August 2017 babies! The final thread!

My daughter 3 days old and you can't see the mark anymore


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Beautiful bumps here.
Amazing how we are all such different shapes!
Prrfect, you look amazing.
Good idea to wait for a baby/ family photo shoot.
That's exciting to have your date. You must be so excited.

I hope things are going well for Kiwi.
It really is all go now!!

Rather weirdly I'm getting cold feet about meeting little one.
I know it's a bit late for that but (after a really tough few months) I'm feeling really contented. It's nice to be pregnant, and I can remember all too well what a shock to the system that newborn stage is. I just don't feel ready.
At the same time very excited to find out the sex and that moment that your eyes meet and you are just overwhelmed with love was just the best moment of my life and I can't wait to fall in love again.

I know it's easier said than done but try not to worry about size PB. Their measurements seem to be quite out most of the time. Do you think it would help you to read some empowering books about a woman ability to birth babies naturally, even big ones (you just need to push baby out in a different position that opens up the not lying on your back) .
If the doctors aren't worried then I would personally embrace the chance to birth as naturally as possible. As soon as they start interfering with induction then you become high risk and the chances of an instrumental delivery or section go up a lot. And trust me episiotomy is not kind on the vagina. :(
I can understand that you are worried though, sounds like you need some time with the consultant to be reassured about their plan.
Here's my bump
21 weeks vs 38 weeks.... If this will work


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Thanks ladies, feeling a bit reassured now.
Lovely bumps :)
Kiwi hope baby doesn't waiting long!!! Hopefully we will see an announcement in the morning :P
Rose, that looks painful on her face though... still gonna reject a forcep delivery unless baby is in danger lol. Makes me feel ill thinking about it aha.

I went shopping in town today and 2 people asked when I was due, they told me I won't make it and shes definitely coming sooner... got my first unsolicited stranger belly rub aswell aha! I'm happy thinking she's coming earlier aha! X
Loving the bump pictures I will put one on tomorrow as we take a photo every Sunday evening. Hope everything is going all well Kiwi :) Rose I hope you are able to rest when you get home. I'm gutted that they haven't healed at all :(

I had a growth scan yesterday and he is measuring 7lb 14oz and then I got the delight to see the consultant to be insulted again. She started straight off saying they won't even consider inducing me until 42 weeks and and no sweeps until after 40 weeks and then she changed her mind half way through saying it is up to the midwife to decide to give me a sweep if they want from a week on Monday. Then she went on telling me off about my weight saying I'm not allowed to gain any more weight from now until the baby is born! She then was accusing me saying how come I have glucose in my wee and I said I don't know. But she didn't say anything else about it. I was then told I had to cancel my midwife appointment on Monday and I had to phone them to do it. I phoned them and they asked the name of the consultant and they said ahh just still come in! I'm just pleased I don't have to see any more consultants, I've seen 3 when I am supposed to have the same one!
Wow why so rude Rach? I think you should make a complaint, there's no need to speak to anyone like that!

That sucks Rose :( I hope you feel better once you're home.

Had a BBQ tonight with all the grandparents to be, considering both our parents have remarried there were a lot of us there. I was worried it would be quite awkward but actually it went okay :) It's odd that we've been together for 6.5 years but most of them have never met! The worst thing was that it has been absolutely pissing with rain all day! Good job we had a gazebo ha.
Sounds lovely having everyone round for a BBQ :D I'm just thinking I'm pleased I won't see them again. I though I had done alright as I have only put on 2 stone overall.
Yeah I felt like that after my last consultant appt. I have 2 midwife appointments next week and then I'm in for my induction. Eek!!

Wow everyone looking amazing keep the bumpy pics coming not long now and we be all saggy!!
Have to say Elspeth wow!
The difference in your pictures is unreal!!!

Peanutbutter don't worry either way if you have problems you'l be offered alternative method of delivery...
Rose your daughter looked a beautiful newborn and her red blemish did fade quickly and wow what a lot of dark hair!!!!!!

My problem has been highlighted due to large babies on my husbands side and natural deliveries going horribly
Wrong on my family side with smaller babies!
Hubby is tall and well built and I'm small 5ft and narrow frame so I'm guessing because I've had near no weight again and baby has has had rapid weigh/size gain towards the end...
It's no easy decision and I've not told many people as I feel like people judge and it makes me feel uncomfortable if I'm honest :-/

My ideal birth would be a home birth water birth...

Also I have to say my hospital is amazing and I'm very lucky to have been treated as an individual as I do feel listening to
The way some of you have been treated would have really upset me!

I'm a 1st time mum and I think regardless of family history, high or low risk pregnancy etc everyone should be treated as an individual and kindly treated with respect and dignity so that what ever the type of delivery chosen shouldn't feel overwhelming!
It's hard enough without trust in your hospital.. or the people looking after you xx

I'm scared to death about my section delivery on Friday..
But I'm told the recovery is much much worse than the section itself...

