August 2017 babies! The final thread!

That's so stupid PB, I think that's an issue with having more than 1 hospital you can go to. It's like no one is communicating! I'd be really frustrated :(

I got the cards in hobby craft for £2.50 :) apparently they do them in Poundland as well but I haven't seen them in there (I wasn't looking tbf) or amazon :)

Ahhh Beautiful baby Jill...
So nice to see pictures!!

Best of luck kiwi...

I thought I'd tell everyone we having our little man a week today as I have made the decision to have section delivery
Due to him being so big...
9lb predicted and I just don't want to be put off having another baby with having a traumatic 1st delivery..

Both my sisters had terrible births where babies got stuck and I think it's perhaps because we are not very hippy but
On the other hand just one of those things - but both my sisters babies where not big!

Charli you don't look big at all!!!

Everyone should post a pic so we can see how much everyone has grown love bump pics!
Il try post pic see if you think I look big I don't think I do but hubby thinks I'm massive!!!!
But that's probably because I pretend to be a sumo wrestler before bed!!!! Hahahaha

This is something you must try - it's a great sex prevention method too! :)

So 4th of August we should be going to hospital to deliver our boy I'm sooo excited scared and shocked our pregnancies coming to an end!!!


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Aww you look really good prrfect! :) my oh thinks I look big as well, but I really don't compared to some people haha.

Oooh exciting! I can't believe that in a week 4 of them will be here eek. Best of luck with the c section :) x

Thank you was planning on having some pregnancy photos taken but decided money be best spent on some family and baby
Photos taken instead!

Oh I know where has the time gone!!!!

I have the worst pregnancy insomnia tonight :(

Drives me mad!!
Babies are coming so fast... They're all gonna be here by the middle of August aha.
Good luck with your section prfect. And lovely bump... I feel like I'm the only one covered in stretch marks loool.
Can I ask how you got to have the section because baby is big? My baby is huge according to scans and last consultant meeting they even said no to induce me :/ yday tho midwife said they might now but like .. I'm refusing forceps delivery and do not want a section so imo and whst I've seen on Google they should induce a big bsby... did you just ask or did they say? X
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Omg my stretchmarks are so bad PB don't worry! I can take a pic if it'll make you feel better... but I think it'll just make you feel sick!! X

Ooh I'm glad I'm not the only one ... keep seeing perfect bumps with none and I'm just like ... my whole belly is covered in them. God knows how it'll look when we've had babies :shock: hopefully less purple aha x
What beautiful bump prrrfect! Exciting about having a section date. These babies are coming quickly aren't they x I'll do a bump picture in the next few days.

PB - I'm covered in stretch marks too x

I think they will probably disappear quite quickly as everything shrinks down. Just hope it doesn't go all weird and baggy... I knew I was gonna get them so that made it a bit easier. I have one that is just above the lady garden area which is about as wide as my finger! Yuck! At least I can't see it atm unless I lift my tummy up a bit xD
I can't see anything past midway, so legs, lady garden etc!! If I can't see it I can't shave it hahahaha asked husband he refused to do that or paint my toe nails.

Kiwi- thinking of you - keep us updated as and when you can x

I can only see those bits in a mirror :p

Haha my oh refused to do my toes either! Rude!

I have been shaving the lady garden, but by feel only so I get out of the shower and I've missed most of it hahaha. I wouldn't let oh near it with a razor even if he was willing!!

Oh yes, today is the day good luck kiwi!! X
Hey ladies, yup induction day today but really I am just sat here waiting. I came to the ward this morning and the examined me and I was a cm and a half dilated so don't need the pessary. So I am now just waiting for a spot on the labour ward, which seems to be very busy just now. But they did give me a sweep so hopefully that could help get things going.

Hope your all keeping fine xxx
Ah that's good news then Kiwi, hopefully that will make it a lot quicker! I hope they get you on the ward soon :)
That's great news kiwi!!! Probably saved you loads of time. How long will the wait after the sweep before breaking your waters?

Does anyone else have a bump warmer every time you sit or lay down? I'm meant to be sorting clothes but snuggling instead - he keeps kicking the dog through my tummy too.


Haha funny you should ask that Tasha...


This is one of my cats currently :p

Too cute! I'm sure they know. She never used to lay on my tummy and now always wants to be there

Bless them. Yeah they must be able to hear them especially now! Though they don't seem that bothered being kicked haha

Just catching up ladies and finding myself chuckling rather inappropriately. PB they really shouldn't be worrying you about the size by telling you she is huge now! They are often very wrong on the sizes and I don't see how they can't tell you she is measuring 40 weeks if the length is still small. All three of mine have had some measurements bigger and some smaller but no one has every said 'the baby is measuring X weeks' because all the measurements tend to vary and it's not like they take an average. At this time the average baby puts on half a pound a week so you could be looking at 9lb I suppose but that's only if they are correct in their guess. It's silly because I'm sat here having had a 10lb 1oz baby and been scanned to show I'm likely to be having another big one (I'm enormous now) and yet they have ruled out induction due to size and said it will be fine - not even interested in scanning again and obviously we have the same due date. I don't feel they should be worrying a first time mum like that. Also forceps really aren't that bad, as a first time mum I thought forceps would be awful and I didn't want them and thought it would be awful. I ended up with forceps with my daughter and she was fine, I never felt them at all and forceps had her out in under 3 minutes once they decided to use them. I'll post a photo of my daughter so you can see the mark it left but this mark was almost gone the next day and by day 3 you would never have known anything was there.

My weekend has been pretty rubbish and I can't wait to get home. As predicted the grandparents are terrible at watching the kids and I'm doing way more than I would need to at home just to stop them from hurting themselves. We went to the wildlife park and my OH half pushed me in the wheelchair which was mortifying and they all complained how difficult it was and my OH was frustrated because my mum and dad were so crap at walking the kids round/pushing the pram. Then today we went to the shops and both children were fed up and had tantrums and I had no help because they were too tired apparently.

Prrfect your bump is so neat! And perfect! You are not huge! I'll post one of me - no one can stop saying how huge I am :( x
My daughter immediately after birth with forceps


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