August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Monday Jill!!! The first baby of our group. Hope it all goes well and I'll be watching for updates. I'll also be induced so keen to hear all about it.

I'm jel of those with m&s and subways in the hospital. I get a bakery but with GD I can't imagine they will let me eat much from there

Sending everyone lots of love x

Monday Jill!!! The first baby of our group. Hope it all goes well and I'll be watching for updates. I'll also be induced so keen to hear all about it.

I'm jel of those with m&s and subways in the hospital. I get a bakery but with GD I can't imagine they will let me eat much from there

Sending everyone lots of love x

I will keep you all posted! Funnily enough when you are in they seem less fussed about your bloods. I had a few high ones but said to them what had caused it ( spiced vanilla latte) and the response from the midwife was ocht it's fine you need a treat before the pain haha. Xx

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Ha I don't think they're that inaccurate (I hope!!). Hopefully will be okay for clothes, it's so hard to know what size!

Yeah I've heard it's gross, where can you get it that's cheap? I did ask my mum about it and she was quite positive, but said she thought 32 was too early and recommended 36.

Yeah the 85 is a little high, though I think above 90 is when they get concerned. The 114 is good though! Do it again and see what it is, then maybe give them a call? X

I got it at holland and Barrett I can't remember how much it was but I doubt it was much, I wouldn't have bothered if it was more than a couple of pounds. I think it's different results for everyone. The way I see it is there is no way to say if it will help... but what if it does? If you can suffer the taste then do it! To me it's like saying oh a spicy curry will help induce labour... works for some and not others. The gym ball was the only thing I made sure I had for both. I swear it helped turn this monkey! I have a tens machine this time too only because last time i was in a room with a girl who was having her first baby and got to 5cm and genuinely seemed shocked because the tens machine had helped curb the pain. I remember being like Rachel from friends!!! I was here first I should be going to labour ward first hahaha

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Gym balls are well worth it. Just in those last few weeks it makes everything more comfortable. I've wanted mine for the last two weeks and I can't find it anywhere even though I know it's here!

I've had a terrible tension headache since yesterday afternoon. It hasn't quite reached migraine level but it is awful and I feel sick so it's almost there. Just wishing it would go now as I'm exhausted from coping with it and the babies! X
Gym balls are well worth it. Just in those last few weeks it makes everything more comfortable. I've wanted mine for the last two weeks and I can't find it anywhere even though I know it's here!

I've had a terrible tension headache since yesterday afternoon. It hasn't quite reached migraine level but it is awful and I feel sick so it's almost there. Just wishing it would go now as I'm exhausted from coping with it and the babies! X

Oh no same thing happened to me. Found the pump but not the ball so grabbed one at sports direct. Not good about the head, hopefully it clears!

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I haven't got a ball... should I go out and get one?

Headaches suck, I've been waking up with one in the morning. I think I dehydrate over night :( Tension headaches are the worst though :(
I got one on amazon. It only cost £10 x

Headaches here too, I think we need a big storm to clear it x

I haven't got a ball... should I go out and get one?

Headaches suck, I've been waking up with one in the morning. I think I dehydrate over night :( Tension headaches are the worst though :(

I got one at sports direct for 5.99. It might be worth it. I use it every night just to help when my back hurts x

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Wowww Jill! Our first baby, how exciting!!! :cheer: I'll be checking updates, so excited for you xx

Still no news, called the hospital day before yesterday. Another story. Now person in charge for dates at op theatre is off sick.

Midwife at maternity bleep (only number I can call) kept my details again, I explained all my history and high risk factors again, and how it's now been over two weeks since the consultant said I'd get a phonecall to be given a c section date. She would contact operating theatre for me and check their book in case there was a date jotted down in there for me. And she'd call me back same day if she found anything. She didn't call back.

If I don't hear from her same day, she said I'd have to wait for the person in charge to see the note about me when they come back from sickness leave hopefully the following day. That was yesterday. No phonecall again.

What do I do? Call again today? For the 3rd time?!? Isn't there anyone else that can make a decision?! Less than a week left to when the consultant requested the c section! And said I'll need to go in 3 days before that for prep, swabs, anti-emetics medicine to prep the stomach etc! At this rate, feels like they'll just call me literally last moment and say "come in tomorrow morning for your c-section"?!? Pffffft my hospital sucks xx
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That is really unfair for you. I would call the main switchboard number and ask to speak to the consultants PA or secretary. You. An explain it all to them and ask them to discuss with the consultant - they should have the power to get things done. If that doesn't work PALs at the hospital are amazing and should be able to help. Xx

Definitely get a ball misscharli! They are really cheap (Argos do them too) and they make you feel a lot more comfortable and are a way to make sure baby is in right position.

