I've got some cheap one step sticks coming too. I dont think they're due to arrive till Thursday xOh no i bet thats going to drive you mad having to wait until mid week. I just tend to use the cheap tests then its not such an expense when your using multiple tests.
Oh I hate it when it says its too large. I inverted my pic but it won't allow me to upload that either. XIm trying to post my test i took this morning but it keeps saying the file is too large
I can deffo see a line. Congratulations xx
I keep looking at the test, its sooooo faint that's why I'm thinking it's an indent.I dont think your going crazy because everyone else can see it too and it will be more visible to you because its never as obvious on a photo.
I’m abit like what have i done about mine, i have 4 already people are going to think im crazy.
Aww thats lovely that you've got both boys and girls. XI really dont think you would of had such an obvious indent twice.
yes i always rushed off my feet haha, i have 3 boys and 1 girl x