August 2017 babies! The final thread!


Hopefully this works :)

Awhh cute charli :)

I decided to ring midwife, while waiting for an answer baby decided it was time to wake up! Gave me some huge movements so didnt bother to talk to anyone, I get really anxious when calling someone though and could feel my heart pounding which could have made her more lively.. Shes gone quite again now but still moving a little bit. x
Thanks :D It might have taken 5 mins of footage to get that 6 seconds worth but it was worth the wait :D

Good, I'm glad she perked up :) I know I was worried 2 weeks ago that I wouldn't feel a pattern and that he was quite quiet, but actually those 2 weeks have made quite a big difference in terms of movements. It might be that you start to notice this as well for the next little while, I think it's difficult for us as first timers because we haven't got much to judge it on! But they do say to ring them as much as you need for reduced movements, so you did the right thing by starting to call anyway :)
Scan went well :) Didn't get offered any pics this time though! But he was perfect, 44th percentile so not too big at all. Est weight 3lb 5 or 1.5kg :) If I follow the line on the chart he's estimated to be 7lb 15oz :)
Love that video, and glad your scan went well!

PB, glad your little miss perked up :)

Glad hes the right size! 7 15 isnt big at all :) xx

Is anyone else boobs going crazy yet? I thought the milk wasnt supposed to start until after birth? I woke up in the night and my nipple was stuck to the bed sheet cos it had been leaking... pulled it off hurt so bad. Theyre not leaking alot but my lefty is coverd in white sticky whitey/yellow stuff xx
That's your colostrum chick, your milk won't come in until 3-5 days after baby is here :) It's quite normal for colostrum to leak so don't worry. You might be best wearing a bra and breastpads to bed if it gets really bad

Im just glad something is happening with em. Was worrying that i wasnt gonna produce milk for baby cos theyve not changed at all.
Oh i thought that nothing was supposed to come out before baby. Lol i haven't got a clue! xx
Misscharli that's great news from the scan - a baby under 8lb is teeny! I've never had one that small! I'm quite sure I'm going to be referred back to be scanned as I'm so huge. I'm quite sure I'm going to end up with another massive boy!

PB totally normal to leak colostrum. I'm not leaking but my boobs and nipples particularly are very sore, I can't bear them being touched and my little boy is always doing it by accident! X
Haha that sounds like a pain PB, mine are still normal though they look a bit crusty sometimes lol. Haven't noticed anything major yet.

Yes pleased with scan and est weight, esp as my fundal height was 3cm bigger. But between that and the fact my blood sugars have been totally normal despite eating normally I'm gonna have a serious conversation about this GD diagnosis with the consultant tomorrow. I just honestly think they've got it wrong!

Though he still has a big head! The biparietal diameter was above 95th percentile at 20 weeks and now it's off the chart! But she didn't make a big deal of that, so just assuming he's gonna have a fat head when he's born :lol:
lol... Feel sorry for your vag xD Although i did hear big babies are easier? x
Apparently they are, if you give birth upright then gravity gives you a hand :lol:

Very happy you got good news from the scan MissCharli and that your blood sugars are totally norm despite eating normally! Would defo have that chat with the consultant, good luck!

I hope everyone is well xx
I feel ridiculously queasy all the time which is making me miserable!

Sending lots of love to all of you and your bumps xx
Both mine have had very top of the chart heads - measuring 3-4 weeks ahead at scans although this baby seems to have correct size. Their dad has a big head so I blame him. Forceps delivery first time with tearing and episiotomy and second time natural but 2nd degree tear. Big heads aren't fun! X
P.S I have heard that smaller babies are harder to birth (don't know why though!) x
Well the head circumference is fine, it's just the biparietal diameter that's been big. I don't really know what this means!

I guess like kumber said gravity plays a massive part in the whole thing! A heavy baby is gonna push his way down a lot easier i assume!

Thanks H4R :) sorry you're not feeling well :( hope you feel better soon x

Wow, i just saw your ticker H4R, only 9 weeks left! :shock:

Ooo youve made me excited for my scan! At my 20 weeks scan, babys belly was measuring 2 weeks ahead and was of the scale, her head was under what it should be. Hoping her head stays small no tearing pahaa.
Do you have any idea what you want to put for your birth plan yet? x
I never write one PB. I was of the opinion with my first that I had no idea what I would feel in terms of pain and there was no point planning for something I couldn't imagine. But I thjnk that wouldn't have been the case if I was absolutely dead against any particular drug for example whereas I was very much of the 'I'll have whatever I want if I'm in pain' thinking. It worked out great for me because my waters went with grade 3 meconium in them which meant any birth plan I would have had would have immediately gone out the window. So I did the same with my son and it's worked for me so far! X

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