I think the first night home with baby will be the worst with bf.. you have no one to ask for help.
When my mom had my little sister, she gave up on the first night cos all my sister did was scream cos she was hungry so my mom gave up and sent my brother to asda for formula lol. This is what is scaring me the most!
You can buy a thing from mothercare a starter pack I think it's on sale atm actually, has a steriliser, beast pump, bottles and accessories. I bought it when I was just gonna pump but changed my mind! I thought it was good to just get you going to see which way you wanna go with Bf, pumping and formula lol.
On another note, my hubby is being a dick

I finally gave in and said his family can come and see us at the hospital (at first I was saying no, unless I'm in there for more than 2 day's) now I've finally said yes... but I want time to shower and try to BF at least once before they come in. Which I'd say wild take 2-3 hours for this after birth but apparently it still isn't good enough

so we had an argument, all I want is to be clean and try to feed my baby fgs. After everything I'm gonna go through he can't even ask them to give me time for a shower?! He said that my mom's gonna be there so what's the difference, my mom will probably leave after she's born and come back when we're home... idk what else to say to him, any advice?

sorry long post x