August 2017 babies! The final thread!

Totally depends on you about staying in - obviously if you have a c-section or anything major happen then they'll keep you in but if it's been straightforward and you say you want to leave they can't keep you. Personally though I'd stay as long as you can manage! I stayed 3 nights with my daughter and 2 with my son. While you are in hospital you have someone making sure you are fed and watered, provided with pain relief etc and once you get home everyone seems to forget you've just gone through something major. I couldn't even sleep in our normal bed when I got home as it was too low down and I was in agony from stitches and stuff after forceps delivery with my first.

Men do seem to forget that we need time to adjust and get used to this new position we are and getting your boobs out in front of everyone is never fun! If all else fails you can tell the midwives/ward people that you don't want visitors and they won't let them in! X
Thanks. I hate being in hospitals even just visiting so wanna be out as soon as possible lol.
Me and hubby have came to an agreement, if in in there for over 1 day his parents can come for an hour :/ meh. I gave up trying to explain as it just turned into an argument. He said its our baby so i cant make all the decisions, so i was like well urm to the hospital i can and i can just tell them not to let anyone in, its out baby but your not going through it, just get the good bit at the end. He said im going to give myself PND by locking myself away from everyone. i literally just want people to wait until were home so i can spend time with my child before i have to share her for the next month with everyone visiting (we both have large families). and his mom keeps saying shes gonna steal her, and about making a nursery at their house :eh: saying we need to move back to down by them because now she cant have the baby all the time (kinda glad we moved) lol.
Sorry im just ranting about it, just feel blah about it. x
Ah annoying. Yeah my OH said pretty much the same thing, luckily I don't mind his mum or the idea of visitors atm. But like you I do kinda want it to be my decision!

Mw appt this morning was all good. He is measuring big but she wasn't concerned, the only thing she would have done was refer for a GTT if I hadn't had it already. He definitely doesn't like the Doppler though, he kept trying to bat it away and wouldn't keep still :)

Got clinic this afternoon hmm!

PB th sorts of thing your MIL has said would absolutely give me the fear. That's what my OH's sister was like, joking about stealing the baby, it's not funny and it's very daunting to a first time mum to have everyone talk about taking them away from you - that's the sort of thing that causes extreme anxiety! My brother's wife has spent the last year with the very worst level of PND. She was treated with the highest doses of medication they could give her and was spends all day every day thinking of ways to kill herself and this was with her second child. Her mother is extremely involved, although they let her she doesn't give them five minutes peace and looks after the children all the time - she was even at both of the births. So your OH's view that it would give you PND to kee yourself locked away is just absolute rubbish (no offence!) Also I have visitors when born but After that I've managed to have two healthy happy children with no PND for me despite seeing very few people that often! I know you don't want to have an argument but if it comes again maybe gently remind him that you've had that baby inside you for 9 months, it's sole protector and when they come out it's terrifying because suddenly you have a whole world to protect them from and you feel like they have no idea what's going on and are suddenly with unfamiliar people holding them when all they've known is you and it is a very odd feeling for a first time mummy x
I have to agree with Rose in all she's said there, and would add that it's not him that's just squeezed a watermelon out of a space the width of a grape so it's not really his or his mother's decision. This is your birth experience and entirely your choice in what you do with it.

Thanks I feel so much better about the whole mil stealing the baby thing, hubby said I'm just being sensitive and she's not really going to steal her, but literally everytime we go round she's on about how she's gonna take her everywhere and dress her in cute little outfits, she told me I wasn't allowed to give her a dummy (I am), not long ago she had ago at me cos I was squeezing into a seat in a corner and told me I best not hurt her :/ yeahh. Before we moved she was asking us to get a key cut for her so she could come and take the baby while I have a sleep and stuff.
I feel like she's trying to take my role being her mum. I probably am being a little over sensitive to it cos we've waited a long time for her. Always ends in an argument when I bring it up saying to hubby I'm scared she's gonna control everything when we go there or she comes here.
I'm a little concerned about getting pnd because I was on anti depressants years ago, anyone else worried about it? Xx
Well the GD clinic was completely pointless. The GD specialist midwife is on AL for the week so it was just a healthcare assistant showing us the meters and a dietician giving the most basic generic healthy eating advice. There was nothing about what GD is or how it affects me or the baby, nothing to say why this was important to follow. In fact the baby wasn't even mentioned once! They then said we could go after getting our blood reading things so we trundled off to get our notes and appt letters only to be told they wanted to take our bloods again! At this point I was a bit hot and miffed at the whole thing, and it hadn't been mentioned at all that we were having a blood test let alone what it was for so I declined it.

