August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Ah I couldn't deal with that lack of punctuality! Must be really difficult carting your other 2 along just to sit there for hours!

Just watched the most amazing thunder and lightning storm. Drove down to the seafront just to get a better view. We don't get them very often down here, like a once in 10 year thing that it's this prolonged.


The best still I could get from my video!

Love your bargains Rachel. I'm also a fan of sainsburys clothes.
Sorry to hear about appointments being so late. My midwife is always running late by the end of the clinic. Over an hour is ridiculous though!

Rose, that must be really stressful having to keep your little ones under control in the waiting room. Not good for your blood pressure!

Glad your readings have all been normal MissCharli. Must be a real pain having to do monitoring. How long do you have to do it for if it all looks normal?

I have my midwife appointment yday and no surprises I am measuring big. 31 cm at 29 weeks. She didn't seem too concerned at this stage. Are other ladies with their second or third babies measuring big?

I've been taking things easy in this heat. Getting lots of sympathy from other people. Let's hope we are not in for a heatwave summer. :(
Thought I'd post my experience with MIL.
She lives 200 miles away so after my daughter was born she came down to stay for about a week.

On the plus side she's a great cook and looked after the house and my husband. To her credit she just let me alone with the baby and didn't interfer with bonding and all that.
But it did feel like a horrible invasion of my privacy at a really 'special' time. I found establishing bf really tough and I was extremely hormonal. I cried for about 2 days straight on day 3-4. I feel angry and resentful to this day that she got to witness me falling apart.
Maybe I sound a bit ungrateful, I know she just wanted to support me. But I certainly won't be doing it again.

I'd really limit the number of visitors in the first 2 weeks. You will be exhausted and 'entertaining' friends and family just gets in the way of catching up with much needed sleep. I didn't follow this advice first time round and it is really hard not to be caught up in the new baby excitement.
But I will try harder with this baby to focus on our own needs and wellbeing.

I don't get to stop until he's born, normal or not :( well of course I can stop whenever, but you know what I mean.

Both OH and I have small families (his is even smaller than mine) so I hadn't really thought too much about visitors. But I will definitely try and spread them out a bit, OH is really good at knowing when I've had enough and has already said that he's more than happy to ask people to leave (nicely of course!) if I need.

It feels very real and very close talking about this! X

I'm now officially trimester 3! Elspeth I haven't been measured yet but have an appointment with midwife on the 5th so will be done then. If I compare my bump to photos of my little boy's bump at the same point then I think I look slightly bigger and at week 29 I was measuring 3 weeks ahead with him so I'm quite sure I will be measuring big. By the time I gave birth I was measuring 5 weeks ahead! But some of that now has got to be residual baby weight from the other two! X
Yay welcome officially :)

Just weighed myself for the first time properly since 13 weeks, and so far I've put on 12lb since the beginning! Not sure if that's good or average? I expected worse for sure.

Hope you are all having a lovely bank holiday :)

Just been shopping with my dad for baby stuff. Ended up buying a few books for us and baby! The ones for baby may be a while out yet but they were cute :)


Also got the maxi cosi easyfix base and Ewan the sheep :) Still waiting for a few bits to be delivered (travel system and nursing chair). Feels like we nearly have everything sorted now.

Managed to film him kicking last night, he was very active and when I poked him he kicked back :)
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We have the 'ten little...' books, always fun to read. The absolutely best starting books for little people to look at are the 'that's not my...' Touchy feely books where each page has a different textures bit. Mine loved looking at them from just a few months old and still look at them every day. You can get them cheap in tesco and the book people website sometimes x
Yeah I saw them in Waterstones as well... and I think I saw them with the book people at work but before I was pregnant! There hasn't been anything useful since, apart from a baby memory book which I got for £4 haha.

The owl book has little flappy felt bits on each page with an animal behind each one :) The dinosaur one is a little more advanced but I like dinosaurs, and it can just go on the shelf until needed.
Oo i wanted a baby book, is it any good?

