August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Haha yeah 6lb 13 seems huge though. He's grown so fast, doubled in 7 weeks! 8th august, day after my birthday eek!

Thanks :) really pleased and relieved. Even his head isn't too big now, it's been off the scale at every other scan haha x

Not long left now Charli, exciting!!
I've ordered some red raspberry pills gonna start taking em at 35 hopefully get my body ready lol.

Is anyone else's belly numb? I can't even scratch cos can't feel it. It's weird, I can still feel her move on the inside. And keep getting a vibration feeling in the top, under my boob! X
Ah I bought some raspberry leaf tea yesterday, but I think I might have left it a bit late haha. Ah well it was only £4 in holland and Barrett!

Ooh that must be weird PB, I've heard that's normal as the skin stretches though. So many weird and wonderful symptoms...

Aha, better than never though. Hopefully itll make a difference even if it's only a little bit!

My belly button is nearly out to, ewww makes me cringe xD when I sit forward it pops out loads it's nasty heh. My belly is measuring small but she's measuring but so everything must be tight... it's gonna explode lmao. X
Haha weird! Mine is still an innie and I don't think that's gonna change now!

Odd that you're measuring small but she's big. Just shows how inaccurate the whole thing is. I think I look quite small but am measuring like 1cm over and he's pretty average.

So pleased to hear all is good MissCharli! :cloud9:

Yep I know the feeling PeanutButter, belly's skin is probably feeling numb due to stretching, can't feel the satisfaction from scratching when itchy, it's annoying :lol:

Just came back from pre clerking appointment, lots of paperwork with a Dr, then bloods taken, then midwife to get anti-emetics, then steroid injections for baby's lungs just in case he needs help (ouch those hurt! Have to go there again tomorrow for another dosage). Each bit was done separately and with lots of waiting in between, as got sent back to the waiting area each time, was there from 1 'til 5 pm(!) xx
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Ouch that's ages H4R! But really not long now until the big day. Eek!! 2 babies here almost :o

Hope Jill is getting on okay as well :)

Jeepers, woke up to go to the loo around 2:20am and have been wide awake since then. Eyes closed in hope that I'd get right back to sleep, but brain just won't shut's now 03:50! I need sleep so much, only fell asleep for the night just before midnight. :( Toddler wakes up around 6/6:30am full of beans and I have an appointment at 7:30 for steroids injection :(
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Gave up. Came down to the lounge at 4:30 as all I kept doing in bed was turn sides endlessly and would only disturb hubby. Never had this as bad as this :(

Amongst other things and my brain literally jumping from one thought to the other, I miss my mama too. Lost her a year and a week ago and still hurts so much :( xx
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I've been awake since 5am too and have done one lot of washing, next lot is on and I've cleaned the kitchen - the joys of pregnancy, my husband is still fast asleep haha!
Ah I was like that yesterday before my scan :( I think I was more nervous for my appointment than I realised. Stupid body should sleep when it's tired!!

Hugs about your mum H4R, must be really hard :(

Hay everyone,
Yes pregnancy insomnia so bad!!!

We are all getting so close now!

Can't believe Jill's little boy....
hope you send us more pics soon...

Anyone else feel like they want baby out but also going to miss the big round belly alittle
Bit at least!??
Maybe im just weird!
Or maybe it's because I'm use to this now and wondering what my figure will be like after :-/

Hope everyone's coping well and enjoying last bit before our lives get changed forever xx

Our boy has been measuring big for 1st baby and so much so I may not find it easy to have natural birth
But accuracy on growth scans I'm told is questionable..

