Anyone else testing in January?

Definitely a positive line and looks more obvious than yesterdays. Dont forget your hormones wouldnt of increased that much since last night. I always find i get better lines pm than 1st morning urine.
The best cheaper test that i have had a more obvious line on in the past are the accu news 2 pack from home bargains 99p.
Oh I really don't know. I've looked at last nights test and the line is so thin. This line is hard on this mornings is hard to see. X
I've no tests left in the house. I've got a frer expected to arrive mid week. HPT cost a fortune. X
Oh no i bet thats going to drive you mad having to wait until mid week. I just tend to use the cheap tests then its not such an expense when your using multiple tests.
Im trying to post my test i took this morning but it keeps saying the file is too large
Oh no i bet thats going to drive you mad having to wait until mid week. I just tend to use the cheap tests then its not such an expense when your using multiple tests.
I've got some cheap one step sticks coming too. I dont think they're due to arrive till Thursday x
I figured it out just cropped the picture so it was smaller and it let me add it then
Thanks. There is defo a line on the inverted picture, i think you have got an early positive, but in 2-3 days it will go alot more visible x
I dont know....I think I'm going crazy now trying to find a line. Ill wait a few days and test again.
Your line is very clear :D
I dont think your going crazy because everyone else can see it too and it will be more visible to you because its never as obvious on a photo.
I’m abit like what have i done about mine, i have 4 already people are going to think im crazy.
I dont think your going crazy because everyone else can see it too and it will be more visible to you because its never as obvious on a photo.
I’m abit like what have i done about mine, i have 4 already people are going to think im crazy.
I keep looking at the test, its sooooo faint that's why I'm thinking it's an indent.
Haha, you'll have a full house. What have you got already (boys/girls) x
I really dont think you would of had such an obvious indent twice.
yes i always rushed off my feet haha, i have 3 boys and 1 girl x

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