August 2017 babies! The final thread!

See my OH is never nervous about anything! He's just excited haha.

Mine was quite lazy, but I feel him moving a lot more. Less kicks more... bulges I guess! Like my whole tummy goes side to side haha. It can be quite uncomfortable. I can tell when he's trying to stretch! I'm sure I felt a foot earlier.

But rose is right, if you're ever worried definitely get it checked out. Better safe than sorry x

Everyone keeps going to me are you excited/nervous etc and I reply say yeah but really I'm just thinking well I don't know what I'm feeling! I don't feel anything as it just doesn't feel real haha

I know I will miss my bump when it's gone but I just can imagine my life without it also like tonight he has been trying to stretch where you see his bum poke out one side and then one foot goes up in my ribs and another the other side of my belly and his neck into me pelvis and it's so strange. TBH I can't actually believe we have gotten this far!

This is tonight's bumpie with a comparison of one at 33 weeks. We always take a bumpie at weeks + 4 so I'm 37+4 today.


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Looking good :)

Haha we'll I'm glad I'm not the only one, it kinda felt like I was supposed to be excited and that I was kinda a failure or weirdo for not? Idk!

It's exactly like that for me haha, I feel his bum a lot I guess cos its hard and round! Feet are a little weirder to feel. I think I'll miss the feeling of him being in there, but I am looking forward to being able to bend over forwards again and roll over in bed without feeling like a hippo :P
Oh yes bending over will be a luxury!
& not spilling food down me!

Oh and sleeping on my front ahhhh that's going to be lush except it's likely to be a short nap in between feeds!!
4days to go!!!!
I've actually started putting nipple cream on as I'm already thinking I so want to get the breastfeeding going well xx
Omg I've missed sleeping on my tummy so much. Even when I sleep on what I used to think was my side I put so much weight on my tummy. It's been hard to readjust!

The past few weeks I think I've just missed sleep though! Kinda think it's cruel to have such crap sleep for weeks before baby is even here... that's not gonna get any better boo haha.

Eek! 8 days for me!

Exciting for the count down ladies!!!

I've got to wait till Wednesday for my induction date - I hope it's soon, can't walk without support now and the pain is awful.

Beautiful bump Rach- it's a lovely but strange feeling when they do the big bum wiggles isn't it

Prrrfect- if your worried or feel a change definitely get it checked out x

Rose83 how beautiful is your baby! And her lovely hair now... jel

Hope kiwi is doing well and having baby snuggles x

I have bad news tummy sleepers...if you are breast feeding it's unlikely you'll be tummy sleeping any time soon :( your boobs will be so inflated it won't be comfortable. I haven't slept on my tummy since 2014 and I always slept on it. It's heartbreaking! X
Aww Tashap I know how you feel, i'm in agony all the time, even getting up to walk across the bedroom last night was terrible. And I'm getting middle of the night thigh cramps which are awful on top of the bloody sciatica. Now I'm home from York though I can relax and basically not leave the house til baby comes as we have no other plans at all. My OH has dorm important work coming up so doesn't want baby to arrive before the 15th ish I think but I'd just love my body back and to not have this pain! Also for the first time I'm so big that driving has become a bit uncomfortable! X
Nooo Rose don't say that :( Bottle feeding it is! Haha x

I have my mw appointment and sweep soon, feeling a bit nervous about having someone fiddle about down there. I know there's gonna be a lot more of that next week but still :( Wish me luck!

Ladies it's officially August tomorrow!!!
Ooo good luck with the sweep! You might not even need the induction then. I've never actually had a sweep although I think that they maybe did it during the induction when they were fiddling around up there. After you've given birth you'll never worry about these things again as you lose all dignity and it feels like everyone has had a feel around up there lol x
Haha I know I know I have to get used to it. I have another sweep booked for Thursday as well. Hoping to get things as ripe as possible for next week if it doesn't work. And if they do... then happy days :P

But I know they often don't work so not getting my hopes up too much!
Bad news, BP was high at mw appointment (150/100) so I have to go up to triage now :( So no sweep either. OH is at work too, and I've never had to go up before :(
Oh No lovely . Hopefully it's just the heat and nerves that sent it up. They are super lovely at triage here and will have and will look after you I'm sure x

Eeek be 3 more babies here next week!

Charli, not good :( hope it comes back down. Keep us updated please !

Ahh I was looking forward to sleeping on my front again... its only another year :shock: aha.

Hope kiwi is doing OK, have I missed any updates from her?

Went to the loo this morning and went back to bed and I had the most awful vaginal pain ever I was rolling around... it was like fanny daggers but never ending... well it did end after about 5 mins!

&&&&&&& I'm so happy it's August tomorrow ... this year has flown I can't wait!!! Ahaha.
Oh no misscharli! I'm sure you'll be fine once you get there, they look after you well.

I was due my 36 week midwife appt today but as I should still have been away she didn't book one and said she'd call about coming out to me at the house. So as I'm back early and am feeling sore and rubbish I called to see about when I might hear from her and the surgery said she had an appointment this afternoon so I might as well attend that. So seeing her at 2.45 only thing is that OH has gone to work this afternoon so I have to take two toddlers but never mind, would rather get checked and show her the state I'm in with pain etc x
I think it was just nerves, well I hope so. But I don't think being sent up here is going to help tbh, feel even more nervous now. Just sat in a waiting room!

Haha that sounds horrible PB!

And good luck with your appt Rose, hopefully they can suggest something that'll help!

I don't think there have been any updates from kiwi, I'm assuming she's too busy with baby! X

So I think I'm doomed to have a giant baby ladies. On the left of this photo is me the night before I had my second baby (10lb 1oz boy) and on the right is me today. Arghhh I'm huge with four weeks still to go!


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Hmm you do look about the same Rose! It might be more fluid though? Plus your muscles will get worse each time I think. I hope he's not too big!

Loving that the triage at my hospital is also the central delivery suite! Lots of buzzers and interesting noises...

Still sat in a bloody waiting room. Been over an hour now :(


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