August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Awww my goodness Tasha, he looks so sweet!!! :cloud9: Great scan pic xx
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H4R I was literally about to come on here and say how tired I am feeling this week and wondering if anyone else was finding these weeks tiring then I remembered it's probably coping with the other two as well that's doing it! I do think I'm finding it harder than usual though so maybe some of growth spurt is happening. I'm getting very big and uncomfortable so hefting myself around with them is difficult. I'm also constantly hungry at the moment x

I'm finding this too, it's now hard to move and they seem to revel in kneeing or elbowing the bump. The poor child in there must be battered!

Tashap, beautiful scan pic. What a cutie!

Kumber mine are the exact same! I spend all day telling them not to bash mummy's bump! I'm so uncomfortable even the slightest bump is massively irritating!

Tashap I'm never in bed before midnight and mostly only asleep from 12.30 onwards. I'm then up at 7.30/8 every day but in between am woken at least twice if not more. I think sleep deprivation is just a part of life now! X
Aww lovely Tasha!

Yeah I get to sleep around 12 and I'm up at 730. Though I wake up like 3 times a night for a pee now, I sleep too lightly :(
Yep the peeing is getting to me too now. I wake up at least twice for my son but then usually another time just for me but will have to pee when he wakes me too. I honestly feel like there is no room in there for pee anymore! X
Yeah I know! It's doing my head in haha. I think most of the time I just wake up and then need to pee, rather than the other way around though. I wake up pretty regularly between 6-7, when my alarm is at 725. Its really really annoying! ha.
Lol MissCharli, waking up multiple times a night to pee, I reckon it's mother nature's way of getting future mummies used to what's coming :lol:

Yep, I feel so sorry for the bump too Rose and Kumber! My toddler recently seems particularly keen on
- accidentally dropping everything on the floor for mummy to eventually pick up (no matter how hard/long I try to ignore/resist picking them up) squishing the poor bubba while bending down, also thinking every time that I might just fail to come back up and fearing I might just have to stay down there on the floor forever, until someone comes to rescue me
- jumping on the couch dangerously close to the poor bump as if he's on a trampoline, and
- asking to be lifted all the time, looking at me with big annoyingly cute puppy eyes "Mamma, pleeeease huuuggg"
:twisted: hmm...really?!?
- throwing tantrums for the silliest of things :brat:
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You know I think you're right H4R! Though you'd think it would be more useful to let us rest while we still can!!
Euuuuuurgh the pee! And it's impossible to get comfortable at nighttime, and rolling over is a nightmare!

Haa yes rolling over. Sometimes I feel like a hippo trying to roll over in the mud :lol:
Really does make you wonder why on earth you do it all over again :lol:

Hey ladies, sorry had a busy weekend!
Great scan pic tash :) x
Yes rolling over hurts so bad sometimes! Mine decided to get the hiccups (I think) for the first time ever when I was trying to sleep was so tired and she wouldn't stop aha.

Woke up feeling like absolutely shite! Body aches, sick/heaving, extremely tired even though I had 12 hours. Can't even sit down on the sofa so I'm in bed I just can't concentrate on anything without going dizzy or wanting to be sick. Can't barely lift my arms, they feel so numb... Baby isn't moving as much again either (she obviously doesn't like Mondays, was last Monday she didn't move alot to) I'm not worried about it, have felt some movement, juts nit what she normally does. Usually I'm up at 4am with her kicking, then again at 8 then I'm up at 9/10 and have breakfast and she'll start again then be on and off through the day. Done kick counts she moved 12 times in hkaf hour wh8ch I read is fine. This sounds ok to you ladies? Xx
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Sounds like the flu chick, it's been doing the rounds lately I think. I hope you feel better soon.

Don't be counting the amount of kicks but rather the number of movement sessions in a day, and their pattern, as every baby will move with a different pattern if that makes sense?

PB I'm just back from the midwife and she was just emphasising that I should call with any change in the pattern or frequency of movements. So if you aren't noticing her doing what she normally does you should still get checked. They really do want to see if you even if you think it's probably OK.

So as expected I'm measuring big - around 2 weeks ahead at the moment. So at my next appointment at 34 weeks they said if I was suddenly even bigger they'd refer me for a scan to check on size. This is exactly how my son was at this point so looks like another big baby for me!! Otherwise everything seemed find. Heartbeat today was an extremely clear galloping horse sound which of course is supposed to indicate a girl. He must just have a girly heartbeat - unless I'm going to get a surprise lol! X
Sounds really nasty PB, take it easy. Movements are definitely more about the pattern like the others have said. I don't feel any really in the night and never have, so I'm assuming that's just normal for us both. But evenings he kicks the shit out of me so I know he's still there :) If you're worried give them a call, better safe than sorry x

I'm not sure I put much stock in the measuring big thing rose! Though obviously with past experience it is been true for you. I was about 3 ahead but he was on 44th percentile! Hopefully he won't be too big for you though x

If you measure big do they want baby to come sooner?

Called the midwife and she put me to the hosp and they want me to come in because I'm 28 weeks (well am tomorrow) she didn't ask any questions though? Last time I had to answer loads before they said come in.
She hasn't moved at all now since my last message so glad I called, I think it's just because of how bad I feel. I can't really stand up without wanting to throw up or pass out still. I've ate and drank around 3 liters and had chocolate incase it was sugar levels but nothing is making it go away. Yesterday we went out for a carvery and while eating I went really dizzy and couldn't even concentrate on eating tho. Hoping the Drs will tell me what's wrong!

Oh also this morning I woke and I felt like I was pushing the baby out?! Like full on trying to get her out idk why or how obviously made it stop once I realised what I was doing :S
Aww PB that doesn't sound right - if nothing else it sounds like you're coming down with something. Hopefully baby is ok - let us know as soon as they've checked you over.

They basically take each 'big' baby on a case by case basis. It's almost certain that I'm going to have a big one because my last two were big. It's possible they could consider getting them out sooner if they thought it was in your interests. For example I was induced on my due date because they didn't want me to get any bigger. My SIL (who is fairly slim) was measuring a bit big and had had so many complications they just decided to get her second out at 38 weeks - baby was just under 9lbs. I imagine if they scan me and I'm big then they will think about inducing around due date again unless I got uncomfortably massive as they would know I would be wanting natural birth with two other toddlers to look after etc x
It probably depends on how big you are as well, I'm only 5'2 so I think they'd probably be more likely to induce me cos he'd be more likely to get stuck? I hope you're okay though x

Ahh went to get my prescription today and literally all they've done is duplicate the last one! So they did one for another 200 lancets (which I use 1 a day of ish) and 50 test strips! Bloody stupid doctors! The receptionist couldn't find the note that the other one apparently put on, so I'm guessing she didn't bother? Grr!
Also I've just taken my bra off and my boobs are achy again! Not ached since about 9 weeks!

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