August 2017 babies! The final thread!

I thought it was weird to.. my mil again :/
Last night we was on about something, she said my baby and pointed at my belly... so I said no... my baby, yours is here and tapped hubby, then she was like err no she's my baby and I was like :eh:
Like eveytime we go round she says something to leave me.feeling shit. Hubby doesn't even give a shit says I'm over reacting and obviously it's not her baby. Blah. Obviously it's not but still pisses me off. When we first had our dog she was saying 'come to mommy' to it I was like... right. I don't refer to myself as the dogs mom but meh. Maybe I'm just reading to much into stuff.
No PB you aren't - that would piss me off. My brother's MIL is like that, she calls my nieces her babies and I just think it's weird. She is massively over involved by my SIL likes that and quite honestly without her they don't know how to cope whereas I have very little help from other people and cope fine. My OH's mum is lovely, she is older than most as she is in her 70s, she stays our everyone's business and never oversteps. His sister is 13 years older than him with a 22 year old and they are much more like the MILs described on here. I think I've said before that in my first pregnancy I had to tell him to get his sister to back off because she was determined to try and dictate everything I should buy for the baby and if I showed little interest in what she suggested she would go buy these things herself - very passive aggressive. But the thing that annoys me is his 22 year old niece who acts like a total know it all about kids despite the fact she is very immature and doesn't have any herself. I've known her since she was 13 so I find it very strange when she tries to talk to me like she is an adult who has a right to have an opinion on how I do things. Also find it annoying when she tells me things my children have done while she is looking after them so she'll report something they've done as if they've never done it before or she'll tag me in online videos and be like 'oh this is so Ivy' and I'll say well actually no it's not. Like the other day she linked me to something about a little girl running away from her shadow and I had to say no, she loves her shadow, she looks for it all the time and knows exactly what it is.'

Hahaha that turned into a bit of a rant but this sorts of little things just build up until you are really irritated and annoyed because it's like you don't matter! X
Oh and my absolute least favourite thing is them grabbing the dummy out my children's mouths and saying 'you don't need that, give me that.' It's not that I ever wanted to use dummies or that I want them to have them in all the time but if they have them in then there is a reason and if you snatch it away when they have just got in your house you're going to annoy them!

Miss Charli - sleep for the next 3.5 weeks. Literally sleep like you are never going to sleep again because that's what it feels like at first and I regret every moment I didn't sleep before the birth of my first lol x
Ah that sounds really annoying both of you! PB I think your oh needs to man and up and tell his mum to pipe down... I think that would annoy me more than the mil!

Ahh sleep. I wish I could just get 8 hours uninterrupted, in tri 2 I slept sooo well every night for the first time in my life and I miss that :( I know it's probably my bodies way of preparing me but I don't appreciate it :p sleeping in the day just makes me feel worse! Though I've been told I'll get over that...

My plan was the same. I take what advice I'm given but give me the drugs haha. My mil calls my daughter her girl and I correct her every single time. I don't get on with her at all and funnily enough my only concern about having the baby is my inlaws visiting. They are really not nice people and I have managed to avoid them a lot this year. I saw my mil for 15 minutes before heading to a wedding where all she said was how huge I was, how heavy my daughter was and how she should lose her baby weight when she is running around. My daughter is not fat and when I mentioned it to my health visitor today she was shocked!!!

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That's shocking that she felt she could comment on you or your daughter she should learn to say nothing if she can't say anything nice!
That's shocking that she felt she could comment on you or your daughter she should learn to say nothing if she can't say anything nice!

I know I was like wtf? In saying that, they are always like this. When we announced to them we were pregnant again they didn't say congrats his dad said we knew because you put on weight... I was skinnier than I was before I had been pregnant with Athena!! I was raging but they refused to apologise as they claimed they didn't call me fat. It was the start of me limiting me seeing them. My tongue is too sore from biting it around them Haha.

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Sorry I had a crap week, broke my phone, car and glasses all in the same week and couldn't remember my password to sign in on the iPad. First world problems and all that!!

Well after 6 spells of reduced movement, in and out of hospital for monitoring, I am being induced on Monday! I feel so unbelievably nervous but excited too.

