Ah, really sorry Vid

that's rubbish to almost see that BFP and then get the witch... I'm af-ing at the mo too, so will be with you next month for our Feb BFPs! (lets be positive eh?!)
Lara - sorry for you too honey that you're getting all those symptoms and BFNs - must be very stressful and upsetting for you. Don't know if you've seen this before, but someone posted it a while back and I thought it was pretty good - shows how hcg levels can differ from person to person, so don't give up hope:
from conception from LMP (mIU/ML or IU/L)
7 days----------- 3 weeks----------0 to 5
14 days---------- 28 days---------- 3 to 426
21 days---------- 35 days---------- 18 to 7,340
28 days---------- 42 days---------- 1080 to 56,500
35 - 42 days---- 49 - 56 days---- 7,650 to 229,000
43 - 64 days---- 57 - 78 days---- 25,700 to 288,000
57 - 78 days---- 79 - 100 days--- 13,300 to 253,000
17 - 24 weeks-- 2nd trimester--- 4060 to 65,400
25 wks to term- 3rd trimester---- 3640 to 117,000
Could be that yours are just slow to show.... Thinking of you anyway and hoping for your BFP xxx