H4R as usual that's absolutely shocking service you are receiving! I worked as a medical secretary for a while so I'd definitely now ask to speak to consultant's secretary/PA and just beg them for help because you are getting nowhere. Often a consultant won't be aware at all of all the holdups that happen in booking appointments and they just live in a world where they believe everything is being done exactly as they have requested. I would also call the people you have been calling too and see if you can get anywhere. I wouldn't leave them alone until you get somewhere.

Not really the same thing but did remind me of all the trouble you've had: a friend of mine has an2 year old boy who has had tonsilitis for basically a year, nothing would shift it. GP wouldn't refer her to hospital as they wont operate on under 3s as a general policy. She ended up going private for a consultant to tell her that her son needed his tonsils removed urgently and referred her to the local NHS hospital where they did indeed agree they needed to come out. Within a few weeks he has had them out and the surgeon said they were chronically infected and full of pus that no antibiotics would ever have cleared. But she only got that far because she refused to stop calling and fighting them when they said no.

Headache has gone now, still exhausted all the time though! X
What a nightmare! Not what you need at this stage in pregnancy too! I just had my health visitor visit, she was so lovely! Athena decided to be a grade a brat today which is so not like her! Bloody typical haha. Anyone else getting a visit?

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What a nightmare H4R, it really shouldn't be that difficult. Definitely keep at it today, see if you can get something booked in!

Glad your headache has gone Rose, I think the exhaustion is fairly normal though. Idk about you but I don't remember the last time I got more than 3-4 hrs sleep in a row!!

I think I'm supposed to have a health visitor come but I'm 36 weeks today and I haven't heard anything so... they're running out of time! But I'm really not fussed about it, don't like the idea of someone coming and being nosy at my house!

H4r I would put a complaint in. That's just ridiculous now. How will you have time to prepare?!
I'm definitely gonna get a ball! They had some in pound stretcher for fairly cheap.
Can't believe babies will start coming next week. Like how did we get this far? X
Just had a consultation with the anaesthetic person. Total waste of time she just said people with higher BMi's have more intervention and you may need epidural - any questions? Then I left!!! My midwife covered all that weeks ago.

What a nightmare H4R, it really shouldn't be that difficult. Definitely keep at it today, see if you can get something booked in!

Glad your headache has gone Rose, I think the exhaustion is fairly normal though. Idk about you but I don't remember the last time I got more than 3-4 hrs sleep in a row!!

I think I'm supposed to have a health visitor come but I'm 36 weeks today and I haven't heard anything so... they're running out of time! But I'm really not fussed about it, don't like the idea of someone coming and being nosy at my house!

Oh they don't nose at all. She did a form and talked to the cat and dog... she was asking about feeding and support system etc. It was genuinely just a chat. I had images of her going around the house and telling me things had to be changed but it wasn't that at all haha x

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Just had a consultation with the anaesthetic person. Total waste of time she just said people with higher BMi's have more intervention and you may need epidural - any questions? Then I left!!! My midwife covered all that weeks ago.

Oh no that's not helpful at all! My midwife was supposed to do a birth plan with me a few weeks ago... didn't happen. X

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Yeah my mw didn't do a birth plan either, she was just like well we advise not getting too hung up on the details cos it can just lead to disappointment. Which is fine cos my plan is to have no plan. If I need drugs give me all the drugs! Ha.

Ah that's okay then. I'm a bit weird about having strangers in my house, and I know I'd go into overdrive trying to make it spotless and stress myself out! Esp cos my OH has just had to sack his assistant manager (fabulous 5 weeks before I'm due...) so I'd likely be on my own!

Last day at work tomorrow, which is feeling a bit weird tbh. Got my leaving do tonight with the guys from work, going to play bingo haha. I honestly don't know what I'm gonna do with myself for the next 3.5 weeks!!

I've still got time, but my midwife hasn't rang me for my home visit at 36 weeks to discuss the birth plan. I'm happy going along with whatever now tbh.

Ooo last day at work how exciting :) enjoy your night out!

Does anyone elses mom or mil constantly refer to the baby as "my baby"? How'd you feel about it? X
Ooh no that's weird PB... my mum just calls him my grandson! No one knows his name yet, but he's definitely mine and OHs baby only!!


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