August 2017 babies! The final thread!

PB I did my best at making her know I really wanted a scan but she wasn't having it. I'm beginning to wonder about paying the £37 to go to the private place that did my gender scan but I think my OH will think I'm being silly. Not that I have asked him x
I wouldn't ask him. This baby could rip you apart :shock: at least of you have the scan you can bring it up with the Drs if he is a large baby!
You usually get a scan if you go in with reduced movement... maybe you could lie? At my hosp they just give you a day and you go in whenever you want like a walk in one if you need a scan for reduced movement. X
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I just had a look online and the place I went to only scan you up to 32 weeks anyway and don't offer an actual growth scan. Other places do them and up to a later point but they are about £75.
My hospital will scan you if it's your second time coming in with reduced movements. I've already been once so if I'm in again they would. I wouldn't lie about it knowing how stressed their resources are but in all honesty I know how likely it is that I will have an episode again because of how many times I've had them in my previous two pregnancies. So I guess I'll just wait and see how things progress. I'll be having a midwife appointment every two weeks now which seems crazy because that means I have three more and then if there was a fourth it would be actually past my due date! X
I'm sorry you're having so many difficulties PB :( It really should just be about the 3 of you until both of you are ready to share her. I can totally understand not wanting people to see you with blood and guts everywhere lol. I would only say that maybe once he has seen what you have actually had to go through he might realise you're right! Sometimes I don't think men fully grasp quite what we have to do!

Glad you're doing well Spuds! I think we're all having decent sized babies here, looks like mine is gonna be at least 8lb too! I totally agree on the salad front :lol:

I can't believe we're nearly at the end now. It's just surreal how fast this has gone, we've all known each other for literally months! Add to that I have 9 more days left in work and I'm actually feeling pretty huge now (well it had to happen sometime... esp if he's 5lb 10!). Also 5 weeks tomorrow until I go in to be induced :shock:
How is everyone today?
I'm feeling fairly fed up, is anyone else finding their moods really changeable and noticing crazy hormonal mood swings? Tonight I'm all tearful and irritated by anyone touching me - so my poor son clinging to me for an hour while I tried to get him to sleep was pretty horrendous. My OH describes it as one of those days where it's like my 'skin hurts' and I don't want anyone near me lol. I'm working in the evenings at the moment (marking GCSE exams) and have deadlines to meet so I suppose I feel a bit under pressure from that and the fact that I'm doing 12 hours solid looking after the kids then going straight into 8-12am marking is not doing me any favours mood wise! Only two more weeks of marking left though and then I can relax a bit. My partner is out in our garage building my little girl's princess bed which I designed by adapting an IKEA bunk bed and shelves (and he then worked out how to create) so that's exciting! X
Aww rose bless you! You are working so hard! I hope it flys by the 2 weeks so that you don't have to do marking 🙂 I'm just feeling tired all the time!

We had a maternity shoot last night as our friend is a photographer and wanted to build his portfolio up so offered us a bump to baby shoot 🙂 He then sent over some samples from last night and I was shocked as I really am not camera friendly lol 😂


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Awh rose, 2 weeks isnt that long, and once it's done, it's done and you can relax a little bit :) x

Lovely pics Rach, be nice to look back in a few years x

I feel ok today, had a bath and did a face mask, and baby is being active so no worries, hubby's away tho so abit lonely but other than that it's been a good day! Heh x
Aww Rose, sending hugs to you and I hope the two weeks fly by for you so you have no more marking xx

Rach, your pics look so so lovely!!! :cloud9: I bet you had fun doing this and have great memories from it and I can imagine how truly special the baby shoot will be! I've only had one done for my first when he turned 1 and we had SO much fun (it was a beach themed b'day cake smash)

Getting the keys to the new house tomorrow afternoon and moving on Thursday! Our life is packed in boxes right now (almost all done, some last moment bits to pack tomorrow) and baby is coming in 2 weeks - we must be crazy!!! Still waiting for my c-section date...

My bump is so sore and uncomfortable, feels like it will explode from pressure, baby's movements are also painful sometimes, so much pressure on my bladder too and physical backache :( Is this normal? Feeling so unfit :(

Sending love to all if you xx
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Wow! Babies in 2 weeks. :shock: ahh it's so exciting :)

Hopefully you can get the house sorted in time tho!

