August 2017 babies! The final thread!

PB - I am in total agreement about GP receptionists.

I called the maternity ward about the itching as it's been worse this evening and my husband moaned at me about calling them. They were lovely and I am going in tomorrow morning for tests and monitoring x

Tashap tell him he can be stuck itching all night if he keeps that attitude up and go get some itching powder lol. I agree that you hear lots of stories of people conceiving after IVF (my mum used to be a medical secretary in an IVF section of a London hospital so she'd hear the stories too. You're more fertile after having a baby as your body is somehow familiar with the whole thing and seems to conceive better so you never know!

Misscharli good news about the appointment! Gap between my first two is 15 months and gap between my second and this baby will be 18 months. Can't believe you are 30 weeks already!

PB that's funny - like a snake with legs! It is a very weird sensation. I don't know if everyone finds this but once mine were born they would occasionally make a movement when I was holding them and I'd be like 'wow I know that movement, I've felt that from the inside!' X
Yep I agree wholeheartedly about GP receptionists haha. My step MIL is a receptionist at my gp surgery, and I called them once for a work related thing and she didn't realise it was me. She was proper snappy, which is weird cos she's lovely usually!

Thanks Tasha :) I'm glad they are taking it seriously, even if your OH isn't! Men are such a pain sometimes... that number is there for us to call in these circumstances. I had to call cos a colleague had chickenpox and they definitely don't think you're wasting anyone's time!

Ah that is quite small gaps then, me and my brother are only 20 months apart. It means that I don't ever remember him not being there, but we don't get on now so who knows! I can't believe I'm 30 weeks either :shock:
Hello ladies sorry for being quiet it's been crazy here! I can't believe the 30 weeks have flown over for you and only 10 to go 😵 How crazy is that? It seems to have flown over!

I seem to find receptionist are a pain in the butt but you would have also thought that the doctor would have had more sense and prescribed more than 50 strips if you use 4 a day! I would have expected atleast 200 strips! It's not like you can reuse them!

I know I would like another but there is no plans for any additional in the near future as we haven't got the space in the house so that needs sorting first. But I don't know how I will take labour either. I haven't honestly thought about it though I think I'm just in the ahh I will wing it and see how it goes and if I need drugs I will take them. I most likely will neeed them but I'm just trying not to think about it haha!

I had my midwife appointment last week and she found protein in my wee so it was sent of for testing along with my bloods. She has phoned tonight and left a message to say that I have a water infection so I need to go and pick up a prescription from the doctors. But while I was at the hospital today for my growth scan and consultant appointment they came back and said I also have low iron so need to take 3 tablets a day for iron and I need to go to the doctors for my sciatica as I can stand at the moment due to no feeling in my right leg.

But in the plus side my scan was great and he is measuring 3.5lbs already 😵 And they measured his head and he is 2 weeks ahead and legs are ahead also but still just under the 50th percentile lol!
Ah your measurements sound really similar to mine! Boys with bug heads haa.

I know, I mentioned it at my hosp appt earlier and they were like yeah that's weird give them a ring. It's more than 4 a day really cos they don't work all the time (or I do it wrong :lol:).

Sounds like you are struggling with a few things! I hope all the meds etc help you feel better x

Great news about the appointment MissCharli! And such neat bumpy! xx

And glad you are being seen tomorrow Tasha! Hopefully it is just a rash kind of thing due to the heat, but just in case it is anything more than that, it is great to have it checked xx

Sorry to hear about your sciatica trouble Rach, hope the Dr helps asap xx

Absolutely xx I remember once my son was lying on his front across my stomach when he suddenly got the hiccups and remember feeling those hiccups on my belly as he was lying on his front, thinking hey I remember feeling these on the inside awwww I actually cried, it felt so special that I was actually now holding in my arms that very same baby that used to hiccup inside me! :cloud9:

