August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Yeah I think he must be... surely he should be dropping by now. He wasn't engaged at all on Monday :(

The last 2 times I've had the same consultant, but it was changing before. My next appointment with her was supposed to be at 37 weeks but she's on holiday so made it for the week after.
I just remembered they was supposed to check my blood for iron again at this appointment but they didn't. Currently anemic taking 3 pills a day cos was pretty low the midwife said it gets checked again at 34 weeks to see if it's gone up :/ will have to wait to see midwife at 36 weeks I guess.

Not good Charli, does using the exercise ball work to get them lower or is that just in labor? Hopefully he decides to drop before your induced! X
Congratulations Jill he is gorgeous!

Misscharli I would definitely try the birthing ball even if you are sat on the floor rolling it back and forwards leaning with your arms as I found help move him before.

Peanut I don't understand how thenmodwife can say that, is there any possibility you can phone the consultant to speak to them as I would have thought you should have been seen every 2 weeks with midwife by now.
Ah I don't even have a birthing ball! I am going shopping tomorrow though so I might have a look if I can get one in sports direct or something? Are they the same thing? I think I'll just end up falling off it though :lol:

That's crap PB, they don't seem very with it in your area at all!
Yeah mine is just an exercise ball I just need a hand pump as I got the Oh to blow it up and he didn't do it properly so still waiting for him to do it!
Yep exercise balls are the same thing. Still haven't found mine yet and really should look again. I really wouldn't worry about baby dropping - my daughter didn't right until the last minute and I went into labour on my due date naturally. Then my son never dropped until I was induced. The main problem if they don't drop is that they can't give you a sweep if baby's head isn't engaged. The reason for this is if they gave you a sweep and baby's head was free then they run the risk of setting off labour and your core dropping in front of the baby before the head comes down which could prove fatal. But there is no problem doing an induction if baby hasn't dropped x
Happy 37 weeks MissCharli. :)

Sorry the consultants are changing their minds PB.
Hope you are feeling better today.
On the positive side sounds like baby is growing well and they can't find any problems which explain the reduced movement which can only be a good thing.
And avoiding an induction could be very positive too.
Think about having a beautiful natural birth in the birthing pool.... :)
Thanks! Seems odd to be so close now eek. I think 37 weeks is counted as full term?? :o

Ah I want his head to engage cos they've offered me 2 sweeps the week before my induction! Does anything else help it engage? Walked lots today!

I booked in with my new local midwife yesterday.
Baby is 4/5 engaged. I'm really uncomfortable a lot of the time now.
Horrible pains in my pubic bone and shooting down my inner thighs. I can't walk very far, my legs give way all the time.
I have a sense baby may arrive early. Just need to make it until tomorrow when I am 37 weeks and can go to the birth centre.
Feeling excited all of a sudden

Hope all the mummy's and bumps are doing well.
I wonder how Kiwi is doing?

Yes, pelvic tilts are good apparently (look at spinning babies website).
I imagine bouncing on a ball would be good too.
You will engage soon. Don't worry too much.
Elspeth sounds like you could have some sciatica too as that's how I feel with my leg collapsing and shooting pains etc. It's just got worse and worse the longer I've had it. I'm really sore again this evening after doing some cleaning.

Ball bouncing is supposed to be good for getting head to engage and I remember with my first the midwives saying cleaning on your hands and knees scrubbing your skirting boards would help get baby into a good non-back to back position! X
Elspeth and Rose the ball should definitely help with you legs also! My physio has me tryin exercises tilting my pelvis going in a square and that helps with nerves etc. As I was suspected to have sciatica and it is actually a bulging disc in my lower back trapping nerves which was causing my leg to give way. X
Ah I forgot all about a ball when I was in town earlier! I think I just don't like the idea of them haha.

Got another scan and consultant appt in the morning. Feeling quite nervous in case he's huge :(

If you YouTube exercises to help get baby in the correct position there's loads! Been doing some pelvis tilt things today.

Hope all is well tomorrow Charli. :)

Just saw someone ikno on fb had a stillborn. So hearbroken for them. Can't believe it :(x
Oh PB that's so sad, can't imagine how devastating that would be.

Misscharli- good luck for scan tomorrow, what time is it? I'll be keeping a eye out for updates

How is everyone? X

Oh that's horrible PB :( Literally all of our worst nightmares :(

Scan is at 915, and then consultant afterwards. Not even sure why I'm being seen, she ummed and ahhed about it because she doesn't really need to see me but felt that 6 weeks was too long to not see me ha. But hopefully it's okay.
Definitely worst nightmare! I'm so thankful for my baby... Can't wait for her to be here safe and sound.

6 weeks is pretty long! X
All good at my scan and appointment :) they even asked if I still wanted my induction and said my scan was basically perfect :)

Still going with the induction just because it's all planned and OH has it sorted at work. But happy that they were happy with us.


Aww that's perfect 6lb13! How exciting. When is your induction date? X


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