August 2017 babies! The final thread!

How do you ask people who are poorly to stay away without sounding nasty? I mean I would stay away but some people don't give a shit and just wanna see baby.
Also my husband thinks I'm being rude to ask people to use hand gel before touching the baby... no it isn't I'm weird with germs and refuse to eat with my hands if I haven't got hand gel with me. I don't know what people have touched or how often they clean thier hands.
Also not a fan of kissing a new born on the lips... personally I find it weird and there's no need to kiss on the lips until they're older and pout thier lips for one. But I don't wanna say to people don't kiss on the lips cos I feel like a bitch qns my husband would just say I'm being weird to them and to carry on...I said to him about that baby died that died from 1 kiss and apparently because its rare I'm being dramatic and he isn't stopping people from doing it... your thoughts?
PB it's really tough if you have concerns like that - I know someone who has severe OCD with germs etc and it did cause her a lot of worry in her first year with baby but you are that baby's mother and you get to decide the rules. Don't let anyone else bully you in to anything. I didn't find anyone kissed baby on the lips actually. People who don't stay away with colds drive me nuts though. My mum gave my week old son a cold because she rushed a trip to see him, second day she was here she woke up with a snotty cold and admitted she had felt it coming the day before. She claimed I was being silly suggesting she would pass it on, she was selfish enough to still pick him up and cough over him and of course he caught it! But people do it still, you have a birthday party to go to and you can guarantee at least one selfish parent will have brought their snotty child along to spread germs.

You ask whatever you want of your guests and I definitely wouldn't hesitate again in asking someone who was ill to stay away x
Oh and I find myself having a mini breakdown at least once a day because I'm so sore but I just have to get on with it really. Had a go at my other half earlier as he announced he was knocking off work early to go to the cinema with a friend. Asked him if it had crossed his mind that he should be home helping me when I'm in this much pain rather than sitting having fun. He sulked for a while then appeared home early so obviously never went. I honestly think that half the time they just don't think! X
Oh that's awful of your mum :( I don't get why put a babies life a risk juts to see them?

Lol, I agree men just don't think! Mine goes to the pub occasionly after work i don't mind atm but when we have a kid ima be like well I would like to go the pub to... but I can't. It's not nice especially when your in pain, like the Drs have said you should have a wheelchair to manage the pain, why wouldn't he wanna come.home and look after you lol x
Ah men, they just don't think! We have a wedding to go to up in Cardiff in September that we can't get out of (its my aunt) and are obviously gonna take baby. Because we used to live in Cardiff he wants to meet up with his friends there the evening we go up! So it's a 4hr ish drive and we're staying in a converted barn I found on airbnb and he want's to fuck off as soon as we arrive. I was like... really? We will just have driven 4hrs with a 7 week old (ish!) baby and you wanna go out? He says it'll be fine... hmph!

Hope your trip goes okay though Rose :)

I don't understand that either PB. I would hope that most people would be decent enough to stay away, I hadn't actually thought too much about it! It's just common sense... babies don't really have an immune system! But you're right... people (like men) just don't think! You have every right to ask them to stay away... you're the one who will be stuck with a poorly baby not them!!
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PB - I'm with you on the cold thing. Can't believe anyone would be around a new born if they were unwell, I've always texted my friends if I've got a cold or something to see if they want me to stay away. I'd never snuggle a baby when Ill. We discussed the cold sore death and have agreed will will ask everyone not to kiss him and use that as an example- is heard of it happening a few times before.

I am in agreement that men don't think the same way we do. I'm sure when the little babies are here they will sort themselves out. My husband did the food shop for the first time yesterday (with a lists and comprehensive instructions on where everything is) and he was like I don't know what your issue is it was easy. Well yeah I meal planned and gave you step by step isle by isle instructions!!! Let's see how he does when I send him without a list! Probably pizza for a week

Haha ohno Tasha that's not good! Bless him. I think he might have a bit of a shock when baby is here :p x
I was thinking about dogs having to have needles and everyone being like oh no you can't let them go near other dogs because they'll catch something... well it's basically the same for babies, they'd pick up anything so easily do why don't people be that worried for a baby? Idc what hubby says about the hand gel, I'm just gonna hand it to people when they come in.
Ikno certain people will kiss baby... I might just say something like eew, don't kiss her didn't you hear about those babies that died from that??
Does that sound ok?

Charli that would piss me off, traveling is really tiring and your gonna be in a new place, he could wait with you for a few hours at least?
I thought the wedding we were going to was late Sep/early October but it's not until late Oct which has worked out good. Hoping baby will have vaccines by then.
Haha tash, pizza for a week sounds good though. I think we might have takeaway for the first week after baby is born, so much easier... plus I haven't had some takeaway since pregnancy and I want it so bad aha.
Haha yeah why not say that? Nothing wrong with hand sanitiser anyway, better to be safe than sorry. Some people are gross when it comes to washing their hands!

