August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh my Jill. Well done for keeping him cooking all this time. Wow. Monday!!!
So exciting. I can't believe our first August babies will be here so soon.
Induction is just such an unknown quantity. You can't predict how your body will react. I have a friend who went in to full labour with just the pessary at 37weeks and delivered the baby 6 hours later, all on gas and air. :)

H4R, glad you are in even if you are surrounded by boxes.
That's so disgusting about the carpets. You really don't need that. That would be great to get them properly cleaned or replaced.
I hope you are putting your feet up lots now. How frustrating about your cs date. So sorry the hospital is still messing you about still.


Moving day is tomorrow
Must not go in to labour..

Thank goodness it's gotten cooler.

Miss charli my experience with the pessary was I was brought in to hospital at 8am with three other ladies. We were all told what would happen and shown to the ward we would be in. Then we were all put a monitor to do observations of baby for a while and about 10am they came and put it in. They said we could ask for paracetamol whenever we wanted it. I never had any but the woman opposite me who was a first time mum had it later in the afternoon. I can honestly say I didn't feel anything happening. At about 6pm they checked me and said I was 1-2cm I think and still quite thick so they'd put another one in. So as nothing was happening my partner left hospital to go to his sister's and settle our little girl. It gets to half 7 and i have dinner and start to feel some back ache walking around and it gets a bit more sore so I take paracetamol. 8pm I'm calling for a midwife with full on contractions. Midwives are changing shifts so coming round to meet patients the woman across from me is struggling with pain but nothing is happening for her, she is 1cm and says she wants to stop and go home and she didn't think labour would be so painful. I'm over the other side of the ward having full on contractions and she says 'I think you should go see the other lady, she sounds like she is giving birth' and the midwife says to her 'oh she's fine it's a second baby' lol. So midwife comes to me and I'm like 'examine me' they are 1 minute apart lasting 45 seconds'. She asks how long I've been like this. I say twenty minutes and she laughs and says she really doesn't think I need examining. I tell her she better do it! She looks and I'm 5cm. She panics, and asks where my OH half is. Tells me I need to call him as he might not get back in time - I'm panicking because I want my epidural. So I have to pack everything in my area up and they bring a wheelchair as I can't walk, throw me in a lift to get me to the labour suite. In the end it took another 4 hours after that but they were so shocked with how fast I dilated I think they thought he was going to shoot out! The pessary makes it more intense but I'm not going to lie, doesn't matter what you have it's going to hurt! Take the epidural! X
Oh and I think there is something (an animal) in my loft so my poor partner is on his way home from work to investigate because I'm too scared to go up and obviously he doesn't want me going up anyway. It's a staircase to get up there but it's very small so a bit too dangerous x
Ah they stagger us, so I guess that we're not all being checked for the same thing at the same time. I was offered either 830, 930, 1030 or 1130, I took 1030 haha. But I'm not expecting much to happen as its my first. Luckily the hospital is a 10min drive outside of rush hour (or less if your OH is in labour :lol:) so I doubt he will miss anything if it all kicks off after he leaves. He really doesn't want to leave me either bless him.

Do I have to stay on the ward or can I go for a wander? I wouldn't go far but it'd be nice to go and get a costa or something (or a cheeky pizza hut/subway... yes our hosp has all 3 on site!!).

I know it's gonna hurt so I'm not really worried about that. I really don't like the idea of an epidural atm, but I've already said to OH that if I need it at the time I'll have it. I'm pretty realistic about the whole thing, there's no medals for doing it drug free! I think I'm mostly worried about being without OH on a ward, I'm quite introverted and I like my own space. I just can't imagine feeling comfortable surrounded by strangers.
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Ah they stagger us, so I guess that we're not all being checked for the same thing at the same time. I was offered either 830, 930, 1030 or 1130, I took 1030 haha. But I'm not expecting much to happen as its my first. Luckily the hospital is a 10min drive outside of rush hour (or less if your OH is in labour :lol:) so I doubt he will miss anything if it all kicks off after he leaves. He really doesn't want to leave me either bless him.