I'm.glad ydaterday was good for me, because apparently eating anything is making throw up today :( have to go out and get my prescription today aswell ughhh x
So sorry to hear about your sickness coming back PeanuButter :( I hope it leaves you alone! I still feel queasy after everything I eat or drink (I think it's whilst I'm digesting anything that I feel as if I'll throw up - but never do! So I shouldn't complain) It's just that I cannot remember what is like to eat something and not regret it afterwards! Makes me wonder how I've managed to keep my appetite as big! :lol: I think I "binge" eat as I feel better DURING eating! xx
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Ah how stressful Rose, at least it'll be over soon :) not sure I would have wanted to take that on at this point though!

Aww you look lovely Rach :) nice to have some proper photos to remember it by! I kinda fancy doing it too now :)

Aaah exciting about the house H4R! Bet you must be glad that it's finally time to move in, though only 2 weeks to spare eek!! I can't believe these babies are almost here now. I think it's pretty standard to be uncomfortable now, I kinda feel like he's trying to bust out of my tummy now!!

Hope you feel better soon PB! X

Thanks MissCharli, driving to get the new keys in a bit and get into the house for the first time, can't wait! Removals lorry moving our boxes and carpet cleaned tomorrow, fridge and washing machine delivered the day after! Ahhhhh panicking!!!

Called the hospital as still haven't heard anything from them re. the date, and the consultant said I'd get a phonecall the following day (last Fri) or, worst case, Monday. So when I called today I was told by a midwife that she'd have to check with operating theatre staff about it and to wait for a phone call this afternoon. She then called about an hour later to say that she checked with them and apparently they have my form, but have not got round to set a date yet...and to wait for a phone the next few days. 36 weeks today! Baby is fully cooked! But I need to know :shock: She at least reassured me that it will be a direct phonecall and not a letter... as that would take even longer to get to me... xx
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Ah I can't believe you're still waiting for a date... if they have your form they know it'd be dangerous to go naturally surely? Fingers crossed you'll get it soon! When you said you were 36 weeks I was like omg you're so far ahead, then I realised I'm 35 tomorrow ha! Silly me.

Awhh I'm so jealous about being so far behind lol. But I would be annoyed i didn't have a date either, especially when they said they'd call you on Friday :/ you have to plan and stuff... you only have 2 weeks to get prepared!

I read that your supposed to see midwife/consultant every 2 weeks now? There's 3 and a half weeks between my last midwife appointment and my next consultant one.. considering I'm meant to be high risk and consultant lead I feel like they're not treating me like they should :( and my last consultant appointment she didn't even speak to me longer than 5 mins and was in a hurry to get me out. X
PB I'm with you on feeling behind! I'll be 33 weeks on Saturday and I feel like I'm miles behind everyone when I know that's not really the case. 7 weeks still seems like ages when I'm so huge and uncomfortable. Shouldn't complain though as I still have so many things I wanted to get done before he arrives. You're right about being seen every two weeks. I was seen on Monday for my 32 weeks appointment and she said I'd be seen every 2 weeks now and that's for a third baby with no risk factors.

H4R can't believe you are moving with two weeks to spare although my brother and his wife did that with a booked c section too and they were fine, they even got some decorating of their little girls room done before hand! X
I think I don't feel that far along cos I'm still working! So I kinda forget that I'm actually really close to popping :lol:

I don't think you're being seen often enough either PB... my MW ones are every 2 weeks and I have consultant ones on top of that. Last week I had both and a scan! Nothing now until the 17th and then 2 that week. So definitely keep an eye out. Does your notes have a page on it with the schedule of normal mw appointments? It should be following that. I'll take a pic of mine in a sec, I'm not sure if we all have the same notes!

Admittedly they haven't all been filled in but I have had them!
I have that in my notes... mine has nothing written on it at all lol. I have my 34 week appointment on the 19th with the consultant.. then my midwife is supposed to be coming to my house at 36 weeks but I don't have an appointment or anything, I saw her last at 30+? I don't remember.
So I'm not seeing midwife for 6ish weeks. Idk if this is my last consultant appointment aswell. Hope they book me in for my induction to heh :p x
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If I squint and read the bit at the top it does say that the appts can be either with the consultant or mw. Here they check wee and BP at both consultant and MW appointments (so I had it 2 days in a row last week...) so you won't miss out on that presumably. I wouldn't worry as long as you are being seen regularly by either or!

I would maybe get the 36 weeks one booked though if you are having issues!
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Oh, that's OK then. Was worried they just didn't care lol.
I can't book it... the midwife has to but she's on holiday idk when till. I saw the midwife covering her last time and she just said she'll be in touch for your 36 week home visit lol.. x

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