Well he is probably gonna have to work early anyway (which means being up at 5) and then driving once he's finished work at 3, unless he uses some lieu time. So we probably won't be up until 7ish at best! So I doubt he will go and get wankered anyway. My mum and grandparents will also be travelling up the same night, so depending on what they do I might not end up on my own anyway. He wanted to go up this month to see his friends and I kinda put my foot down, he doesn't get to see them very often so I would feel mean if he didn't get to see them at all. I guess we'll see!
Ohh it's not to bad then if you have other people with you :) and if you say go see them when you go he won't leave you at another point to.go there after baby is here. :p

Soooo.... any guesses on who's next have thier baby? X
I'm so fed up with the pain I might just start pushing now and get him out lol x
I think Kiwi is next! Isn't she being induced next week?

Edit: On Saturday! Not long then eek. Though it's August on Tuesday!!
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You poor darlin Rose.
Have you considered being induced early. Would that make the pain go away....

I would not be happy with people kissing my baby on the lips!!! It would be a bit odd for any visitor to kiss the baby in my opinion.
These visitors and family are such a pain in the backside.
I do feel for you PB, being under so much pressure from your OH and family. It would be much better if you had the first couple of weeks to yourself to bond and establish feeding.
Saying that people can visit but it does not mean they get to hold the baby. I don't see your mother in law taking no for an answer though. :(

Talking of men and germs then hubby took our daughter off my hands for a few hours for the first time when she was 5 days old so I can get some rest. I wake up to find he's still not back in the house and he's taken her to his mates house. His 3year old has a horrible cold he mentions when he returns. I was furious. He couldn't see what he'd done wrong!!! GRRRRRR

Try not to worry too much about germs. Baby does have an immune system. They have yours, especially if you are breastfeeding. My daughter never had an illness or cold until she went to nursery aged 1.
Definitely stay away from ill people but babies are more resilient than you think.
If they would offer me an induction I'd definitely go for it but I'm fairly sure they won't even consider it. I mean maybe if I went to the midwife in tears but she is so cold I can't imagine her having much sympathy. We know he is going to be big so it's not like if they induced early I would have this tiny little thing either but as I'm not under consultant care they just seem to have a no induction policy. The physio expects my pain to disappear as soon as baby is born.

With visitors I found both times that the baby was more or less glued to my chest either feeding or had fallen asleep there and so people kind of took the hint that holding wasn't really going to happen. Visitors that came to hospital passed him around a bit but again as soon as they looked annoyed people would pass them back x
Ooo kiwi is next :p August or July baby?!

They might offer it you rose? If you beg, I couldn't do it any longer of i was in that much pain, I'd piss em off and keep going to the hosp but it's a bit difficult with kids.

I don't feel 'right' today. Idk why.. Can't put my finger on it. Hubby said my bump looks different today, could that be the reason?
My BP last night was 114/94 :shock: not done it today yet. X
Hmm I'm gonna go with 1st august just for kiwi!

I think some people do get induced if they're in pain, but only on their due date and I think it really depends what area you're in! Can only be worth an ask though, but I'm not sure a midwife can agree to it...

Hmm PB that's not good, the 94 is def too high! I would ring triage if it's high again now. Might explain the odd feeling xx
Exciting :)

If you went into hosp and said you can't take it anymore, they could get a dr to come talk to you maybe?

It's normal again today... but will keep an eye on it. Have my last growth scan tomorrow... she seems to gain 1lb every scan so I'm expecting around 7lbs aha. Oh god :shock: when my sister was born she was only 5lbs and she was big aha. Really don't wanna go to 40 weeks with her aha! X
Haha I saw that someone on baby centre, their baby was 8lb 14 at 36 weeks! And another at 35+3 was 9lb 11!!! That is gonna be a whopper haha. Apparently bigger babies are easier cos gravity :) unless they get stuck... but no need to worry about that unless it happens! Are you tall?
Yeh am away to fly to the big hospital tomorrow morning at half 7 so early start, then booked for induction on Saturday. But my fluid levels were down again and are off the chart now so hoping they might induce tomorrow. Even if not am hoping July baby as I was induce with my first and it only took 5 hours 25 minutes, but by saying this I am bound to be jinxing it haha. It's also my partners birthday on Sunday so would love if baby would just come Saturday but night be wishful thinking haha

Hope your all well xxx
Rose83 - id totally ask about induction esp with the pain etc and little ones.

PB - worth getting checked out and keep an eye on your blood pressure - are you drinking enough? Exciting about your scan tomorrow eeek!

Misscharli- thems some big babies! Fingers crossed for a 7-8lber

Kiwi - I'm guessing around 11.30pm on Saturday for you! Nice to hear of a short induction as my midwife said to prepare for 3-4 days! Will be thinking of you and keep us updated x


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