I have 2 appts next week now at the hosp, a scan on weds and then consultant on thurs. Couldn't even be together! Luckily OH has weds off so he can come this time :)

Just tried the blood testing for the first time (made OH do it cos I was being a wuss), and it was 5 after having an iced tea at costa 2.5 hours before and lunch 5 hours before. So i though that sounded alright.

That's shocking they only have the one diabetic midwife! There's a huge team at my hospital. I think it varies from area to area but I have to take my blood six times a day. Before bfast and an hour after, before lunch and an hour after and before dinner and an hour after. My before readings must be below 5.3 and my hour after food must be below 7.8. I hope that helps in some way?
Yeah misscharli a reading of 5 after an iced tea sounds quite good to me, I suspect they fill them with sugar like most things in there so would have thought that was a good result.

PB I'm glad you are feeling a bit better about it all but just be careful not to let things slide so that you've agreed to more than you would want to. My SIL sounds so much like your MIL - she has two grown up kids of her own and I think had forgotten how daunting it was to have a new baby that everyone wants to 'borrow'. Also she never breastfed and I did so she found it a bit bizarre that the baby couldn't be away from me for very long. During my pregnancy she kept messaging me things she thought I should buy (she still occasionally does this but with cheap toys we don't want) and in the end it was stressing me out so much to be told what I should and shouldn't be choosing for our child that my OH had to tell his mum to have a word with her and get her to back off because I was in tears as I felt like all control was being taken away. I would hate someone to say they were going to dress my child in X outfit, it's my job to dress them and no one else's. I wouldn't like it if I took them round to the family and came back to find them dressed in something else. No problem with th family wanting to buy them little things to wear every once in a while but wouldn't want them treating them like a doll to play with! X
Charli that does sound pointless! Hope your scan and consultant appointments go better!! X

I do tend to bottle things up then explode over a stupid thing, ahaha. What did your oh say to his mom about her backing off? Xx
I looked it up and the iced tea has 33g of sugar! But per 100g it was what they consider low sugar according to the dietician today! Who knows.

I know, I was surprised they only have one. I mean I live in the arse end of the south west (Plymouth) but the hospital is pretty good cos it's the only one for an hour in either direction. I did wonder what the point in the whole thing was. My mum was a lot more helpful and I'm glad she was there!

Did my bloods again after my dinner (wasn't gonna start recording until tomorrow just wanted to practise) and it was 6.8 (target 7.8). Considering I had a BBQ with 1.5 burgers (with white buns) and a piece of BBQ steak I was happy with that. Hopefully the rest are all ok tomorrow. And I recorded that cos it was low haha. I have to do it before breakfast and then an hour after each meal.

Thanks! Happy to have more scans. Love getting to see and hear baby x
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PB to be honest I don't know exactly what he said but I believe it was along the lines of asking her to remind his sister what it was like to be a first time mum and how all the decisions are exciting to you and you spend ages researching them and don't want someone else telling you what to do. He is pretty blunt so I suspect he also said to remind her that it's been 20 years since she had kids so somethings have changed! I know his mum spoke to her in some way and she totally backed off keep plaguing me with stuff! X
Glad your bloods are looking ok after food charli! Fx it stays the same until your LO is here. :)

Ahh ok. Thanks, hoping things will settle down by itself and wont need to say back off lmao. xx
So far so good today :) I honestly think the GTT was a blip.

I've lost patience with the heat now :( people at work don't seem to understand how ac works :( and baby's arse is still under my rib cage, ouch!
Hopefully it was just a blip!
Just stare at them until they feel uncomfortable and leave the ac alone aha. It killed me last night to. Imagine giving birth in this heat :| water birth sounds loads better atm aha.

