*** APRIL 2021 testing thread ***

Glad to see you back @RainbowMama. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!

@WaterLilly sorry to hear covid has disrupted your plans too, it really does have a lot to answer for doesn't it!

I think AF has disappeared today, cd5 so thinking about what opks to try this cycle. Does everyone recommend easy@home? One steps were rubbish, home bargains seemed to work well but it's easier to get a bulk load ordered online.
Glad to see you back @RainbowMama. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!

@WaterLilly sorry to hear covid has disrupted your plans too, it really does have a lot to answer for doesn't it!

I think AF has disappeared today, cd5 so thinking about what opks to try this cycle. Does everyone recommend easy@home? One steps were rubbish, home bargains seemed to work well but it's easier to get a bulk load ordered online.
I use the Poundland ones they are ace :)
Ladies I'm concerned. Let me start with saying I got a new phone a few weeks ago and lost the tracking app I had been using since last June so I don't have good data, just an overview and a feeling.

The last couple cycles AF has been 4 days, 1 heavy day, then it quickly tapers off to medium, light, and spotting. Before my MC it was always 5 days, at least 2 days of heavy. Also the luteal phase the last couple cycles has been 9 days where it used to always be 13. I know under 11 can be cause for concern. If it had gone from 9 to 10 or something I'd hope it's just my body slowly adjusting after the loss but it's being very consistent (both a blessing and a curse at this point).

Any advice? Also going to start OPTs tomorrow as I'm on my last day of AF.
Hi ladies,

not much to report from my side my husband has come down with man flu and he’s off work, I’m CD11 so fertile days start tomorrow but zero chance of getting any BD in.

I wonder whether I should save my CB OPKs for next month to save wasting them? To be fair to him he is really suffering with it and off work.

Kind of resigned myself to just focusing on next month xx
Oh no, hope he perks up alittle by peak/ovulation day xx
Feeling really rubbish today. I think realistically this is going to be the last cycle we can ttc this year. Our wedding was supposed to be this June so we'd have been able to continue, but now we've postponed until next June and as the wedding is abroad we can't take a newborn or be heavily pregnant. If we're successful this month then I'd be due in January and I can't really push it more than that. We'll probably be able to start again in January as I'd be 4/5 months for the wedding so that means 8 months off! Starting to wish we hadn't started ttc but I suppose we weren't to know things wouldn't go ahead this year :-(. All I can think is that our youngest is 7 in September and the gap is getting bigger and bigger!
Aww hope you're ok. TTC is so hard, both mentally and physically :(

You never know...it may still happen this cycle for you:pray:
I've decided to return to PF, so you can now add me to the list. :)

I'll be testing 19th April. Good luck to everyone who is in this chat. I've got my peak OPK today. Fingers crossed for more pink lines in 2 weeks time. This is my second cycle after a 6 week loss and whilst ovulation is later than it usually is (pre-miscarriage), I'm just glad to finally get my peak. This is our 35th cycle.

Anyone else just ovulated, or about to? Would love some 2ww buddies!

@flowerbomb, I completely sympathise with you about your troubles this cycle and I'm here if you need to talk, always. I still think you're in with a shot because you BD 3 days before O and we all know that the little swimmers can last up to 5-7 days. <3

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Yay welcome back!!!!!! <3
Wooooo for your peak, now the TWW commences x
Glad to see you back @RainbowMama. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!

@WaterLilly sorry to hear covid has disrupted your plans too, it really does have a lot to answer for doesn't it!

I think AF has disappeared today, cd5 so thinking about what opks to try this cycle. Does everyone recommend easy@home? One steps were rubbish, home bargains seemed to work well but it's easier to get a bulk load ordered online.
I like easy@home tests. I've used one steps and they're rubbish.
I've used clear blue 2 day digitals too but they miss my surge because it comes quick. At least with cheapies you can test as many times as you want a day x
@Clarkecharm have everything crossed for you!! Upload a pic as we’re all desperate to line spot!!

Welcome back to @RainbowMama hopefully won’t be long before tour BFP.

Managed to persuade my hubby to BD last night so at least might be in with a chance but not going to start OPKs as too close to O date so not sure they would be accurate. Will try and get another BD in tomorrow night xx
Glad to see you back @RainbowMama. Fingers crossed for you this cycle!

I think AF has disappeared today, cd5 so thinking about what opks to try this cycle. Does everyone recommend easy@home? One steps were rubbish, home bargains seemed to work well but it's easier to get a bulk load ordered online.

Thank you! <3 Yay for AF disappearing. I think I'll refrain from making my OPK recommendations as you're not allowed to recommend anything on this site, or you'll get reported for spam! Haha :D I really hope you get your :bfp: this cycle. x

Ladies I'm concerned. Let me start with saying I got a new phone a few weeks ago and lost the tracking app I had been using since last June so I don't have good data, just an overview and a feeling.

The last couple cycles AF has been 4 days, 1 heavy day, then it quickly tapers off to medium, light, and spotting. Before my MC it was always 5 days, at least 2 days of heavy. Also the luteal phase the last couple cycles has been 9 days where it used to always be 13. I know under 11 can be cause for concern. If it had gone from 9 to 10 or something I'd hope it's just my body slowly adjusting after the loss but it's being very consistent (both a blessing and a curse at this point).

Any advice? Also going to start OPTs tomorrow as I'm on my last day of AF.

Losing all that data I can imagine is frustrating. Can you not copy the data over?
I'd give it a few more cycles to hopefully return to normal (LP speaking) and then see a doctor. Maca Root always gave me a few more days in my LP as mine is only ever usually 10-11 days. This is my second cycle post miscarriage and my cycle is still not back to normal.

The predictor that I am using says my ovulation is today but I am almost positive that it happened yesterday. So we can be TWW buddies! haha. When are you hoping to test? I was planning on the 20th but I would imagine I would cave before then. lol

Ohh - yay! I'm going to be testing 19th I think, I should be 10DPO. Today is my ovulation day (supposedly) and tomorrow I should be 1DPO. Yay, a 2ww buddy. We can obsess over our symptoms together! <3

@Clarkecharm, Hoping this is it for you - looking forward to photos! <3

@Summertime, thank you! You too - it has to be our :bfp: cycle for sure! <3
Hey ladies. I didn’t bother taking a pic this morning but I’ll be testing again tomorrow. Hopefully will get a pic :) xxx
Losing all that data I can imagine is frustrating. Can you not copy the data over?
I'd give it a few more cycles to hopefully return to normal (LP speaking) and then see a doctor. Maca Root always gave me a few more days in my LP as mine is only ever usually 10-11 days. This is my second cycle post miscarriage and my cycle is still not back to normal.

I thought it had saved under my email but when I logged on with my new phone it didn't have any of my previous data, even after I logged in. Thankfully premom did save my info though.

I'll give it a couple months and see what happens, thank you!
I thought it had saved under my email but when I logged on with my new phone it didn't have any of my previous data, even after I logged in. Thankfully premom did save my info though.

I'll give it a couple months and see what happens, thank you!

Do you still have your old phone to either export the data or copy it entirely onto the new one? More than welcome.

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