August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Rose - doesn't sound very practical. Make sure your getting enough rest

Misscharli- soRry your having s rubbish day. Definitely relax and maybe have a pamper session? I'm making the most of being alone and watching box sets etc.

Rach- that's loads! You need to rest And relax on maternity leave. Just write to do lists for your OH to do on his day off lol

Is it c section day for Hoping4rainbow today?

I think it's tomorrow Tasha for H4R, eek! Best of luck xx

That's not good at all Rose, didn't realise you were struggling so much :( Not long left now though at least xx

Yeah I think I will do that Rose, I think there's quite a lot up the children's centre (which is where my mw appointments are so I've been up there a good few times). I do have a friend who is also on mat leave but I think she's gonna be pretty busy until her oldest daughter goes back to school in September! Possibly after then we will meet up more often.

I think my MIL will be around a lot after baby as well, or at least I know she can be. She's a bit nuts and completely different in personality to me, but I know she will want to help and make me feel better if she can. I know she had PND type thing with OH (idk if it was that exactly, and it was the 80s so not as well known then!).
Charli ikno how you feel. We moved away from everyone and had to leave my job at about 8-10 weeks, hubby works away sometimes for weeks to & I don't drive lol. So boring lol.

Sorry your having a tough time rose. It's painful! I don't know how you cope. My midwife said it sounds like I have it but only happens now and then. I had it on holiday and I couldn't walk, cant believe your handling it with 2 kids!

I bought me a exercise ball. It's amazing I feel like a can move so easily on it.
Can't tell of baby has dropped, keep getting lots of pelvic pain, especially when bending. Xx
Sending lots of love and positive energy to H4R for your csection tomorrow.
We are all thinking of you. Hope it goes really well, this time tomorrow you'll be holding your precious baby boy. Xxxx
Thank you girls! It's been a crazy couple of days, and today I have been extremely emotional :oops: Feeling so so nervous! Very early start tomorrow, need to be at hospital at 7am, so dropping my toddler at my friend's at 6:30! To get us ready and have my morning pre op shower too I will need to wake up silly o'clock - so I doubt I'll manage to get any decent sleep with these nerves of mine!

Wish me luck please. So emotional, excited, nervous, scared and missing my mum so so much xx
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I'm sure you'll be fine lovely, at least it's early and you won't be waiting around all day. Excited for you :D xx
I just updated the first page with Jill's arrival in readiness for yours tomorrow H4R! Eek these August babies are nearly here.
Aww h4R so excited for you. Hope it all goes smoothly and you get some sleep tonight! X
H4r - thinking of you today lovely x can't wait to see your updates xxx big love x

Thank you girls xx Prepped and waiting in ward for my turn. I am 3rd in line for c-section today (as long as no other emergency arises fingers crossed) and first lady hasn't come out yet. I don't worry about keeping going without food, it's the thirst. Last sip of water was at 6am and seems like I have a long way to go yet! So nervous and feeling a bit sick eeeeeeek such a bizarre experience in comparison to my first!!! xx
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Eek fingers crossed that it's not too long then H4R, how exciting that in a couple of hours (or less!) you'll have your baby :D xx
Hello ladies hope your all well! Good luck h4h :)
I am getting induced now on Saturday so will just be glad to have baby here after all this, and my son was born this early too so am more confident with baby out than in at this stage haha

Love you all you mammys :) xxx
Ooh not long then either Kiwi! I wonder if you'll end up with a July or August baby then!
Ooo how exciting kiwi! Babies are coming fast now we're not even in August aha. X
This is exciting - all these babies coming!

Right I think I need people's advice/opinions. So after yesterday at the physio I'm starting to doubt whether I should go to York this weekend to see my parents. Plan was to be away Thursday to Monday staying in their house. But basically I'm now in the position that I shouldn't be doing any trips out without being in a wheelchair as I can barely walk around the house and am in constant pain (although the level increases/decreases throughout the day). I'll be 36 weeks on Saturday and my midwife and the physio have both said if I'm going then I should be taking the baby's car seat and my full hospital bag. Bearing in mind I have my two toddlers too that means the whole back seat would be car seats and the boot would be crammed with travel cot, suitcase, various luggage and a pram. Our main pram is too big so we'd need to take our smaller one. When me and OH started talking about it last night it started to seem like less and less of a good idea. The situation is complicated by him needing to go down there regardless due to a course he is attending. He says that in all honesty he is more confident of leaving me on my own at home than he is of leaving me with my parents because if I did go into labour their hospital is much further away, they have no sense of urgency and wouldn't have the first clue what to do with my toddlers who hate being left with anyone but me. Whereas at home his sister could come get the kids and they'd be ok.

