August 2017 babies! The final thread!


Well ladies, he has arrived!!! Avery Jamie Craig McCoy arrived at 22.49 on 18/7/17 with just gas and air ( even though bough I was like make sure I get an epidural!!) weighing a.... tiny 5 lbs 15 1/2 oz.

Induction took 3 lots of gel, waiting then me going from 2cm to 6 1/2 in less than 2 hours. Both of us are fine and happy. He even breast fed which was so exciting since it wasn't successful with Athena.

Roll on the next august ( due date ) baby xx

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Awww my goodness Jill, well done, he looks sooooo cute! Welcome to the world little man :cloud9:

I am wide awake for some reason, and thought of checking here in case you had any news! So happy for you!!! Enjoy your cuddles!!! xx
Congratulations Jill, he's beautiful. Love his name too.
So pleased that your induction went well.
And that's fantastic he is taking to bfing.

Jill he's perfect- huge congratulations. How are you feeling? Have they said how long your be in for. Xx

Ahh Jill he's lovely and teeny weeny! I love the name. Massive congrats! xxx
Congratulations!!!! He's gorgeous! I can't believe the first August (July) baby has arrived!!
Thanks everyone! I am not sure when I will get out, they are monitoring Avery's bloods since I had GD and they have been lower than they want him to be. He has been breast feeding which is positive but because of the bloods he has had formula too to boost them. I'm still hoping tonight I get home but it will probably tomorrow. I have to say the worst part of labour was the heat the last 2 days. I was melting. It is meant to thunder later so hopefully that will help clear the air. Xx

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Congratulations Jill! He is soooo cute and teeny! This has made me really excited about all the little people who will soon be arriving! X
Ahhhhh congratulations Jill :) he's so cute!
Hope your able to get home today, hopefully his blood readings will be better as the day goes on x
Glad to hear you're both doing well, I hope his bloods recover soon and you get to go home :) x
Had my 34 week appointment today... they've decided now that I don't need to be induced because all her scans are ok regardless of reaptedly going in for reduced movement :/
Also they're not giving me anymore scans because she's growing fine even no she's over 90 th centile and was 6lbs last week & her belly is measuring 37 weeks... but apparently is all fine even though I've read so many stories about babies getting stuck because there bellies are larger than everything else. Next appointment is 38 week. Pissed off about everything! Why tell me I'm probably gonna be induced at 37 weeks due to all the reducedmovement then say no and not even offer me scans?! Ffs. X
That doesn't seem to make any sense PB :( All I would say is keep going in if you have any more reduced movements, if you keep needing to go in then they may take it more seriously.

I have to say I'm surprised they aren't doing another GTT, I know lots of people who have had the same size measurements as you and have been asked to do it again in case they've developed it since. You might not have, but they don't seem to be bothered either way!

I'm not sure what to suggest other than that really :(
I asked about the gtt again and they said no its fine because that came back normal. :/
Oh I forgot to mention that she basically said I need to wait for hours before going in with reduced movement (I do anyways) but she was like you need to try loads of stuff to get her moving ... I was sat there like because I love spending days in the hospital I don't try anything. I literally do everything to get her going, even jump up and down for ages which hurts. Just in such a shitty mood now... was waiting for over an hour after my appointment time then because she was running late she just wanted to rush you out the door x
Ugh they just don't seem to care very much :( Maybe try and follow a GD diet anyways? It won't be harmful but it might stop her getting lots bigger if that is the issue. But you could just be cooking a big baby, some people do.

They don't seem to have a good attitude about the movements either! Clearly you don't wanna trek up to the hospital all the time, silly people.
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Aww PB sorry you had a rubbish appointment. I honestly wouldn't worry about baby having a big tummy - mine both did and they came out fine, once that head is out they are coming out! Mine was measuring 37 weeks at 33 this time and they aren't concerned as I just make big babies so I'm sure you'll be fine in that respect. I am really surprised about their attitude to reduced movement though because regardless of if you manage to get her moving they should be seeing you because any lack of movement when you would normally be getting some can be a sign of distress. They certainly shouldn't be discouraging you from going in if you are worried. It also seems pretty unfair to have told you that you are being induced and then changing their minds - they shouldn't say something needs to happen if they aren't 100% sure x
I'm just a little disappointed, thought I was getting my baby in 3 weeks! Now 6 lol. I did want to go into natural labor tho so I get that still.
Everytime I went in for reduced movement they bought up me being induced at 37 weeks, then when I went in with movement and bleeding they were saying yeah we don't know why it keeps happening so best thing to do is get her out at 37.
I'm gonna carry on going in if she's not moving normally, idc if I annoy them now aha.
I really hope they won't let me go over 40 weeks tho, really worried about it, gonna bring it up next appointment that I scares the shit outta me and it'll lead to me having panic attacks etc! X
I'm with Rose, why mention it if that's not what they are gonna do? They didn't mention it to me until they were ready to book it in, literally! I don't know how it works but can you get a second opinion?

Ahh I've been really uncomfortable today. Idk what he's doing in there but sitting up is just ouch! Lying on the sofa now for some relief ha.

Yeah. I wish they hadn't mentioned it. I'll probably be in for reduced movement again within 4 weeks so I can ask the consultant there.

Ouch maybe he's pushing your ribs? X
PB - that must be so disappointing that they have changed there minds, i know it's tough getting round the idea of the baby coming early and then to have that changed sucks, definitely go in or call with any reduced movements- you baby is to important to risk anything.

Do you see the same consultant every time? If you continue to have reduced movements could you call us and request at 36 week appointment? X


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