August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Rachel, how ridiculous!!
For goodness sake. I can't believe they are still pressuring you.
This pregnancy business is hard enough without these crazy families!!!!

Rose, glad you got checked out and all looked reassuring.
Do you have a date for your scan?

I'm not having a fun time. Packing up has been very tedious and stressful. Hubby has been watching a little bit too much sport. GRRRRRRRR.

Then on Friday my midwife was querying if baby was breech. I have gone out of my mind all weekend with worry, about ECV and c section. Fortunately then the presentation scan today shows baby is head down.
I am so relieved.
Fingers crossed baby stays that way.

How is everyone doing.?
Sending love
Rachel that's a ridiculous idea. I wouldn't even get stressed out about it because I would just be saying 100% no way, you have no idea what you are talking about! I've never heard of such a ridiculously pressured thing to suggest. I'm going to my mum 4 hours away at 36 weeks and she is worrying that I might suddenly pop but I think I'll be fine. I wouldn't dream of going if I thought I'd give birth there! X
Glad all was okay Rose, and now you get a scan too. Win win :)

Afternoon tea sounds good Rach, but how annoying about OHs family. Stick to your guns, if you're not comfortable with it then don't go. Caravans are not made for pregnant ladies, I stayed in one at 28 weeks and just about fit!

Can totally understand that a 5hr journey is just not what you wanna be doing right now. Yes you can give birth anywhere, but it's gonna be stressful enough as it is.

I have to say that in laws seem to be a pain in the arse! OHs mum was like well obviously she won't want me there seeing her vag and all, I'll come up later. Why can't everyone be reasonable like that?? Ahh.

Also is it weird that I can see him moving but not always feel it? Usually when it's high up on my tummy... my placenta is anterior high but surely it's not still cushioning him now??

Good luck with the scan Rose, you must be in there right now - looking forward to hearing back from you xx

Couldn't agree more with you and the girls above Rach! Stick to your guns chick, ppl (i.e. some MILs/in-law families) are so crazy and inconsiderate, they should leave you alone! Makes me angry! I like the sound of MissCharli's MIL, wish mine was like that! She is the typical pushy, controlling and manipulative case of MIL xx

Elspeth, hang in there lovely, you can do this, just keep chipping away at it. Hope OH helps out more though! We have moved, but still live in a sea of boxes. Been sloooowwwly unpacking and cleaning/disinfecting as it seems that previous owners had a naughty dog. Large areas of the carpets have so much urine that the underlay is soaking wet, so we decided to change the carpets (we knew we would at some point, but not straight away(!) so I had arranged for a carpet cleaning company to do a deep professional clean, but nothing can be done, needs changing! Hey the baby might not have a room yet, but there will be no germs - otherwise mama bear cannot even consider nesting :( I am feeling even more guilty over my toddler, wish I had time to decorate his new room, I want to get him a cabin bed and decorate his room in jungle theme as my little lion loves jungle animals so much. :( I don't want him to feel like the new baby is "taking" his things so he needs a new COOL bed before baby gets in his cotbed. So many expenses with the new house though, can only take it very slowly :(

Still no news from the hospital, no date for the c-section yet. It's been a week and a half. I am getting so anxious and so annoyed with this hospital of mine.

Lovely to hear from you as always Spuds, sending you hugs xx

Love to all of you girls and your precious bumps xx
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Ah H4R that's really not what you want to be dealing with! Have the floorboards got wet from it too? I saw a Homes Under the Hammer episode once where people had to replace floorboards as that's how bad the urine problem was - how do people live like that?! Does it smell awful?

My scan was great, everything looks brilliant and healthy and baby is head down. He is one million percent a boy! I seem to produce boys with large balls lol (when my son was born my OH had to ask the midwife if that was normal!) estimated weight currently is 5 lbs 5oz so I'm probably on track for around 9lbs if he gains as he should. I'm quite pleased with that. I have not escaped the massive heads my babies have though (both mine born with 98th centile heads) and this one is measuring over 37 weeks at 33!!!! X
Haaa Rose! I have seen them on one born etc and they do seem to have rather large packages for teeny babies!