Anyone else having trouble peeing? I can go but then the last little bit get trapped by the baby i assume and its just so fking annoying cos i end up peeing myself when i laugh and cough :( embarrassing muchhh. x
Hello everyone hope everyone is alright and managing alright with the heat at the moment! Its so bad that i'm actually just wanting it to cool down and then I think eee I shouldn't think that because its not often we get nice weather in the UK!

MissCharlii just turn the AC on and then hide the remote or if it doesnt have a remote tape up the plug so the cant turn it off haha!

Peanut I am having the same with peeing so end up going little and often lol

Elspeth I wish my bump looked like yours you look like you havent put any weight on at all!

I totally agree on your opinion to not want your MIL right after giving birth it is up to you! My OH said he understood that if I wanted my mam there and was only allowed 1 person in the room for like a c section. I said dont be daft! but atleast he seems understanding. We havent discussed his mum or family visiting as just going to see how it goes and it also depends when he arrives because if he comes in the first 2 weeks of August all his family are away camping in Great Yarmouth and they wont come home they have said and they will just see him when they get home.

I would be really nervous if my OH MIL kept criticising and mentioning things like what she is saying Peanut. Just think that take each day how it goes :)

I had my midwife appointment on Wednesday and I really wasnt impressed she was over 1 hour 15 minutes late! I was like seriously how!! So I got to sit in the waiting room with no AC and windows that didnt open! and 2 pregnant schoolgirls, 1 of which brought 3 friends with her. Then when she did see me she found protein in my pee so they are doing more tests. She had to take blood also and she struggled causing some major bruising! Also had my bump measured and he is measuring 1cm less that what he should be so they are going to monitor.

Oh and todays bargains have been that I got some clothes for little man today in Sainsburys as they have 25% off all clothes. I even picked some sale items up which had 50% off and then got 25% off them! So a tshirt and trouser set that was £11 I got for £4.12! And a little hat for the winter that was half price from £4 and I ended up paying £1.50 :)

I will take some pictures later
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Ha I wish it had a remote! The control is just attached to the wall and it's at the other end of the room to my desk :( I did get a bit arsy this morning!

This blood monitoring is so stressful, all of my readings have been fine but I'm totally overanalysing it and it's making me really anxious in the hour between eating and testing :(

How annoying re your appointment :( How can they expect you all to sit there in this heat? I'm lucky, most of mine have been at 9 so far (I start work at 9 and I'd rather beat rush hour traffic by not going to work :lol:). I'm not really sure how they can run so late?! Bruising is a pain, I still have one from my GTT 8 days ago. Do you know if we have anymore after the 28wk bloods?

Ahh no don't tell me there's a sale on baby clothes, he literally has more clothes than me and OH put together. It's just so so easy to buy baby clothes because they're so teeny and cute! Looking forward to seeing pics :D
She didn't say about bloods any more but my next appointment with her is at 31 weeks so in 3 weeks time.

Has anyone else experiencing numbness in top of leg it basically feels like I've been injected with numbing stuff and I can feel anything?

Oh and these are my bargains 🙂 It worked out I got £60 worth of clothes for just under £30! I even ended up buying shorts for him for next summer for when we are planning to go on holiday as they were reduced to £2.30 😂

My favourites are the boots and hat 😊


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Ah I love all of that, so cute :D

Yeah I have mine at 32 weeks cos they couldn't fit me in at 31... and I had my 28 this week at 29!
Rachel I love sainsburys clothes! I knew about the sale so was going to go then kept stopping myself because I know I'll spend a fortune on my 3. It's totally worth buying things for next year though - I do that every year for mine so I have th next sizes ready at a fraction of the price. Had to go out and buy my two those full body rash suit swim things today so they could play in the garden in the sprinkler and not get burnt.

My midwife drives me mad for running over. When I was pregnant with my second I was ten minutes late to an appointment as I was travelling from an hour away at work and they told me I couldn't be seen that day and would have to rearrange, since being pregnant this time I haven't been seen on time once and all wait times have been 30 minutes or more. She always mumbles some rubbish about someone needing more time spent and I'm sat there like 'great but I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old with me who are in trouble with the witches on reception for being toddlers that aren't silent in the waiting room and I'm bloody furious I can't tell you I won't see you because you are late!' X
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