*** APRIL 2021 testing thread ***

No idea what's going on with my cycles, probably still recovering from the miscarriage at the beginning of February, but I'm going to start testing May 3rd now so I'll go ahead and jump threads now. :wave:
@PeanutButter @Cece post pics so we can all line spot!

CeCe are you TTC for your first??

It’s so hard not to get obsessive about testing, I’m not as bad with it this time round as so busy with my 7 & 3 year old.

AF not arrived yet still just spotting, I had ima ration bleeding with my other pregnancies so will hold out slim hope until then but heading over to May board xx

No, I have a 5 years old son, we didn't want more at that time. Now for this second one, we've been trying for a year with no luck.

I just woke up and tested, it was BFN (13 DPO), not even a shadow like yesterday. Now I'm sad..... I'll head to May board too soon
No, I have a 5 years old son, we didn't want more at that time. Now for this second one, we've been trying for a year with no luck.

I just woke up and tested, it was BFN (13 DPO), not even a shadow like yesterday. Now I'm sad..... I'll head to May board too soon
Welcome, sorry to hear that. Fingers crossed for next cycle for you x
Hi @PeanutButter and fx for you!!
Thanks Kholl x

Here's a test with just a random pee during the day (new tests came so thought why not lol) line came up nearly straight away. Had to crop the down a lot so can't see as well as. Negative imagine to so something there eekk.

IMG_20210426_131404.jpg IMG_20210426_131418.jpg
Hey ladies sorry I’ve not been on here, my period came wayyy before my testing date so not my month this time :-( onto next month… congratulations to the bfps xxxx

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