But I will just be thanking my lucky stars that -

1. I'm able to conceive a baby naturally
2. I've grown him in there safe and to full term
3. Hes healthy and strong
4. I'm healthy and ready to heal quickly after he's born!

How lucky are we and how it must feel for anyone who's lost a baby through miscarriage to get to full term it's amazing!!

Can't wait to meet him and become a family!
Rach that sounds horrible for you. I have a seriously obese friend who is 4ft 10 (not that you are either of those!) but she was told not to gain weight in pregnancy which I thought was ridiculous! In actual fact she didn't gain anything for the first 6 months and it seems that what happened was she redistributed her weight, I suppose technically she must have lost some of her 'fat' weight as she grew the baby at the same rate. But then she gained quite a bit in tri 3 because that's when baby puts on all its weight so to tell you now to lose weight is ridiculous! My friend has two healthy little boys who were both born under 7lbs at full term so I really don't think their 'advise' about weight is very good in some cases - quite apart from it being rude. You certainly don't look like someone that should be told that in the photos you have posted!

My mum and dad have spent the whole trip commenting on how 'huge/enormous/big' I am which is starting to get a hit wearing! They've never seen me this close to the end of pregnancy and just seem to think I'm going to give birth any second because how could I possibly get bigger? But my midwife says I'm only measuring a week ahead on their chart thing where they do the bump measurement. I'm uncomfortable and obviously the pain is terrible but I don't really feel I've reached the size I was with my second baby yet.

My daughter was indeed a hairy baby! And none of it ever fell out so by the time she was one she had shoulder length hair and at 2.5 it touches her lower back (almost bum length) when it's washed. People always thought she was older because of the hair. My son was born with an almost identical head of hair but his did all drop out over the first 6 months but he did grow in new stuff at the same time so he also has a crazy head of hair now - in fact if baby three doesn't have hair it will be very strange for me! X
This is her 'just up from a nap' hair, totally natural soft curls. I am so jealous of her hair lol! She has gone a lot lighter in colour as she has grown and has her dad's colour hair whereas mine is quite a bit darker x


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Her hair is beautiful rose! Wish mine looked like that when I just woke up... I'd need some curling tongs :p

I think that's really common in terms of comments, but I don't get it. People would never comment if you had a bad haircut or put on weight but think it's okay to suddenly say you're massive etc just cos it's a baby in there? I had lots of comments last night about how I'm all bump and neat etc. Which I know they were being nice but I just felt mega self conscious cos I'm a shy person!

People keep asking me if I feel excited but I don't know. I don't really feel anything at the moment. Is that weird??

Hahaha I know! My friend is an extensions specialist and people pay hundreds to have their hair styled like that!

I think it's because it doesn't feel real misscharli, it's so hard to actually visualise having that new tiny person arriving so it's hard to say you are really excited about something you can't imagine. Even with my third I can't imagine what it's going to be like to have another little person in my life. It also just doesn't feel like in a weeks time I'll be considered full term and could go any time! X
I think you've got it spot on really. It's gonna be such a massive change and until he's here I just think there's no way of really anticipating it! You'd think after 9 months we would be able to get used to the idea haha. Well it's all gonna be very real in 9 days when I'm induced... eek.

Eeeeek 9 days! Can't believe everyone is having their babies now! I'm sure I'm going to be sitting here still at the start of September the size of a House and crippled with pain as they continue to refused to induce lol. Maybe they'll suddenly see sense! X
Aww I hope not! With a third one you'll be more likely to go on time I'd have thought?

Hmmm I think baby is sleeping on my bladder, every time I walk or stand up its like aah I need to pee but when I sit down again its fine? Makes walking anywhere quite difficult haha.
I'm glad you said that Charli as I feel same it's weird exciting because it's the un known!
How can you know what it's like to be a mum if you've never been one!!
My hubby also saying he's nervous!!

And I get that baby on my bladder all the time he's low and he's high it seems!!!
Bladder and ribs are sore pretty much constantly and I'd say that is the worst things I've experienced with the whole
I'm guessing that I'm actually quite lucky to be able to say that!!!

Baby doesn't move much at all these days worries me so be glad to be relieved from that worry when he's out of there!!

Hope everyone's had a great weekend xx
Prrfect did he always move a lot before? He shouldn't really be changing his pAttern or you should get checked out. Mine still has plenty of movement and very big ones too which is super uncomfortable but shows he is still happy in there x
If I'm honest no hes always been fairly lazy and has long periods of time with little movement..
I wonder if he maybe moving more when I'm asleep!
But I'm awake a lot with insomnia- il feel him move now and then at night..
I wonder how he can be comfortable at all cramped up, always think he must want to stretch his legs but he can't!

I know it's lovely when they move so reassuring..

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