I feel sick all the time bleurghhh :sick: Baby's movements have been feeling quite painful in the last couple of days, not sure what he's up to in there! I hope he's not getting any ideas! I need him to stay put as I am still abroad til the 8th and feeling paranoid and scared at the thought of something going wrong without my hubby with me! He is also abroad in Vietnam and Singapore, so couldn't really be any further from me! Gosh my toddler is a handful at the moment too, he doesn't let me rest at all! Full of beans constantly. And those lovely tantrums! I get so sore and struggling to walk (or waddle rather) towards the end of the day. And I look soooo much bigger in the eve when compared to the mornings! xx

Sending love to all of you xx
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I'm sure I've read something in the news about diabetes test strips and then not being allowed to prescribe more than 50 at a time. Sure it was an article about the NHS trying to cut costs by stopping people taking prescriptions for more than they need. Not of course that you are but I'm sure that's why there is some sort of restriction on it. Someone I went to uni with just lost her husband to diabetes complications - he was 31 and a proper gym type, all heathy and muscular looking and you don't think about something like that happening to someone young and healthy. Not that that is why he died but you can imagine that some people might not go get what they need from the doctor for fear of being told no and then them suffering side effects x
My prescription is for 150 test strips now but back when I had GD with my daughter it was a pitiful amount. I remember ringing up to order my repeat prescription as usual and when I went to collect them they weren't ready as the Dr had cancelled my repeat request as he said it hadn't been long since my last one! I have to test 6 times a day (still do with this pregnancy!)

I rang my diabetes team and they emailed my GP with instructions to up the amount of test strips on my prescription. I've had no further trouble :)
I wonder if they thought you were going to sell them on the black market?!! Crazy it's not like your requesting extra morphine!

Still at the hospital. I went to the day unit this morning and they did blood pressure, temperature and listened to the baby, all seems fine with that. I've had bloods taken and waiting for the results (in the cafe) and they will call soon x

I can understand that Rose but giving me 12 days worth is ridiculous! I don't have time to faff about going to the drs and then a pharmacy every 12 days! Hopefully this will have worked though and I'll get more than 50. My gp is really nice so I don't think it'll be an issue.

But if it is I'll do what you said and text the diabetes midwife :)

Good luck Tasha x

Results came back clear. I was seen by the on call consultant who wants me to repeat the bloods next week before my actual consultant appointment and I'm the meantime I've got antihistamines and a cream to use. They did say some doctors prescribe the OC drug based on the itching alone but he will leave that to the consultant xxx thanks for the wishes ladies

Misscharli I know that's an absolute pain, basically if that is an actual rule that doctors follow they should have a different rule for pregnant women because it's just another stress you don't need. I live a 2 minute drive from my doctors and I still wouldn't want to have to go in there every 12 days! X
H4R, it's good to hear from you. Glad you're keeping well, not so glad about toddler running you ragged! I hope baby stays put for you until you and hubby are back home together.

Tasha, glad results were clear. A friend of mine had OC and she was really suffering, I hope they get your itching under control asap. It sounds horridly uncomfortable and frustrating.

Well my surgery is only open for an hour after I finish work as well so if I actually needed to see the gp each time it would be a pain! I know I can get time off for things like this but actually it's just a pain when I have things to do at work!

Glad all is well Tasha xx

Tasha, great news about results all clear and hope the antihistamines and cream help and it is just a heat rash type of thing xx

Kumber thanks my love, I really dunno how you and Rose do it with more than one babe keeping you on your toes (to put it mildly!) whilst also preg xx
H4R I was literally about to come on here and say how tired I am feeling this week and wondering if anyone else was finding these weeks tiring then I remembered it's probably coping with the other two as well that's doing it! I do think I'm finding it harder than usual though so maybe some of growth spurt is happening. I'm getting very big and uncomfortable so hefting myself around with them is difficult. I'm also constantly hungry at the moment x
I don't know how you manage it. I'm asleep by 8 each night and most nights too tired to cook dinner just chucking something and salad at a plate. How you raise children while making one I have no idea x.

Had our 3D scan today. He is breach still and had hands and feet by head. We took my mum and she loved it.



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