August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Glad to hear both of you and the babies are okay, what a stressful couple of days!

Ah 3lb does seem quite big for 28 weeks, got a little chubba in there haha. Hopefully she doesn't decide to make an early entrance but at least that would be on her side! X

Feeling alright but getting really bored of waking up 3 or 4 times at night when I have work in the morning :(

Good luck with your GTT results Tasha, I didn't notice anything with mine but then I just felt really bored and poorly! X

Pheewww PeanutButter and Rose, I just caught up and am soooooooo relieved to read that you are both ok and babies are staying put!

Good luck with your results Tasha! xx

Elspeth glad to read that a belt is helping you, might need to look into this, as I could have written what you wrote about feeling so much pain so much earlier this time round and feeling like you're full term already! I worry loads about how much worse this could get in the time we got left?! :oops:

One more day left! Flying back on Thursday, cannot wait to get back to the UK! Hubby returns from Singapore on Saturday! Only then I'll feel safer! :pray:

Sending lots of love to all of you xx
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Thanks for the well wishes yesterday ladies. Had some pain waking up again but it's gone, does it sound like BH?
Tash have you had results for Gtt yet?
Same Charli, its annoying!! Can't wait to have my body back to normal and sleep on my stomach aha.
H4r have a safe flight :) xx
Glad all babies are safe and well, and still tucked up in their bumps!

H4R, safe travels home!

PB my experience of braxton hicks has always been like a tightening of my whole stomach, it goes hard and tight for a few moments then releases but it doesn't hurt, is just sort of uncomfortable. What kind of pain is it you are getting? X
Same as Rose, PeanutButter. Tight and hard for a few seconds then releases and repeats again a few times - it can be very uncomfortable and unpleasant and can even stop me from what I'm doing but wouldn't call it painful in my case either. Have the drs said anything/explained the kind of pain you've felt?? xx
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Yeah mine is the same, though I haven't even found it uncomfortable most of the time just odd and tight. It usually goes really soft after.

Eek my pram and nursing chair arrived today, excited to go home and see them :D they've been ordered for weeks and I'm so impatient :p
I'm currently at the hospital I had my 28 week scan (he is 2lbs 13oz) and big generally. I am waiting to see the consultant and was planning on asking him my GD results while I was here. In the meantime someone called my house and told my mum that I have high glucose levels and that they need to see me today as I need to text 7 x a day. I can't believe they can give her my personal information I am 34!!!

Im really angry about it. I will be seeing them at 3 now (appointment arranged by my mum like a child) Ffs!

That's horrendous Tasha, I would put in a complaint!

Pffffft, you're right! I'd complain too Tasha! Hugs xx

Also why big at 2lbs 13oz? Sounds ok to me for 28weeks? I think mine was that estimated size at my previous appointment which I believe was at 28weeks?? Smack on average (50th percentile) they said when I asked? I am confused with these estimations girls, honestly.... What else do they take into account? Are our height and weight taken into account before they plot the results on those average curves?? I doubt it as I don't see such thing on my graph... are the averages different altogether for different UK regions?? Lol too many questions - I should be asking them! :p I think they can be out with these estimations anyway, my first babe was smaller than estimated in the end xx
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Hi mummies I've missed so much again!!
I've turned 31 years old and I'm 31 weeks!! :)

Honestly last time they measured my curve she said I was measuring big and she was concerned
that I would go home and worry but not at all she showed me the line of "normal" and I was well above!

Yet everyone tells me I don't look big?
I think it's an exstremly rough guide!
They never predict the babies weight accurately... all my mummy friends tell me they always a pound or 2out
So not worrying will be having scan mid July that should be a better indicator:)

Hope everyone is feeling good this week :)

We haven't got long now it's gone incredibly fast I feel xxxx
Wow Tasha what a breach of medical in confidence... I think I'd get sacked at work if I did that. Definitely complain! Sorry to hear you've also got GD, the testing sucks, though I only have to do it 4 x not 7! But you'll get used to it x

Did you find out at your appt what your levels were? I hope it went okay :)

They take all sorts of things into account for the grow chart things, race weight and height I believe. I was measuring 3cm bigger but at the scan he was 44th percentile. I don't think I look huge either! My Nan was disappointed I didn't have more of a bump ha.

Mine was 3lb 5 at 29+6 so I don't think 2lb 13 sounds huge at 28? Did they say what percentile that was? Your print out from the scan should have a little bar on it if not.

