August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Eek that's so close H4R, how exciting!!

I agree it doesn't seem like we're just about ready to pop. When the mw said I could have 2 sweeps the week before my induction I was like okay... oh shit that's 2 weeks time haha.

Hoping it's going well Jill! X

Still going strong here. Slightly too strong so ended up not getting any more gel until this morning. I got diamorphine last night which was trippy. Could have sworn my bag was my cat. Got second lot of gel today so I am hoping it's not much longer.

My midwife is so old school and I swear the sweep was worse than labour! Hubby was like she should have taken you for a drink after that haha.
I love that bag!!!!!!!!

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Hahaha Jill, glad you're ok, that's a long time to be going through it though! Diamorphine didn't even work for me - funny how we all react differently! Will be thinking of you! X
Hopefully not much longer now Jill :)

Nice bag Rach, lol a nice surprise for yourself aha.

After orgasm, I get bad cramps... only started on Sunday which were mega painful in my lower back and today just in my pelvis. I read it was because of baby being lower but does it sound like BH? I couldn't move it hurt so bad lol x
An orgasm is basically lots of little contractions even when not pregnant, so I guess it's just another way your body is getting ready. I wouldn't worry about it too much :)
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And on that note... does sex/spermies really make your cervix more ready? My mum (thanks mum..) said that it did, but any experience of using that to get ready?
Thanks... I wasn't to concerned about it more curious as to why lmao. We're not having sex atm it's too uncomfortable but when we get to 36 weeks I'll take the pain if it helps!! X
Haha we hadn't had sex for ages, but tried it last night and it wasn't actually too uncomfortable. So I think I can probably cope with doing it more often if it does work :lol:
I don't know how you two could lol, I'm so uncomfortable there's no chance anything else is fitting in that area lol. I think the last time was around 20 weeks which was the latest I ever have, with my son and daughter I don't think we did the whole time I was pregnant. I totally lose any desire to do it when I'm pregnant too, feel so sorry for my OH because he still wants to and I'm like 'don't touch me, everything hurts.'

It is supposedly true that semen has some sort of effect on the cervix that makes it more ready to open when you are close to due date. One of my friends swears it's what started her labour off but another says it had absolutely no effect. And misscharli is right orgasm just tends to cause braxton hicks because everything is contracting in waves anyway. At this point BH are pretty strong so you probably will be uncomfortable. I'm getting lots of BH each night and they are pretty sore, my midwife says it's because it's my third and my body is so used to contracting that it makes them strong - thanks body! X
Haha I think it's all about the position Rose :lol: I know, I felt the same before. But I was kinda missing the intimacy etc. I know there's lots of ways to be intimate etc but I know he's been feeling a little neglected (even if he has been great about it).

As far as I know I haven't been having very much in the way of BH, even after sexy time. I don't think that's a good sign is it??
I went off sex for ages, its started to come back slowly... hubby is basically always in the mood now because we went from ttc for 2 years so have sex everyday for a week then every 3 days to nothing at all aha! Feel sorry for him xD Said to him I'm not doing anything sexual for weeks after the babies born. The whole tearing and being cut down below makes me never want to again aha. Ewww

Oo it's BH, not felt them before but jesus fuck if the pain I felt in my back gets worse than that in labour ima die :shock:
Anyone else been lying to themselves about how painful it's actually gonna be? X
Hahaha misscharli I know what you mean about intimacy but if I'm honest the whole idea of DTD just feels awful for me when pregnant, I'm absolutely exhausted all the time too so just cannot be bothered. The few times we've done it I've been so irritated by the foreplay- it's like once we've properly started I'm fine but the whole kissing and touching but was just irritating me and I was just thinking 'bloody get on with it'. I think it's all to do with not feeling my body is my own, when you've had two toddlers hanging off you all day and another one kicking you from the inside you're just wanting to be left alone lol. I couldn't tell him that's how I feel either as he would be so hurt :(

