August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Oh that's not helpful... all of my appointments are at my 'local' children's centre (which doesn't seem that local at 1.5miles away) and I can book them with reception. But I can go to a different one if I need to if there aren't any appointments available. It's weird that its so different from one area to the next.
Sorry ladies, I don't have time to catch up properly with the thread.
Hope you are all well and babies too.
Can't believe how close to the end we are.

H4R, hope all goes smoothly moving in to your new home.
Can imagine how you are feeling now.
All the hard work will be worth it. Let the men do all the work and enjoy some supreme nesting once you're in.

I'm also getting really uncomfortable now.
Has anyone's baby "dropped" yet.
I'm hoping this brings some relief but I know that second babies don't engage until quite late??

Also on a positive, dragged the Uppababy carrycot out of the garage today and it's absolutely pristine. No mould!!!
So baby has some sort of bed now.
I bought some bits last week, a pack of nappies and some dummies.
Those were the first bits I have bought for this baby. Ha ha. I can't quite believe it. Bad mother alert! Poor little mite.
I think you guys are all very well prepared :)

Sending love.
Awww Elspeth don't want to give you bad news but my second never did drop and engage! I went in for induction and he was still free! X
I had 3 comments from different people my bump had dropped yesterday after waking up to find it much lower, baby was 'at the brim' last week at my midwife appointment but I'm guessing it's now engaged, I'm 35 weeks tomorrow so hoping it stays there for at least another 2 weeks!
According to my notes he's still free, so no dropping here yet! Wil it be obvious?

How would you know if baby has dropped?

Been getting fanny daggers today, hurts :( dunno what she's doing in there but my whole belly hurts to lol

How is everyone? X
When I went to the midwife they said that he hadn't dropped yet and when the midwife came out to see me when I wasn't feeling well she said he was 3/5 so not sure what that means but sounds like must be doing something as he is supposed to haha
3/5 means that his head is 3 fifths engaged, so almost down :)

Some people it's really obvious that baby has dropped - a friend went in for her last day at work at 37 weeks and her boss commented that she looked like she had definitely dropped overnight. She gave birth the next day!

With my first I was in tears a couple of days before my due date as I wasn't engaged/not dropped and then on my due date I went in to labour, I don't think there was an obvious drop for me but I don't have any photos from that morning to be able to tell x
I think the first night home with baby will be the worst with bf.. you have no one to ask for help.
When my mom had my little sister, she gave up on the first night cos all my sister did was scream cos she was hungry so my mom gave up and sent my brother to asda for formula lol. This is what is scaring me the most!

You can buy a thing from mothercare a starter pack I think it's on sale atm actually, has a steriliser, beast pump, bottles and accessories. I bought it when I was just gonna pump but changed my mind! I thought it was good to just get you going to see which way you wanna go with Bf, pumping and formula lol.

On another note, my hubby is being a dick :lol: I finally gave in and said his family can come and see us at the hospital (at first I was saying no, unless I'm in there for more than 2 day's) now I've finally said yes... but I want time to shower and try to BF at least once before they come in. Which I'd say wild take 2-3 hours for this after birth but apparently it still isn't good enough :shock: so we had an argument, all I want is to be clean and try to feed my baby fgs. After everything I'm gonna go through he can't even ask them to give me time for a shower?! He said that my mom's gonna be there so what's the difference, my mom will probably leave after she's born and come back when we're home... idk what else to say to him, any advice? :( sorry long post x

Time for him to stand up to his parents and be the one to make the RIGHT decision here for you both. You having your mum there is not the same as his mum/parents being there - what a ridiculous thing to come back in an argument with! You've already compromised enough, stick to your guns - shower/BF first or don't come at all. At the end of the day, there is a lifetime to spend with this child and seeing you at your worst and stressing the baby really isn't going to help anyone. You are only asking for 2 hours!! So sorry you're having to deal with this nonsense. I know he just wants his close family there too, and that it's hard for him to see why, but just calmly continue to explain - maybe make him watch some birthing videos so he can see how much actually happens in childbirth?? :-)
When I went to the midwife they said that he hadn't dropped yet and when the midwife came out to see me when I wasn't feeling well she said he was 3/5 so not sure what that means but sounds like must be doing something as he is supposed to haha

How did she determine the 3/5 Rachel? Not heard of this before.
According to my notes he's still free, so no dropping here yet! Wil it be obvious?