All the best of luck to everyone xx
I know what you mean prrfect, I want him out cos I'm getting uncomfortable now, but at the same time I'm used to him being there? It's weird haha. I can't wait to be able to go shopping again for normal sized clothes though, I feel like I'm wearing the same 5 outfits on repeat :p

How big is he at the moment? At my last scan mine was 6lb 13 which seems huge! But that was with less than 3 weeks left eek, and was apparently average. I just can't believe there's half a stone of baby in there, no wonder I'm uncomfortable :p

Heartburn is really starting to do my head in now. It's pretty much constant even in the night :(

Hope you all had a good weekend x

My baby shower yesterday was great fun but I'm paying for all the cleaning and tidying I did now as I'm in so much pain from the sciatica. Saw the physio for the first time today and basically they've agreed it is baby pressing on sciatic nerve and I have no misalignment of joints etc. So they've given me a support belt and said I could have crutches but that they really wouldn't be much help with having two toddlers to look after as for any benefit to come of them I'd need to use them all the time which I couldn't do with children. So they've told me I should look at hiring a wheelchair until I give birth because if I'm going anywhere where I need to walk further than I would in the house then I'm just putting myself through pain when I shouldn't be :( x
Oh that's not good at all Rose :( I didn't even know you could hire them, what are you going to do? I wouldn't have thought a wheelchair is any better than crutches with toddlers :(

Glad you had a good baby shower though :) Did you do all the usual stuff? I've never actually been to one! haha.
Ouchie rose. Are you going to hire one? The pain is bad isn't it, I've had two days stuck on the sofa as I did too much walking, no idea how you manage with little ones x

Hmph not having a good day today. My OH started off by having a go at me at 6am cos he didn't tumble dry his work clothes properly (and thought somehow this was my fault), then my dad is being a pain in the ass (long story, doesn't even matter just that I'm pissed off) and now my best friend has cancelled on our day out tomorrow. Just ahhh, why are people so annoying?! :( :(
Hope everything is going alright for you H4R and oh Rose I hope the belt helps. I'm sure I've heard you can hire one from British Red Cross or Salvation Army. I may be making this up completely mind. On the plus side you are near the end now imagine if they said that at about 20 weeks! It's like the end is in sight 🙂
Today's my first day off on maternity leave and I had all these brilliant ideas that I was going to do one room a day absolutely gutting it before he arrives and it's just sinking in that I can't do that as I'm shattered and in sooo much pain now after defrosting the freezer, pulling the oven out cleaning behind it and the tumble dryer and hoovering the floor. I had cleaned the top half yesterday.
Tashap I hope you are feeling abit better today.
Misscharli just ignore them all and enjoy the time relaxing. Is there anyone else you can meet up with tomorrow? X
Haha tbf Rach it sounds like you've done loads. So far today I've made and eaten lunch... that's about it :lol: Someone told me just to use this time to rest as much as possible, no point overdoing it before baby gets here and I do feel much better for having a couple of days doing literally nothing! Thursday and Friday last week when OH was off I was so busy and I just felt poorly at the end of the days!

I think I am going a bit stir crazy from being on my own all the time though tbh, hence why I was looking forward to seeing my friend tomorrow. She's gonna try and squeeze me in now around her work which came up last minute, which is better than nothing. OH is working like a 12hr day twice this week which doesn't help. My work friends are all at work and my mum is in France atm! So just little old me otherwise.

I'm hoping I won't feel like that when baby arrives, I know he's not exactly going to be a huge conversationalist but will I still feel as adrift and lonely? Not used to not being with people all day every day at work!
Not really sure what I'll do - Red Cross hire them out for free but of course I can't take the toddlers out alone with a wheelchair for me and then I'd need someone to push me so literally the only time I might use one is if I took it to my parents this weekend and my mum pushed me and my dad the less walking toddler but I don't think that is very realistic as they aren't exactly excellent at keeping a good eye on the kids or the pram so I don't see it happening. I basically suffer now whenever I do anything, even if I sit or lay down all day in our playroom I'm still in pain.

Thanks to everyone coming to our house for the baby shower I had to gut the whole house so at least it is looking tidy - although keeping on top of that is almost impossible. It's such a big house and all four of us are messy!

Misscharli you should look into what free baby/toddler groups there are in your area or any classes you'll go to as it can often feel pretty lonely being at home x

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