Anyone, 3,4,5,6 DPO at the mo?

thanks girls! Like many of you, I too have not told anyone abt TTC - just me and OH. It really helps a lot to have so much support around here! three cheers to PF!!

ceebee - always glad to have cycle buddies!! Fx for us Feb gals! when do you generally OV in your cycle? I usually do arnd 14CD, but got to see how things resolve after this CP.

sareiah29 - In my opinion, rising temps is really the most reliable symptom! Dont let those BFNs lower your confidence... you are doing great! Fx for your BFP!
thanks girls! Like many of you, I too have not told anyone abt TTC - just me and OH. It really helps a lot to have so much support around here! three cheers to PF!!

ceebee - always glad to have cycle buddies!! Fx for us Feb gals! when do you generally OV in your cycle? I usually do arnd 14CD, but got to see how things resolve after this CP.

sareiah29 - In my opinion, rising temps is really the most reliable symptom! Dont let those BFNs lower your confidence... you are doing great! Fx for your BFP!

vid - Yay cycle buddy :) I've only been charting for a month but seem to ov between day 11 -13 as far as I can tell... sorry again about your cp - I would find that hard to deal with... Def keeping fx for February :) xxx

Sareiah - sounds REALLY promising :) :) Will be keeping an eye out for you and my fx xxx
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Thank you Vid and ceebee. I hope it is promising. I have also had some cramping over last few days but no other obvious symptoms, so not feeling too positive. Like Lara, I am frustrated with the BFN's ... Only time will tell! Good luck to all in same position! X
Ah hmmm the dreaded temp dip ...
From being triphasic and at 36.9 and even a 37.0 for 4 days I am only 36.7 today. Makes chart look pants!
I have always thought this to be the most reliable evidence so I am therefore predicting a further drop into tomorrow and then aF
My Obgyn spoke to me last night and offered bloods today but I will probably not go now the temp drop has happened. I don't like hanging on with false hope. A temp drop is a temp drop.
I'm 14/15dpo today so I think I can be pretty sure that if a BFP was coming it would be here!!
Had some mild AF style cramping in the night but nothing but watery cm this morning.
Oh and two more friends on my chin and jaw line.

Vid- somehow once you know it's a bit easier I find. It's the constant BFNs that get me.

Hope the others girlies can get another BFP out of this thread !!!

Ceebee!! Yikes it looks like clomid for me in just a couple of days time once AF shows up

X x x
Lara I hope your temps don't drop again tomorrow, you have some really + symptoms! on the same notemy boobs hurts right until the moment I got af & then as if by magic the pain just went!

I still have everythIng crossed for u until I see you post the :witch: has arrived!! Xx
Lara, I hope the drop in temp is an implantation dip and hope it goes up tomorrow again! For me, temp drop was accompanied by a gradual phasing out of the symptoms. Fx it doesn't happen to you! I completely agree - its being in the unknown that bothers us so much. Once you know (which probably you will know tomorrow for sure - based on temps), our minds just accept it and handle it better... :hugs:
thanks girls! Like many of you, I too have not told anyone abt TTC - just me and OH. It really helps a lot to have so much support around here! three cheers to PF!!

ceebee - always glad to have cycle buddies!! Fx for us Feb gals! when do you generally OV in your cycle? I usually do arnd 14CD, but got to see how things resolve after this CP.

sareiah29 - In my opinion, rising temps is really the most reliable symptom! Dont let those BFNs lower your confidence... you are doing great! Fx for your BFP!

vid - Yay cycle buddy :) I've only been charting for a month but seem to ov between day 11 -13 as far as I can tell... sorry again about your cp - I would find that hard to deal with... Def keeping fx for February :) xxx

Thanks ceebee! It is now getting a little harder - especially due to the ultra-heavy flow and cramping I am experiencing today :( It is slightly scary!

11-13 is quite close to mine! Fx for Feb!! Do you plan to SMEP? Last month as my temps were a little crazy, we just did it every day for almost a week and looks like we successfully conceived. So probably we might do the same thing this month too.
Lara, I hope the drop in temp is an implantation dip and hope it goes up tomorrow again! For me, temp drop was accompanied by a gradual phasing out of the symptoms. Fx it doesn't happen to you! I completely agree - its being in the unknown that bothers us so much. Once you know (which probably you will know tomorrow for sure - based on temps), our minds just accept it and handle it better... :hugs:

Think Im a bit too late for an implantation dip hun, if I calculated ovulation right then I am 14/15dpo for sure. I would imagine the temp will drop more tomorrow and then AF.

I think this was just a nasty post m/c cycle. Its the veins that have spooked me out though, AND the nosebleeds. Must have been kicking out some progesterone. Shame there wasnt a little bean there cos it would have loved all that progesterone!! :o( x

oooh feels like AF might be here - gonna check :shock: xx x
Ooooh that for the figures Ceebee. I think it would be a miracle if I turned out to be preggo now, unless, and this is the worst outcome - that this a chemical, and a faint dwindling line appears.
Will update on AF as is appears, wondering if I could have miscalculated ovulation, but dont like to go back on my initial findings just cos it suits!!! x
Temp dropped this morning and just now the dreaded AF arrived :(. I am out. Who's joining me for a Feb BFP? X

P.S. Hope your news is soon good Lara
oh sareiah - I am just waiting for AF too. Such a downer.

Can I ask what your temp dropped from and to today? x
Thats a similar story to me. Yesterday morning I was 37.00 and this morning I was 36.7

Way too much of a drop even though its still above the cover line.

For me though, I think this means a bleed tomorrow as today breasts still very very tender and all I am getting is creamy or wet cm. Great :o/

x x
I had watery/cloudy CM all the way through 2WW. Still have it. Was obviously a lot less than ovulation, but some days it even made it onto my pants.

so fingers crossed? x

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