Im officially in the third tri finally aha.
I havent felt the baby give a strong kick since yday morning, but we went to blackpool yday and was busy all day so idk if i missed kicks or if she was sleeping. Ive felt a few flutters this morning idk if i should call mau cos im still feeling flutters? I think theyll tell me not to worry cos im not 28 weeks tho? xx
Oh and i was getting bad belly pin around my middle/belly button.. growing,BH? Whos knows lol x
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I'd always call if you are worried PB. I'm sure baby will be fine and just have moved position or something but it's always best to check especially if you have had some pain x
Thanks rose. Ive just had breakfast and shes moving more now! I havent eaten properly from Sunday probably less than 3 meals over 2 days and not healthy ones! (Just not been hungry).. Maybe stopped her moving for abit, feeling less worried now. She feels really low like in my V area so idk if that will make me feel less to. Ahh these 13 weeks need to hurry up want her out aha.
Also i read online that because theres no room in there when you eat you feel nausea and be sick.. this was happening to me which may have put me off food to.

I hope everyone had a nice long weekend! Anyone do anything exciting? x
Yep, always call and check if you're worried. I think we start to feel big movements from 28 weeks, but it does no harm to double check that they're ok in there.

I don't think your tummy will be that squished up yet, that's usually towards the middle and end of third tri which is also when the heartburn kicks in. Tri 3 is a really magical time of sweat, heartburn, nausea, and sheer uncomfortableness :lol: It's the best though, because you're one step closer to meeting your little bean! It always amazes me how much we know these little people by the time we actually get to meet them.

I'm so sad, we're getting a new mattress soon and I'm so excited because I will hopefully not be so uncomfortable now :lol: My poor current mattress is absolutely destroyed after supporting my two very fat pregnancies - I've got a bump shaped dent in it :shock: :lol:

Well I definitely feel like I can't eat as much anymore PB and I've had heartburn for weeks too! Probably since 20 weeks? Idk ages :p

Glad she's moving more, it's hard to know when to be worried or not. Movements definitely feel a lot more definite at 29 weeks.

Haa love the bump dent, that's quite funny :p

Ah glad I'm not the only one. Being extra bloated/ full lol.
Think I'll give midwife a ring later on, shes still not as active as normal. I'll give it a few more hours.
Not have a brilliant day... spent 400 on car seat and base for them to be delivered and missing the base part. (From Mother care) I'm sending em back and want my money back. If I was in a better mood I'd usually be like it's fine but I feel shit so I'm more like i don't spend that much to be pissed about.
Have a huge headache and they woke me from my nap xD

Also my left boobs leashed a little :s wouldn't have noticed if i wasn't wearing white with no bra
Aww PB you don't sound yourself. I'm totally with you on being uncomfortable although to be fair I am so huge I probably am measuring more what I should be mid tri 3. I can longer eat very much, get terrible wind which fills me even more, have awful heartburn often too. I'm very sore in my upper bump as soon as I eat much and my ribs are sore all day.

I have very definite movement when baby is awake, he kicks vigorously and you can see the movements wobbling my belly but everyone is different and only you know what yours feels like so you'll know what feels wrong. Try drinking a glass of iced water then laying on your side for half an hour and just focus on baby.

Also I remember from the GTT the other week that they told us that we have to think about our babies as being hungry all the time (they don't know when it's day etc) so say you've had an evening meal at 7pm then aren't eating breakfast until 11am that means your body breaks down its glucose stores to give that to the baby for energy so baby has had 16 hours of glucose rather than food sources. That will probably leave you feeling drained and it's also better for baby not to be relying on your sugar stores so you should try to eat a bit of toast before bed and some breakfast a little earlier and see if that makes things feel a bit better. Try eating little and often to combat feeling sick or uncomfortable x
Here's my giant bump x


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Bump is looking good. I'll take a pic of mine later when I get home. I'd put up a video of him moving but not sure how to do that on the app!

Ah I haven't noticed any leaking yet, hopefully that continues!

Got my growth scan in the morning, looking forward to seeing him again but I'm worried he's gonna be too big now!

Rose83 - what a beautiful bump you have x

Misscharli - good luck for your scan tomorrow

PB - sending you hug. I hope you feel better soon. What did the midwife say? It's better to be checked out rather than worrying

Love and hugs to everyone else x



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