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Just seen this and it's now gone passed the monday!! Hope all went well.xx
Oh and I think there is something (an animal) in my loft so my poor partner is on his way home from work to investigate because I'm too scared to go up and obviously he doesn't want me going up anyway. It's a staircase to get up there but it's very small so a bit too dangerous x

Nothing about this should be funny, but you are just a lovely person Rose, it made me chuckle. I was imagining your face when you heard it :-P
What a nightmare H4R, it really shouldn't be that difficult. Definitely keep at it today, see if you can get something booked in!

Glad your headache has gone Rose, I think the exhaustion is fairly normal though. Idk about you but I don't remember the last time I got more than 3-4 hrs sleep in a row!!

I think I'm supposed to have a health visitor come but I'm 36 weeks today and I haven't heard anything so... they're running out of time! But I'm really not fussed about it, don't like the idea of someone coming and being nosy at my house!

I said exactly the same to OH this morning about the sleep. I can't remember the last time I woke up feeling refreshed and like I had slept well. Crazyness. The hot weather didn't help as it really knocked everything out of sequence.

No health visitors here until at least a month after the birth as we stick with community MW !?
Omg Jill that's horrible! Does your oh not say anything??

He does and they deny it and then he atmosphere is worse. He actually spoke to his mum after I left for the wedding and had a serious talk with her. They are both functional alcoholics so he has had to deal with a lot with them and made it clear he is not allowing them to see the kids unless it's on his terms. I am glad of that as I feel strongly about it but I also feel bad for them at times. He is an only child and he does want his parents in his life... so difficult. On a plus, with us moving last year we are quite far away from them so they can't just turn up like they did when we lived near by.

On a baby front I swear I thought he was going to be too impatient to wait for his induction!! I was getting regular pains all through the night and really thought I was very early stages of labour... even thought it's second baby I have never had this uncertainty because she was here by this stage. It's all really strange!

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Ahh I see, that makes a lot of sense. It must be difficult for him then and not a lot he can do really. A shame for your little ones as well.

Ahh impatient baby. Soon though!!

Jill your story sounds very much like my mum's relationship with her MIL (my gran) just not the alcoholic part. But she could never say anything nice to my mum or to me. I came down the stairs dressed in a ball gown type thing for my 18th birthday and she said 'hmm you've got a spot on your chin' and would comment on my weight when I was younger or the fact that I loved my mum so much. I think she was just jealous really. But regardless she was very unpleasant and my mum would be very upset by it. My dad would speak to her every so often about it but of course she would just say there was nothing wrong with what she had said etc. Maybe next time he speaks to her he could approach it from the angle that does she really want her grandchild hearing her speak to her mother like that/about her like that.

I couldn't put up with feeling constantly judged like that, it's bad enough as a mother that you often feel like your parenting methods are judged by your OH's family let alone you yourself/your child.

Anyone else suffering from lots of braxton hicks? I seem to be getting them for a good few hours each day and don't remember them being this bad with either of my other two. I have horrendous back ache today after leaving the children with my OH while I did some shopping in the Next sale and ran some other errands. I feel like I'm falling apart! I spent £80 and got an absolute ton of clothes though although would have liked more for my daughter but it was fairly limited in what I could find her. Plenty of stuff for my son though (which obviously baby 3 will inherit too!).

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend, it's pouring with rain in my part of Scotland and isn't due to stop for over a week so my BBQ baby shower next weekend will probably end up being an inside the house party! X
Oh rose that's really upsetting, I would have been so upset if the first thing she said was about a spot! He has decided to write them a letter regarding the drinking along with how they treat me, it goes in one ear with them so he felt having it in black and white might shock them.

I have been really bad with braxton hicks all of last night and all day today. I am monitoring them now though as I keep getting the feeling he is going to arrive early. Oh no rose hopefully it brightens up for next weekend!! It was a bit grey today but I am still overheating constantly. I sent hubby out and put the toddler to bed and had a lovely bath as a wee pamper sesh. I am so relaxed and ready for bed now!

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Hope everything goes well today Jill! Can't believe August babies are getting their first baby already!!! X
Eek it's induction day for you Jill!!! Exciting - thinking of you and looking forward to hearing your updates x

Eek good luck Jill! Can't believe we'll have our first August baby soon!!

Just had my mw appointment, and they are gonna give me 2 sweeps the week before my induction. Hopefully that'll move things along and get things ready! Otherwise he's still all okay in there, and she said he doesn't feel huge :) I have been really worried about him getting too big haha x
So far so good!! First lot of gel is working so far. Will keep you all posted. Xx

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