August 2017 babies! The final thread!

So far so good!! First lot of gel is working so far. Will keep you all posted. Xx

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Best of luck to you Jill !!!

I couldn't have come back to see more exciting news!!!

Not long now xxxx
Sounds positive Jill - baby obviously wants to come out!

I've got a new rant today - people (mainly OHs family) saying 'that boy has got a shock coming to him' with regard to my son. Basically they are all commenting on how attached he is to me and how he is going to struggle with the change a new little baby brings, they never said it about my daughter because she was never that clingy. It's just starting to grate on me a bit, yes I know he is very attached to me, yes I know he is going to find it tough So could you please stop remarking on it as I'm worried enough already. Also I feel like it's a bit rude because it's always said with a level of almost smugness or glee that he is going to have his little world disturbed and that's just mean! X
Good news Jill, hopefully it won't take too long then!

Ah that is mean Rose :( Why would they be happy about that?!
Hope everythings still going well Jill. Ahh you'll have a baby in your arms soon :dance:

Rose, that's nasty... some people enjoy seeing others struggle though :( x

Have my 34 week consultant appointment on Wednesday... hoping for a decent Dr this time, not one to just fob me off again. Was supposed to have growth scan but had it on Friday cos went in with reduced movement again... might have to go in again today. This child just loves the hospital I think :/ x
I don't think they exactly mean to be nasty but that just seems to be the way it comes across. I feel like they just think he is bit of a 'pansy' and should have grown out of always wanting me now x
Do kids ever grow out of wanting mum?! I never wanted to stay anywhere when I was little because I was away, until I was like 11 aha. Some kids just like the comfort of having thier mum around... my little sister is nearly 6 and hates being away from my mom...just ignore them. X
I still want my mum! He's only little, and I bet they wouldn't be saying that if he was a girl either... x
Good luck Jill. Thinking of you.
Hope it all goes very smoothly.
Feeling very excited about our first arrival.

I really don't like my midwife very much, she is such a humourless woman and just seems like she has little empathy. Today she has annoyed me because she asked whether I'd had my physio appointment offer yet (I've been waiting since April for one). So I said yes I got a letter but went to call them today and have misplaced it so will find it later and call. Explained that finding a time to go will be tough because of having two children to look after and she nodded and said it would be worth it though. She carried on doing all her checks and things and then without saying what she was doing picked up the phone and called the physio department, who offered me an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow and I said no I can't do that unless I can take two toddlers with me and she said no you can't. So told the woman I would call her back. But it just really annoyed me, we had literally just discussed how finding a time I could go would be difficult and then she acted all annoyed when I couldn't go tomorrow. Not sure what she thinks my OH does but in what world can someone agree to go to an appointment without consulting the only person who can look after the children?!

Then I mentioned I was going away Thursday to Monday before my next appointment and she said she'd come out to my house instead as my appointment should have been the Monday and we'll write my birth plan - the birth plan I already told her I did not intend to write much on. And then she finished by saying she couldn't promise I wouldn't go into labour at 36 weeks while on this trip away so I better plan for that. Great, just what i wanted to hear. Sigh. X
Happy induction day Jill! How exciting!

Rose that's shocking that they could feel they can say anything! I wish people would say nothing at all if they can't saying anything nice! Fingers crossed your midwife is better next time she sees you!

I've had my midwife appointment today and it went all alright atleast I'm just pleased I'm having growth scans as they weren't sure if he was head down or not as it looks like he has a big boney bum haha 😂 he has also found his feet the past few days and are now sticking them out so much I can see his foot! Haha

I had a parcel arrive also today from Pacapod! I don't remember ordering anything but it looks like I purchased it off eBay for half the price it is in the shops! I remember looking at it on eBay from their store but never purchased but turns out I must have 😲 It's gorgeous mind it's a mirano! I'm not too sure how to tell my OH though 😫


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Hahahaha I love the fact you don't even remember buying it! That's amazing! X
It's so bad! I can only think I bought it when I was asleep as I remember a dream ordering the bag but I just thought it was a dream because they have been so realistic! Hahaha
Rach - that's brilliant I love my
Pacappod I can't wait to use it.

Rose your midwife sounds rubbish! Also baby is going to come so soon what can the physo really do this late! Where are you going? Xx

Exactly my thoughts tashap, all they are likely to say is that I should stop lifting my toddlers which is basically impossible, not sit on the floor, again basically impossible and no doubt just tell me there isn't anything else because I have a baby pressing on my sciatic nerve which means they can do nothing. I'm in agony this evening and it's making me really grumpy, as my OH can't see the pain I'm in I think he just thinks I'm being dramatic and really has no clue that it's so painful and he is moping around with a sore head which means even me breathing is going to annoy him. He did have to sleep in the spare room last night because my snoring was so bad so I suppose he has a right to be a bit grumpy with me lol. X
No he has no right to be grumpy, your making a baby you can snore or anything else you want to do and he needs to do everything you want! Sciatic pain is so bad I sympathise can't even take good pain killers x

Wondering how Jill is doing!!! Big hugs x

Wondering how Jill is doing too! Eeek How exciting, our first August (July) baby!!! :cheer:

Girls I have news! Made my midwife call the hospital for me today at my appointment. I have my date! My baby's birthday! 25th of July, next Tuesday! I have to go in on Friday for my pre clerking appointment, to be given anti emetics, give bloods, swabs, and prep with the anaesthetist. So nervous, don't know what to expect and this is going to be so different to my previous natural birth! I don't feel ready either (will I ever be though?! Have sooooo much to do still and I am struggling a lot physically) xx

Can't wait for an update from Jill!!! xx
I'm also hoping in and out to see if there is any news on Jill!

H4R can't believe you'll be soon too!!! So exciting! I'm finding it so hard to actually grasp that we are so close to having our babies now! It feels like it's flown by now and although I'm enormous and in pain it still doesn't feel possible that we've come all this way already! X
Omg how exciting!!! I'm glad you finally got your date and have s little time to prepare xx

Rose I definitely think the physio might help. I'm with one and they made me use a crutch as the midwife and doctor thought it was sciatica and when the physio looked I actually had a bulging disc in my lower back which was trapping a nerve. I really didn't want it when I was given it but 3 weeks later I now have feeling in my leg and I'm falling less! So all around positive. Also my physio is apparently able to get access to a Tens machine so you can have it a few weeks before you go into labour.

That's fab news that you have a date now H4R!

Well my OH taken my sleep purchase really well and was like well did you want that bag and I was like yeah that's the one I was looking at and he was amazed that it had the little pods inside so all is good haha

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