PB you aren't really advised to have any sexy time before your 6 weeks check up so you can make sure you've healed etc. I remember after I had my first we waited til 6 weeks and it was still horrific - I cried a little bit and it felt like they'd sewn me up too much it was so tight. Lube was a definite must! But it got better after a couple of times and was fine after second baby. And I hate to break it to you but it will be a lot worse than BH. Saying that though everyone is different and I have friends who are total babies about a tiny bit of pain but childbirth they've coped with fine and say that their brains just kind of shut off to it. My experience is that you can't describe it to anyone but you do feel like you might die from the pain. But as soon as it's over you totally so forget. If you think about it pain is one of the only things you can't actually remember to the point where you can feel what you remember - for example if you stub your toe it's horrific at first but then you can't remember later what it felt like x
Yeah I'm the same with the tiredness and getting annoyed at foreplay, but alright once it gets going. It doesn't help that I feel even more gross and unattractive than I did before, I know he doesn't feel the same way but it still affects me. But he has been very good during this whole thing, so I figured I would 'treat' him hahaha and like I said it was actually okay :P

I think I'm just in denial about the pain tbh! and I'm definitely of the mindset of I'll take whatever drugs they offer, especially as everyone says that induction is waay more painful. 3 weeks today, eek.
Ha ha girls, I have read what you said about DTD and have been giggling, I am exactly like Rose lol, could have written that :lol: As well as what Rose said about doing it after the 6 weeks mark and feeling the first time like they'd sewn me up too tight ouch! But it was ok after the next couple of times.

Ohhhhhh girls...I am getting cold feet, feeling too nervous and weird that baby will exit through the...sunroof! Will I feel as if I haven't given birth to him?? Worrying about breastfeeding failing to work too...

Wondering how Jill is doing, come on baby McCoy :cheer: wondering if mama is holding you in her arms xx
Sorry to be negative and graphic but I can relate to the "omg, I'm going to die, this is so painful"
This sort of terror sets in and you are begging for the epidural.
That's my experience of induction. I think natural labour is a bit less intense.
I also guess this is why relaxation and hypno birthing techniques can be so good because you stay calm, and you don't enter that terrified panicked mind set.
Lol loving the sex talk! We've only dtd once since I've been pregnant and it was too uncomfortable. After 7years ttc and long term infertility I have had a fair few "oh get on with it" moments:

These babies are going to start coming quickly Misscharli three weeks is going to go so quickly!!!

Hoping4rainbow- I've been reading loads about breastfeeding and seems like sunroof jobbie doesn't affect it x I'd like a planned csection, I'm sure my induction is going to take days and then I'll probably end up with one anyway.

I want all the drugs - might get it written on my face when I go in so they get the message x

Love and hugs to everyone x

As for sexy time I'm afraid to say I'm one of these crazy creatures who gets more in to sex when pregnant.

Anyone else felt this way?

It's been different this time as I've been under so much stress lately, but I actually feel more attractive and love my voluptuous body when pregnant.

Orgasms become more intense and very easy to achieve.
It's bloody great.

Sex life is decimated post baby. As well as the ruined vjj then bf doesnt do much for libido.
My hubby knows he has to make the most of it now.

The prostaglandin in semen are supposed to soften the cervix and Orgasms and the oxytocin release can also get things going.
Nipple stimulation is also good I've heard.
Go for it I say, nothing to loose!!

Elspeth I wish I felt that way. Very jel, mind you if it helps the baby come im willing to give it a go.

I've booked a over night spa break for two weeks I'll be 36+3, I hope he stays place until after then - imagine going into labour in the spa! Awkward. It's only an hour away - think I'll be okay?

Thinking of jill! Wonder if the baby is here yet x

Haha well Elspeth I think you're in the minority here, but I have to say that self loving has been pretty consistent even now! Just so much less faff? I never found orgasms particularly difficult, but they are different now I think. Ha!

Definitely need to get that cervix going, anything to make this induction thing easier. I totally don't want it to take more than 2 days!!

Haha I think you'll be fine Tasha, just make sure you take your notes with you just in case! An hour is nothing anyway, I was about 2 hours away from home Saturday and it was fine, though I don't think I'd go much further than that now! There's hospitals everywhere if required :)

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