Hi MissCharlie, haven't spoken to you in ages - hope you are doing well.x
Where is the notes does it show this? Just intrigued as not noticed it before. When I go for my appts, no one tends to speak - they jot everything down and unless they say anything, that basically means everything was normal. It's bizarre.
I had 3 comments from different people my bump had dropped yesterday after waking up to find it much lower, baby was 'at the brim' last week at my midwife appointment but I'm guessing it's now engaged, I'm 35 weeks tomorrow so hoping it stays there for at least another 2 weeks!

Exciting stuff! I'm 35 on wed coming and apart from someone saying "it is head down" which I know from the kicks in the ribs, they've not given any indication of how far down. Saying that though, they've been unable to take accurate readings at the scans due to head being too low so actually, this could be stage 1 of the engagement.
Couldn't have said it any better than MissCharli, PeanutButter! :hug:

Had my consultant appointment this afternoon girls...

Vaginal delivery not possible. Mass restricting the pelvic outlet.
Planned c-section at 38 weeks.
Plus removal of mass at same time. Unless they find it to be too firmly embedded/attached to uterus (or to anything else) hence risking excessive bleeding. In that case they'll leave it and remove it later some time after birth.

Waiting for a phonecall tomorrow (if not tomorrow, then Monday) to give me the exact date. So any day from 19th July....

Eeeeeeek girls!!! I am having a baby in THREE WEEKS!!! :shock: omg omg OMG!!!

OMG Hoping4Rainbow - exciting and scary rolled into one. So glad they are finally making some decisions though as you've had such a rough ride with trying to get answers from them. 19th July really isn't that far away!!! :-D
Had my scan and clinic appt this morning. Seemed all good to me, he was a bit bigger this time, on 69th percentile and his tummy was bigger. But they weren't concerned.

Allowed to drop to doing 2 blood readings a day, yay! But they still want him to come no later than my due date, so I'm gonna be induced at 1030 on 8/8! Eek!!

Wow, that makes it so much more real all of a sudden, doesn't it- a date and time !!!
Excited for you! :-D
Spuds the 3/5 engaged thing is a fairly standard description as far as I'm aware. It has always been written in my notes and if you google it you can see how it is worked out. They are basically feeling to see how far into the pelvis baby's head is and 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 etc just indicates how far in they are.

I ended up in maternity assessment last night. Baby had been really quiet most of the day, I'd been really busy cleaning so thought maybe I wasn't paying much attention but once I got my other two in bed I was still worried he wasn't moving as much as normal and he didn't start again until just before midnight so I called them and explained he was moving again but I had had reduced movement so they said to come in. So drove myself to the hospital at midnight leaving OH with the two toddlers. Put on monitor and predictably he went mental and I was having crazy braxton hicks contractions showing on the trace too. So they said everything looked OK and I got home at 2am. But as it was the second time I've been in they will organise a scan now to check everything - so at least now I can get a weight estimate! X
Spuds the 3/5 engaged thing is a fairly standard description as far as I'm aware. It has always been written in my notes and if you google it you can see how it is worked out. They are basically feeling to see how far into the pelvis baby's head is and 1/5, 2/5, 3/5 etc just indicates how far in they are.

I ended up in maternity assessment last night. Baby had been really quiet most of the day, I'd been really busy cleaning so thought maybe I wasn't paying much attention but once I got my other two in bed I was still worried he wasn't moving as much as normal and he didn't start again until just before midnight so I called them and explained he was moving again but I had had reduced movement so they said to come in. So drove myself to the hospital at midnight leaving OH with the two toddlers. Put on monitor and predictably he went mental and I was having crazy braxton hicks contractions showing on the trace too. So they said everything looked OK and I got home at 2am. But as it was the second time I've been in they will organise a scan now to check everything - so at least now I can get a weight estimate! X

Glad you went in to get it checked out. A scan should be a good indicator too.
I've never noticed that on my notes - will have a look shortly.
Rose glad you went in to get you checked out and that they are giving you a scan to check on him 🙂

It was my baby shower today. It was more just afternoon tea and getting to meet up with all the girls before they go on holidays and little legs arrives but it was lovely 😊

Oh and also my OH's family are crazy! Yesterday they suggested that the first week of their holiday in the caravan we come down to Great Yarmouth from Newcastle so a 5 hour journey and that would be 2 weeks before I am due!!!! They think it is an amazing idea and just to pack my hospital bag and his car seat in the car! I was like NO! I'm sure it's just another way for his mother and sister to control us as his mum is not happy I haven't allowed her to go to any scans at the hospital! I was like I want my Mam there. What happens if I go into labour I don't want my baby in a strange hospital. What if I was kept in? Yet they were still pushing the idea today! His sister was like well I went camping when I was heavily pregnant she was due 12th September so essentially at 34 weeks like how I am now.

Sorry for the rant I just think some people are just crazy!!!

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