hoping it will take the pain away in my hips and pelvis but if not at least I'll be able to move under water. I've been given a walking stick to use to help get around. I'm not very good with it though lol x

No, no sweep :( She wouldn't do it this morning in case it made my BP worse. Disappointing but I've got one booked for Thursday as well, so fingers crossed my BP stays normal. I reckon I was just nervous, but OH can actually come to the Thursday appt so hoping that helps.

Ahh jealous of the spa, I could so do with that right now! I reckon being in the water will help loads with your pain as nearly all of the weight is taken off by the water. I love being in water :)

Your bump looks good PB :)
Misscharli glad you are ok. I had a sweep booked for my first baby on my due date at 9am but my waters broke at 6am, I swear it was my body's way of avoiding the sweep because I was so nervous about having it done! X
Glad everything is ok Charli. :)

Tash enjoy your spa day, sounds nice.

What happens during a sweep? X
They stick their fingers up your hoohaa and swirl them around a bit, hoping to clear the membranes around the cervix I think!
Do you at least get brought a glass of wine first?

HAHAHAHA yep misscharli is pretty much correct there! They are basically just poking around trying to get your body to do its thing by releasing the membranes. The description is horrific and not at all comfortable! X
Haha that would be nice Tasha but I think not!!

The only positive I think is that it doesn't take long!!

Hello girls, just to say Hi from me and baby V, thought a pic might motivate you, he is so cuddly and warm! And soft and wobbly like jelly :lol: and smells amazing, that newborn smell I can't have enough of and I don't want him to ever lose!!! :cloud9:



We are doing ok, I am still on some pain relief (i think I am scared to cut it completely, but have reduced it a lot now), my wound dressing has been removed, wound healing ok. Still blood thinning tummy injections left to do (I have to do them myself every night just before bed). And still persevering with breastfeeding although baby lost close to 10% of his birth weight in the first couple of days after birth. So think the c section drugs must have affected him more than I thought. The plan is to now keep breastfeeding and top him up with some extra ml of expressed milk or formula after each breastfeed every 3 hours. He has started to put weight back on which is great, weighing him again tomorrow (day 7), fingers crossed he keeps on piling back the lost grams. Hoping to be able to drop the top ups and exclusively breastfeed after reaching birth weight as I don't think I can cope with combo feeding and pumping to express exhausts me and makes me stressed and obsessive over quantities. I guess in my case brings back some sad memories and feels like it might distract me from enjoying my baby. Fingers crossed my milk suffices :pray:

You can tell by the time of this post, baby and I are having an early morning hours party :lol: He is on the boob as I am catching up with all of your posts and updates. It"s still quite painful and nips feel sore but the bond is amazing so I'm persevering. Didn't experience this with my first as he was an intensive care baby who never latched properly due to major operation and long winded (nil by mouth) recovery so I just expressed and bottle fed breastmilk when he was ready to have my milk alongside formula combi. So to be even just given a chance to experience this, this time round, I feel so so grateful :cloud9:

Love to all of you, I cannot wait for more of our August babies to arrive!!! I'll keep checking for more updates from you all wonderful mamas xx
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Aww H4R he is lovely! Best of luck with the breastfeeding, I hope it works out for you both :)

Sooo I think things have started tonight! Woke up at about 245 to what I now think is a contraction. Was a bit of a gush when I got up and then a bit more when I had a pee.

Called triage and they don't think it was my waters but definitely lost mucus plug. Contractions are horrible but pretty sure I'm being a wuss tbh, only had 1.5hrs of sleep. Told to stay at home now until they get regular or if my waters do break. Still feel pretty wet down there.

I guess this august baby only just wanted to be an august baby...
Wow Misscharli! Maybe that's why your blood pressure was a bit raised yesterday your body preparing? Eat and rest lovely your going to need some energy soon

H4r - what a beautiful boy x well done with persevering with bf xx

Big love to everyone x


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