Happy birthday prrrfect :) you're right about the estimates, a friend of mine gave birth about 5 weeks ago and was told he would be over 9lb. He was born at 39+5 at 6lb 3!
Happy birth prrrfect xx

Thank you ladies for your advice and soothing words, I was so angry about the breach in confidentiality and then shocked having to see so many people 3 x consultants a diabetic nurse and then dietician! My head was spinning

My GTT results were 6. and then 9.9 after the 2hrs. My test strip result was 7.5 am hour after lunch.

They didn't say why they thought we was big but was at the top end of stuff when I looked.

Sending big hugs and thank you for your responses x

Ah that is awful Tasha, I'd be livid too. That's just not on.

Well hopefully baby won't get too much bigger now as they'll keep your sugars under control, so hopefully it'll all be okay :)


My travel system and rocking chair :D we are getting the carry cot colour pack as well, but it's out of stock for a few weeks and I was too impatient to wait for the rest :p

Misscharli that all looks lovely. I was in mothercare today getting them to test the new car seat for my daughter and all the nice new prams and stuff looked so good compared with all my stuff that's looking a bit battered after two of them! Baby will be getting the hand me down car seats but my daughter gets a new one so that we don't have to buy a new base for the baby only for my daughter to not need hers in a years time. (All very boring and confusing trying to work out the best and most economical way to fit three car seats in!).

Tashap sorry about the GTT those do sound like quite high readings which I assume is why you need to test more often? I used to work as a medical secretary and a medical receptionist in an NHS hospital when I was younger and that is absolutely a breach of patient confidentiality. They shouldn't even have told her why they needed to speak to you let alone any details. It honestly is at least a disciplinary case against the member of staff. I know you might not feel like you want to get anyone in trouble but you really should report it - I know you might think it isn't that big a thing after the initial shock but i always try and think about the worst type of situation, like what if you had an abusive partner and they told him something confidential (obviously that's taking it to an extreme but I hope you see what I mean) they should never ever give out private information when they have no idea who they are talking to xx
Tashap I am shocked that they even did that! And I wouldn't have thought that was big i would thought even maybe small but that's because when I had my growth scan he weighed 3.5 lbs and I was 29week and 1 day so not much time difference.

Misscharli I love your nursing chair! Where did you get it from? I've only ever seen cream ones.

I don't think I have had braxton hicks yet if I have they have been very few. This evening when I went to get up and go into the kitchen my leg just caved under me and now I can't put any weight on it at all. I've had all my allocation of codine already today and it's not helping I'm just pleased my OH was there to pick me back up. He has had to a second time later on tonight trying to get me upstairs. I don't know whether I should speak to the doctor again if it continues as it's all just in the one leg with my nerves/sciatica.
Ah Rose that sounds complicated, I honestly don't know how you guys do it with more than one, let alone 3 in car seats!

Thanks Rach :) I got it from here:

It was literally the only place that does it in navy, and I had to wait about a month because it was out of stock! It's so comfy though, and I didn't realise it has pockets on both arms, so useful!
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Yes looking lovely miss Charli :)
Is everyone really well organised and ready for there bundles now???
To think we started off with our early scans and now look where we all are!!!

Tasha p i do feel for you it's upsetting that they have made that breach and
Then to have to deal with seeing all those people bless you I hope it all calms down!!!

I know I just want to be left alone to progress minimal appointments and minimal
Who doesn't!!
I know they only doing what's best for us but it can all be a bit overwhelming!!
20th of June I have birthing options and consultant mid July- which will include a scan to
Check his size...
And couple midwife appointments and that's it hopefully!

Has anyone been thinking of the birth much yet?

Rachlaider id speak to doctor as could know something that can help you...
we are all getting bigger and I definitely feel the weight of my tummy more these days!!
Puts extra pressure on everything...

For me mainly my bladder!!!
And my feet ache after short shopping trips etc
Make sure you are not over doing it xxxxxx
MissCharli, I love your travel system and chair!

I'm officially in tri 3 now, woohoo! :dance:

Love the pram and chair Charli, very nice :)

Tash, I would definitely complain!! Sorry to hear about your gtt results to :(

Yay kumber, tri 3 :dance:

I'm currently having my gtt. I think I'll be ok tho I feel fine! Cx

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