Do I have to stay on the ward or can I go for a wander? I wouldn't go far but it'd be nice to go and get a costa or something (or a cheeky pizza hut/subway... yes our hosp has all 3 on site!!).

I know it's gonna hurt so I'm not really worried about that. I really don't like the idea of an epidural atm, but I've already said to OH that if I need it at the time I'll have it. I'm pretty realistic about the whole thing, there's no medals for doing it drug free! I think I'm mostly worried about being without OH on a ward, I'm quite introverted and I like my own space. I just can't imagine feeling comfortable surrounded by strangers.

I was allowed to go for a walk about. I had 1 midwife who tried to stop me which I didn't understand at all. They didn't let me leave the grounds obviously.... but why would you need to with Pizza Hut and subway?! I want to go to that hospital!!!

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Haha I think it's bad really that there's all that at a hospital, should be healthy stuff really!

But they sold off some land and someone built a multi-storey car park and all that. It's in a separate building but still on site. Not complaining though cos if I'm feeling well enough I'm totally having a pizza :p
Err yeah can I go to that hospital too?! I did used to live near a newly built hospital that had a Starbucks, whsmiths, marks and Spencer's food and some other food place in it and that was great. My one has nothing but their terrible canteen or the food you are given. They would only make you stay on the ward if you were being monitored or something. Wards are usually split into smaller rooms so I was in a room of four people and that room has its own bathroom etc so you aren't with loads and loads of people. Also you can draw your curtains over and don't have to socialise with anyone. After I had my daughter though I did speak to the other women who had had theirs and it did feel good because we were all in a bit longer for different reasons and it was good to have that support of us all being first time mum's and not knowing what on earth we were doing!

Turns out there was nothing to be seen in my loft so of course my OH is saying it was all in my head! X
Haha I think it's bad really that there's all that at a hospital, should be healthy stuff really!

But they sold off some land and someone built a multi-storey car park and all that. It's in a separate building but still on site. Not complaining though cos if I'm feeling well enough I'm totally having a pizza :p

My hospital doesn't even have a shop, it's weird! When my sister was in labour she went to the nearby town and got a greggs while contracting. That's dedication haha!

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Err yeah can I go to that hospital too?! I did used to live near a newly built hospital that had a Starbucks, whsmiths, marks and Spencer's food and some other food place in it and that was great. My one has nothing but their terrible canteen or the food you are given. They would only make you stay on the ward if you were being monitored or something. Wards are usually split into smaller rooms so I was in a room of four people and that room has its own bathroom etc so you aren't with loads and loads of people. Also you can draw your curtains over and don't have to socialise with anyone. After I had my daughter though I did speak to the other women who had had theirs and it did feel good because we were all in a bit longer for different reasons and it was good to have that support of us all being first time mum's and not knowing what on earth we were doing!

Turns out there was nothing to be seen in my loft so of course my OH is saying it was all in my head! X

Last time I gave birth in the royal in Edinburgh and shop wis it was actually good. Canteen food was lush too so if my food was horrible hubby would go off and get me something nice from the canteen haha!

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Wow I can't believe you are going to be induced on Monday Jill! It makes it more real the fact that we are all getting close now!

My hospital doesn't have anything. I don't even know if it has a canteen or anything. I wish my hospital was like the new one near my Mam and dads as that has alsorts of shops for food and drink. But the doctors are hopeless there as I found out when I had my miscarriage last year! Atleast if I really wanted something I could send my OH to get something from the big Tesco down the road from the hospital as it is in the city centre!

I've been saying to little legs he can't come any time next weekend as the Sunderland Air show is on and traffic is manic especially when the hospital isn't far from the event! But after he can come anytime lol 😂
Wow I can't believe you are going to be induced on Monday Jill! It makes it more real the fact that we are all getting close now!

My hospital doesn't have anything. I don't even know if it has a canteen or anything. I wish my hospital was like the new one near my Mam and dads as that has alsorts of shops for food and drink. But the doctors are hopeless there as I found out when I had my miscarriage last year! Atleast if I really wanted something I could send my OH to get something from the big Tesco down the road from the hospital as it is in the city centre!