So I rang my mum today and explained it all and said I hadn't made a decision yet but that I was starting to think it was a bad idea. She is obviously disappointed but then started being pushy (which never works on me) and saying I'd be better off with her and they'd help look after me and entertain the kids but the reality is that they aren't very good at that for long periods of time and are rather lax with safety issues and take the 'well you turned out fine' approach to a lot of things. She was also disapproving of the fact that my OH still needs to go on his thing. And she said we could get a wheelchair any of the places we went or otherwise she was 'sure there are lots of places to sit and rest'. I don't think she is understanding at all that I can't just walk around and rest, that I really can't do any walking without being in agony and a quick rest doesn't make the pain go away. I tried to explain it but she wasn't really taking it in and then vaguely said 'oh I've had a bit of back pain lately.' Suffice to say that by the end of the conversation I was even less convinced I should go.

What do you think? Should I go? Stay at home? Compromise? X
Also while I'm in rant mood, has anyone else had family keep saying things like 'oh it would really be more convenient if you gave birth in these particular days as it suits me better'? That's now my mum, both sister in laws (my brother and OH's sister) and my OH himself who had said this and I find it so annoying! Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood! X
I wouldn't go personally. You won't be able to relax and I imagine you'd just make the pain worse. It doesn't sound like you'd have much support if you go either.
It annoys me when people bring up thier pain, like you said about your mom bringing up her back pain, ughhhh. It's not a competition :shakehead: I don't bring up pain infront of in laws now because I'll just have three well did you have this shit :/
My in laws have said I can't give birth this week because they're on holiday in Turkey and don't wanna be away ... Nothing to do with the fact if she's born now she'll be a premie.:wall2: my little sister said I can't have her on the 26th because it's her birthday (she's only 5 though so I said I'd try my best, and she doesn't understand anything really).
Now I've bought up the in laws I have a rant hehe, went round on Friday... and mil was like oh my friend from work made me something for the baby I was like ok cool, her friend knitted her a baby blanket and mil kept saying that we can't take it home though it's for granny and baby I was like ok but she repeated it literally about 10 times I said I'm not gonna bloody steal it fgs. And for some reason she's obsessed with buying her tights and socks (silk tights tho :/) i asked why she's obsessed with wanting socks on her and she said incredibly sarcastically to keep her warm. Yes I realise they're to keep her warm, but I'll be having her in summer! She'll only need a few pairs, and plus I have loads of baby grows - oh which I'm not ever allowed to bring her around in because they're pj's... I'll dress her however the fuck I want. She said she'd take her off me and change her into a pretty dress. I was like awesome, yeah. The only thing mil and sil say they wanna do is dress her up,she's not and bloody toy. They've bought her like 12+ Disney Princess dresses in mostly up to 1 month, sorry but I'm not gonna dress her up for the sake of it just to sit her there in her swing wtf. Sorry long weekend aha.
I don't think I would go either Rose, not if it's gonna be that much faff and you're in pain. Sounds like trying to relax at home and look after your other two in their own home would be easier?

I'm with PB though, I don't get why pain has to be a competition! If you're not that fussed about not seeing your parents either and are happy to be on your own I'd go for it :)

My MIL has booked to go away on the 7th and isn't back until the 11th! We didn't realise until the other day, and I'm pretty sure they booked it after they knew about him. But ah well that's their loss and she doesn't seem to fussed about not seeing him (potentially) until she gets back. My mum is on holiday from the 20th so wasn't really giving me a huge range of dates either! But these babies are kinda born either when they want or when the drs want... not up to anyone else!! Your sister is kinda cute though PB, I can forgive a 5 year old! I don't want mine on my birthday either ha :) Your MIL sounds like a pain in the ass though. Couldn't be dealing with that!

So my Moses basket stand arrived today and it took me literally 2 hours to put 8 pieces of wood together. I was not a happy bunny lol. But it fits my Moses basket and carry cot, and was only £15, so alright in the end :)

PB that would infuriate me. My brother's wife and her whole family insist on going over the top with dresses and frilly socks and shoes and head bands and all that stuff for their girls and they look ridiculous and uncomfortable. My little girl was born at Christmas and I put her in a Santa baby gro with a tutu skirt, she was in it about two minutes before she lost her shit ( 5 days old) and I had to take her out of it to calm her down. I think it's an old fashioned thing that they think a baby should be dressed in tiny clothes instead of baby gros because they didn't use to have them but it's what's the most comfortable and practical because socks come off constantly and the baby gros with built in mitts are the best so they can't scratch themselves. I would absolutely go mental if someone tried to change my child's clothes when I took them to visit. Will they be washing all these Disney outfits in suitable washing detergent etc before they subject her to it?'! How dare they try and dictate what you bring her round in! X

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