August 2017 babies! The final thread!

It depends on your hips ladies, I'm 5ft and hubby is 6ft 2, babies have been 8lb 6 and 8lb 12. Both births have been natural, baby 1 came at 39+4 and baby 2 was induced at 41 weeks with reduced movement.

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Was about to say the same Kumber. Definitely all in the hips about whether you're going to have problems getting them out. I'm 5'7" but with what my mum always referred to from my teenage years onwards as 'child bearing hips' lol. I have a friend who is closer to 5' and this is going to sound unkind but she is obese (probably technically morbidly obese) so you kind of look at her and think she wouldn't have a problem delivering a big baby because she looks like she has massive hips. In reality she has been sectioned twice due to baby getting its head stuck in her pelvis, they have said there is no way she can deliver naturally because her pelvis just doesn't open far enough in pregnancy/birth x
P.S the sectioned friend has only had babies weighing less than 8lb too!
Yeah I wonder if I'm the same, it's hard to tell probably until I go into labour! I had pretty ordinary hips when I was a skinny teenager.

But I'm trying not to worry too much about labour tbh.

Definitely don't worry about it misscharli - it's inevitable and what will be will be! They look after you I promise!

PB hope you're ok at the hospital - thinking of you! X
I hope so. You hear so many horror stories of things going wrong though!

Yeah I hope all is okay PB xx

Quick update!
They're keeping me in on the ward, dr wants to monitor me cos he's worried I'm going into pre term labour. And because of my vaginismus he can't examine me properly xx

Omg I have to stay in for 24 hours :(

Anyway been having really.bad pain over belly mainly in pelvis and it's just getting worse so he thinks it's labour pain. Feels really tight and period pain like :/ wasn't concerned about the pain before coming in! It was coming every 2 mins for about 1 minute then dyed down now I'm on ward its just a contact pain. Hubby had to go home :( haven't had dinner or my vitamins. Feeling sorry for myself. X
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Oh lovely I'm sorry your going through this. It's good they are keeping a close eye on you x thinking of you today and hope your pains stop and they can give you some answers xx

Oh PB I'm so glad you called and went in now! Thank goodness they are keeping you to monitor you. Will they give you some sort of sedative so they can examine you? X
Oh no PB that doesn't sound good. Has it settled at all now? X

PB I hope everything is alright and the doctors as taking good care of you! Was your OH allowed to bring some stuff in for you? And come back today?
Ohh no PB! I hope things settle down soon, and baby stays put. You're in the best place to keep you and baby safe. Keep your chin up lovely :hugs:

Pains have stopped mostly. Still in ward, baby is making up for not moving yesterday and she decided to go crazy while on the monitor and they had to come in and turn it down cos she just wouldn't stop.
Think I'll be discharged soon, hopefully x
I remember my little girl was like that - the midwives said she was having a party in there once I was on the machine. Did they manage to examine you at all? X
Just catching up after my weekend away.
Survived the camping just about.

Tasha, good to hear you were reassured about the itching.

PB, sorry you've been so poorly. Glad you got properly checked out and baby is being very active today. They are such little pickles!!

I called mat triage again yesterday as I had some brown discharge. Very odd, I've never had this before. They said they weren't worried unless it was red blood.

Exciting all this labour talk. I really can't wait.

Also just bought a maternity support belt after 2 virtual strangers recommended I get one!!

It's really helping with back and hip pain after one day. I'm not sure whether this is only an issue if you are carrying low?? I didn't get any of this pain so early on with my daughter. I honestly feel like I'm full term.

Can totally relate to the comments about the struggle to roll over in bed. I feel like a beached whale. :(

Sending love to you beautiful mummas and precious bumps.
I'm just back from maternity assessment. Baby has been really quiet all day and I just wasn't happy with it at all so they said to come in. Predictably as soon as I was there he was kicking so hard my whole stomach was moving! So after 20 minutes on the trace they said if I was happy then I could go. You feel really silly when you get there and they are moving so much but I just have to remember that it could be dangerous if you started to feel like it wasn't worth going x
Glad baby started moving rose!! These babies getting naughty already lol.
I'm back home now, feel loads better after a shower.
Scan was fine, shes really low! Her head is in the lowest place possible and she weighes 3 lbs already!! She's measuring a week ahead. If she's 3lbs now what will her birth weight be :shock:

Hope everyone is feeling well xx
PB - I'm so glad your team home and feeling bettter. Been thinking of you all day x

Rose -glad baby got moving, you definitely did the right thing by going in x

Elspeth - I've got one, I don't find it helps me much but glad it's making a difference for you x

I had my GTT today, think I'll get the results tomorrow at the consultant. Did anyone else who has had it find the baby went crazy after the glucose? He's never been so active x


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