I really don't like my midwife very much, she is such a humourless woman and just seems like she has little empathy. Today she has annoyed me because she asked whether I'd had my physio appointment offer yet (I've been waiting since April for one). So I said yes I got a letter but went to call them today and have misplaced it so will find it later and call. Explained that finding a time to go will be tough because of having two children to look after and she nodded and said it would be worth it though. She carried on doing all her checks and things and then without saying what she was doing picked up the phone and called the physio department, who offered me an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow and I said no I can't do that unless I can take two toddlers with me and she said no you can't. So told the woman I would call her back. But it just really annoyed me, we had literally just discussed how finding a time I could go would be difficult and then she acted all annoyed when I couldn't go tomorrow. Not sure what she thinks my OH does but in what world can someone agree to go to an appointment without consulting the only person who can look after the children?!
Then I mentioned I was going away Thursday to Monday before my next appointment and she said she'd come out to my house instead as my appointment should have been the Monday and we'll write my birth plan - the birth plan I already told her I did not intend to write much on. And then she finished by saying she couldn't promise I wouldn't go into labour at 36 weeks while on this trip away so I better plan for that. Great, just what i wanted to hear. Sigh. X