Totally depends on you about staying in - obviously if you have a c-section or anything major happen then they'll keep you in but if it's been straightforward and you say you want to leave they can't keep you. Personally though I'd stay as long as you can manage! I stayed 3 nights with my daughter and 2 with my son. While you are in hospital you have someone making sure you are fed and watered, provided with pain relief etc and once you get home everyone seems to forget you've just gone through something major. I couldn't even sleep in our normal bed when I got home as it was too low down and I was in agony from stitches and stuff after forceps delivery with my first.
Men do seem to forget that we need time to adjust and get used to this new position we are and getting your boobs out in front of everyone is never fun! If all else fails you can tell the midwives/ward people that you don't want visitors and they won't let them in! X
Men do seem to forget that we need time to adjust and get used to this new position we are and getting your boobs out in front of everyone is never fun! If all else fails you can tell the midwives/ward people that you don't want visitors and they won't let them in! X