Sounds like you are similar to where I was, mine was 5lb 10 at 34+1 and he also has a big head! We just grow good sized boys clearly :)
Rach I understand completely about mils lol. Just say your not coming although if anything like mine much easier said than done!

Glad you're scan went well rose :) big head but least not on track to be over 10lbs lol.

Charli, that's happens to me as well I can see her poke out and I can't feel a thing! Lol

I've had a terrible headache all day, and my feet have swollen so bad! I bought a blood pressure monitor and seems fine.
Talking about mils I have a rant xD aha. We went round on Friday night (my husband had been away for 2 weeks and we had to go for pizza :/) anyways I hate people hugging and touching me (even tell hubby to stop sometimes) my mil was drunk and decided to grab and hug and kiss me reaptedly when someone mentioned the baby i asked her stop so many times and she just wouldn't stop dragging me about. I said to hubby if she's like that when babies here I'm taking her off of her! I had a break down in the car because she was going on about coming up all the time and taking her again. Hubby said he won't let that happen which made me feel better. But still meh about the whole situation x
PB I'm pleased he's actually being good now saying that he will stop her coming up all the time fingers crossed he des it if she try's to!

H4R I can't believe they still haven't given you a date it's just getting so close now! I hope everything is alright in the new house and it comes together quickly!

Misscharli I'm pleased your MIL is better 🙂 They should alll be like that!

Rose I'm pleased your scan went well and that's fab news! It's crazy to think that he already weighs 5lb!

Don't worry girls there is no way that we will be going!! They don't even think that I am consultant led with a bulging disc in my back so anything could happen!
Sorry I had a crap week, broke my phone, car and glasses all in the same week and couldn't remember my password to sign in on the iPad. First world problems and all that!!

Well after 6 spells of reduced movement, in and out of hospital for monitoring, I am being induced on Monday! I feel so unbelievably nervous but excited too.

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Omg Jill!! Monday. First baby woo! Exciting. Hope all goes well and baby doesn't keep you waiting too long xx
Ohno Jill what a pain!! But omg that's so exciting eek!! Hope it goes well, you'll have to let me know cos I'm kinda not looking forward to being induced! X

I know it's insane! They talked about me being induced at 28-29 weeks but then decided closer to 37 would be best. I could have been induced this week but I opted for monitoring and if things change I can go in and be induced. I just wanted to keep him cooking a bit longer if I can. I was induced last time but it's a different hospital and apparently they induce with a gel rather than the pessary I had last time so all different. I can't believe it! It all seems so sudden but also quite like that I have a week to get prepared with the car seat etc. Xx

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Oh Jill that's so soon! Eeek! I've had the pessary and the drip but not the gel. Everyone seems to think the pessary is better than the drip but I don't know about the gel. I don't think I could really say one is better than the other. I'm sure you'll be fine anyway! X
I'll be having the pessary, what's it like?
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I'll be having the pessary, what's it like?

The pessary, for me any way, worked really quick and was quite intense but the plus is you can take it out if it's too much. My sister had the gel and said it's not very enjoyable... not sure what method would be enjoyable to be honest
I'll be having the pessary, what's it like?

The pessary, for me any way, worked really quick and was quite intense but the plus is you can take it out if it's too much. My sister had the gel and said it's not very enjoyable... not sure what method would be enjoyable to be honest

Ah okay, thanks. Not looking forward to being in hospital for so long before he's even out. Only ever spent 1 night in before when I was little! OH has to leave at 10pm as well, so I'm hoping that at 39+5 my body will be almost ready anyway and it'll be quick! Maybe naive though :P
I'll be having the pessary, what's it like?

The pessary, for me any way, worked really quick and was quite intense but the plus is you can take it out if it's too much. My sister had the gel and said it's not very enjoyable... not sure what method would be enjoyable to be honest

Ah okay, thanks. Not looking forward to being in hospital for so long before he's even out. Only ever spent 1 night in before when I was little! OH has to leave at 10pm as well, so I'm hoping that at 39+5 my body will be almost ready anyway and it'll be quick! Maybe naive though :P

I was in for 2 weeks due to high bp which sucked. Thing is, if all goes well you might only be in 1-2 days. Think of it as the longer you are in, the longer you have the support and help from the midwives... not to mention them making you cups of tea haha!

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