I've been saying to little legs he can't come any time next weekend as the Sunderland Air show is on and traffic is manic especially when the hospital isn't far from the event! But after he can come anytime lol
Your hosp sounds fab! Lol. We have a Subway in ours and then just a canteen.
Kinda hoping I'm not induced now aha. Doesn't sound nice! Plus you can't go home. As soon as I hit 37 weeks bring on the curry and birthing ball lmao.

I had flashing lights in my eyes so checked my blood pressure and NHS says it's 'pre - high'... should I leave it abit and check tonight or call and go in? X
Well that's annoying it deleted my message. As long as people can bring you stuff it's all good. I love the chat with baby telling him when he can come haha. I've been having the now child you won't be bigger then 7lb 5 oz will you?? My last estimate last week was 5lbs 15oz so unless he doubles in weight before Monday, I think he will comply with our chat haha

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Your hosp sounds fab! Lol. We have a Subway in ours and then just a canteen.

Kinda hoping I'm not induced now aha. Doesn't sound nice! Plus you can't go home. As soon as I hit 37 weeks bring on the curry and birthing ball lmao.

I had flashing lights in my eyes so checked my blood pressure and NHS says it's 'pre - high'... should I leave it abit and check tonight or call and go in? X

I'd call. The high bp was the one thing I was scared about this time after last pregnancy. They might monitor you for a bit.

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Wow I can't believe some hospitals don't even have a shop! Ours has a w h smiths and an m and s food as well! As well as 2 canteens. Always thought that it was pretty standard. But the hospital here is the only one for 45 mins minimum in each direction, and serves 2 counties so I guess it has to be good.

Ha Jill I'd be very surprised if he managed to put on that much before Monday :p

Is anyone using raspberry leaf tea to make labour easier? I think I'm gonna ask the mw about it on Monday.

Hmm I'd give them a call if you're worried PB, what was the bp reading?

Wow I can't believe some hospitals don't even have a shop! Ours has a w h smiths and an m and s food as well! As well as 2 canteens. Always thought that it was pretty standard. But the hospital here is the only one for 45 mins minimum in each direction, and serves 2 counties so I guess it has to be good.

Ha Jill I'd be very surprised if he managed to put on that much before Monday :p

Is anyone using raspberry leaf tea to make labour easier? I think I'm gonna ask the mw about it on Monday.

Hmm I'd give them a call if you're worried PB, what was the bp reading?

Haha I'd hope not!!!! I know the scans aren't very accurate but will soon see how accurate next week haha. I only have tiny baby and up to a month stuff in my bag but my sister is next door and has a key so if I need bigger stuff, she can grab it for me.

I drank raspberry tea last time, I actually didn't like the taste that much but added honey and it made it better. I hadn't even thought about drinking it this time. I always wonder if it does help or not. No harm on drinking it though if you like the taste.

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It was 114/85, usually between 60 and 70. I feel fine though..

I love raspberry leaf tea, drank lots when ttc. Says you should start at 32 weeks. Yay I can drink it again lol. It's worth a try imo. Says there's links between the tea and less likely needing forces or a section. :)
Hate to burst that bubble but I did the tea and the tablets with my first baby and had forceps. Didn't have any of it with my second and didn't need help x
Ha I don't think they're that inaccurate (I hope!!). Hopefully will be okay for clothes, it's so hard to know what size!

Yeah I've heard it's gross, where can you get it that's cheap? I did ask my mum about it and she was quite positive, but said she thought 32 was too early and recommended 36.

Yeah the 85 is a little high, though I think above 90 is when they get concerned. The 114 is good though! Do it again and see what it is, then maybe give them a call? X

Awh rose :( lol. I'm gonna drink it still and hope it makes a difference lol.

I like the taste of it, sweet. I bought mine from amazon I got like 12 boxes for 7 quid (i didn't know it was that many) so still have a few boxes left over from ttc.

Oh as long as it's under what they're usually concerned about I'm fine with it. Will test again later on. X

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