I had my sweep yesterday and sorry this is a bit TMI but my midwife couldn't do it easily because I'm so bunged up (been like this all through pregnancy) she couldn't reach to my cervix without hurting me.. She said she would recommend stopping but I just told her to carry on with it..
Anyway I'm just letting u ladies know because she told me this is the reason why everything is slowed down, babies head dropping further, going into labour etc.. So if any of u ladies are in the same situation as me I would recommend getting some laxitives of some sort.. I went straight to the chemist after she told me that to buy some and since going to the toilet the pressure of baby's head now is unbelievable.. She's definatley dropped more.. But anybody who doesn't have a problem going, just make sure u do before your sweep coz it does make it painful as they struggle to reach..
Hope all these babies come out soon lol...x